Bounty Hunting Combat Fighter

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I would still like to hear what it is like to use a touchscreen and stick. Tapping where you want to shoot, when you want to shoot, sounds very intuitive and powerful to me. I think for turrets or gimbals on sluggish ships like the Vanguard, maybe perfect.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I would still like to hear what it is like to use a touchscreen and stick. Tapping where you want to shoot, when you want to shoot, sounds very intuitive and powerful to me. I think for turrets or gimbals on sluggish ships like the Vanguard, maybe perfect.
I think that mouse is more precise than touchscreen, so touchscreen and stick should feel like HOSAM
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Jun 27, 2016
RSI Handle
sheesh, the Kilrathi have been using hand waves to fly and target since 2012.
They started waving their hands when they talked even back before our earth cooled.
There was a point when technology for them had advanced long enough that this was often heard:
"We don't need no stinkin' mouse and keyboard"
Commander, we need to find them and steal their technology or find a way to get beer back out of a keyboard.


Space Marshal
Aug 28, 2015
RSI Handle
sheesh, the Kilrathi have been using hand waves to fly and target since 2012.
They started waving their hands when they talked even back before our earth cooled.
There was a point when technology for them had advanced long enough that this was often heard:
"We don't need no stinkin' mouse and keyboard"
Commander, we need to find them and steal their technology or find a way to get beer back out of a keyboard.
We have the technology:


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Today I finally entered PU to TEST my 2 newly flight ready ships. The Herald exploded for an unknown reason while passing the ICC station (probably it wasn't passing :laughing:)
Because I had to wait 5 minutes for the new Herald, I took the 85X for a ride. Pirate Sabres where the easiest targets to kill, the Pirate Auroras were not easy to target because they just are too damn slow, I actually had to use my throttle to kill them. Pirate 350Rs where moderate targets because their flight characteristics are way different from the 85X characteristics, the 350R if a flying bullet, fast but not agile, while the 85X is fast and agile. The hardest target for the 85X are the Gladius.... wait, there also was a Cutlass, the Cutlass needed more beating than the Gladius, but on the other hand, the Cutlass couldn't shoot back :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
If there will come an S2 variant of the Longsword / Broadsword, then the M50 can be even more effective as the 85X. I like great manoeuvrability at the cost of good aim, so I really need fast firing guns/cannons which don't overheat too fast. 4 Longswords and a very small cross section rock!!!!

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I took the 85X for a ride.
What is the scan range like? Is there any indication whether that bird will be able to wear Void Armor?

I am still thinking about a forward spotter to paint targets for the Polaris to splatter with those nasty missiles and torps. It comes with the S1 Starheart reactor that puts out 1100 power. I am curious if you think cutting that power down to 800 would leave the guns ready to go, since they're ballistic? Seems to me the smaller reactor should just affect power available to the shields, which may be down in paint protocols anyway. How is available power? If one could put a Vanduul Cleaver powerplant in it, the EM pool would drop but the IR would go to 1/10 what it is, making it really friggin' hard to spot for a whole class of sensors, and it would have a tiny RCS if it had Void Armor.

My guess is you could fit at least 2 and maybe 3 of them in the Polaris bay?


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
We don't need advanced techniques, We will destroy enemy capital ships by dive bombing thousands of auroras.
Hahahaha, you still need good evasive skills, otherwise the thousands of Auroras will be crashing into each other before hitting the enemy cap ships, that is called advanced swarm technique.
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Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I am still thinking about a forward spotter to paint targets for the Polaris to splatter with those nasty missiles and torps.
That would be the Terrapins job.

It comes with the S1 Starheart reactor that puts out 1100 power. I am curious if you think cutting that power down to 800 would leave the guns ready to go, since they're ballistic? Seems to me the smaller reactor should just affect power available to the shields, which may be down in paint protocols anyway. How is available power? If one could put a Vanduul Cleaver powerplant in it, the EM pool would drop but the IR would go to 1/10 what it is, making it really friggin' hard to spot for a whole class of sensors, and it would have a tiny RCS if it had Void Armor.
The Longsword ballistics are fine, but it still needs coolers, so don't forget power for the coolers. But, if it doesn't has to shoot, it doesn't need any power for coolers, if it doesn't has to shoot, then it doesn't need to defend itself, why would you need shields? Without shields it needs even less power, it only needs power to run away when detected. When you are looking for a ship that can run away fast, then you are looking for the 350R or the M50. The 350R is the fastest ship in the verse, 2nd by the M50. In that case I would choose the M50 because it is very small. I don't know how fast the Razor is.
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Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I tested the impact of main thruster, manoeuvring thrusters, boost and guns on IR with a F7C

IR idle = 92
IR guns = 174 3x Panthers, 58 / Panther
IR turn = 10
IR strafe = 70
IR throttle = 80
IR boost = 440

IR max = 776

The best way to get a IR lock is to use boost or afterburner. If you use flares, then don't use boost or afterburner, otherwise you will get a new lock. Strafe and turn is a good way to evade IR missiles, depending on their incoming direction

guns - idle = IR guns
266 - 92 = 174

turn - idle = IR turn
102 - 92 = 10

strafe, throttle and boost only produce IR when changing direction / speed. To get a good view of the IR produced I always must also apply turn when using strafe and/or throttle and or boost
(turn + strafe) - idle = IR strafe
162 - 92 = 70
(turn + throttle) - idle = IR throttle
172 - 92 = 80
(turn + strafe + throttle) - idle = IR strafe + throttle
172 - 92 = 80

(turn + strafe + boost) - idle = IR strafe + boost
(strafe + boost) - strafe = IR boost
602 - 92 = 510
510 - 70 = 440

(turn + throttle + boost) - idle = IR strafe + boost
(throttle + boost) - throttle = IR boost
612 - 92 = 520
520 - 80 = 440

(turn + strafe) + guns - idle = IR strafe + guns
(strafe + guns) - strafe = IR guns
336 - 92 = 244
244 - 70 = 174

turn + strafe + guns + boost + idle = max IR
70 + 174 + 440 + 92 = 776



Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Retaliator torpedoes are a 100% kill on Super Hornets and slower small ships, Buccaneers can outrun the torpedoes. They can't be evaded unless you can jump out before they hit or unless you can use big space objects as cover. Stock Retaliator torpedoes are the TALON ARGOS IX S9 missiles with cross section lock, speed 206 m/s, physical damage 10.022, 122 meter explosion radius, 36 seconds lifetime.

Saturday I met a Retaliator at 2nd ICC mission who used my SH for target practice and shot a torp at me. Evading didn't help a lot. After getting killed once, I returned to get killed a 2nd time. I asked a few experienced pilots how to handle Retaliator torps. The answer was simple: Retaliator torps have a 100% hit chance, unless you are able to jump out fast enough or smartly use big objects like space stations or asteroids. In open space you will be a sitting duck.
Sunday I met the same guy during CFN and again he launched a torp at me. I ordered my team to jump out and stayed myself because the torp already was at me.
This time I didn't used a corkscrew to evade the torp but instead I engaged the torp, keeping it at my left-front side visual, strafing to the right. After it passed me on the left side, I turned into the torp again and repeated the same procedure. I didn't count how often I had to repeat this, but eventually the torp was out of fuel.

I definitely need to team up with somebody to TEST how to evade missiles. Usually I don't pay special attention to missiles and take the missile if I don't outmanoeuvre it during dogfight, but the S5 and S9 missiles are too strong to ignore them.


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2015
RSI Handle
Retaliator torpedoes are a 100% kill on Super Hornets and slower small ships, Buccaneers can outrun the torpedoes. They can't be evaded unless you can jump out before they hit or unless you can use big space objects as cover. Stock Retaliator torpedoes are the TALON ARGOS IX S9 missiles with cross section lock, speed 206 m/s, physical damage 10.022, 122 meter explosion radius, 36 seconds lifetime.


I definitely need to team up with somebody to TEST how to evade missiles. Usually I don't pay special attention to missiles and take the missile if I don't outmanoeuvre it during dogfight, but the S5 and S9 missiles are too strong to ignore them.
Promising information for An Eclipse Pilot :P
Are they 100% hit due to the tali itself, or is it a weapon based thing?


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Promising information for An Eclipse Pilot :P
Are they 100% hit due to the tali itself, or is it a weapon based thing?
It is a weapon based thing. Normal IR or EM missiles can be evaded with counter measurements, CS missiles need to be outmanoeuvred, but normal evasion actions didn't help against the S9 torps. Maybe heavier missiles have a better hit chance, I never TESTed it. The payload of one S9 torp is enough to blast you into oblivion, even worse, the S9 torps have a 40km locking range. Effective evasion is vital.


Space Marshal
Oct 20, 2014
RSI Handle
Retaliator torpedoes are a 100% kill on Super Hornets and slower small ships, Buccaneers can outrun the torpedoes. They can't be evaded unless you can jump out before they hit or unless you can use big space objects as cover. Stock Retaliator torpedoes are the TALON ARGOS IX S9 missiles with cross section lock, speed 206 m/s, physical damage 10.022, 122 meter explosion radius, 36 seconds lifetime.

Saturday I met a Retaliator at 2nd ICC mission who used my SH for target practice and shot a torp at me. Evading didn't help a lot. After getting killed once, I returned to get killed a 2nd time. I asked a few experienced pilots how to handle Retaliator torps. The answer was simple: Retaliator torps have a 100% hit chance, unless you are able to jump out fast enough or smartly use big objects like space stations or asteroids. In open space you will be a sitting duck.
Sunday I met the same guy during CFN and again he launched a torp at me. I ordered my team to jump out and stayed myself because the torp already was at me.
This time I didn't used a corkscrew to evade the torp but instead I engaged the torp, keeping it at my left-front side visual, strafing to the right. After it passed me on the left side, I turned into the torp again and repeated the same procedure. I didn't count how often I had to repeat this, but eventually the torp was out of fuel.

I definitely need to team up with somebody to TEST how to evade missiles. Usually I don't pay special attention to missiles and take the missile if I don't outmanoeuvre it during dogfight, but the S5 and S9 missiles are too strong to ignore them.

Interesting aside to this, I took my tali out a little while back, no turret gunners, just me and my torps, i got through loads of enemies in ICC and comm array missions just by blowing them to piss with torps. Was incredibly effective


Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2015
RSI Handle
It is a weapon based thing. Normal IR or EM missiles can be evaded with counter measurements, CS missiles need to be outmanoeuvred, but normal evasion actions didn't help against the S9 torps. Maybe heavier missiles have a better hit chance, I never TESTed it. The payload of one S9 torp is enough to blast you into oblivion, even worse, the S9 torps have a 40km locking range. Effective evasion is vital.
Interesting to see if any ECM systems might have an effect here. They definitely sound like the perfect tool to stop a convoy in its tracks if not.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Maybe heavier missiles have a better hit chance, I never TESTed it.
CIG has said in the past that the larger the missile the slower it is and the easier to evade, but the harder to fool with counter measures. So indeed you did exactly what they suggest against the larger missiles and torps, continue flying like a rabid weasel.

I'm guessing you will be able to target them and shoot the torpedos at some point?
My question as well. I would love to hear how a Sabre with 4 Pyros fairs in shooting the super-missiles down. My guess is in the PU, you would never launch an S9 at a fighter because of the expense. Also note missiles and torps actually have a tracking angle, and if the angle is 360*, it will circle and continue to try to hit you until it runs out of go juice. Not all missiles can do that. Some will break lock if they get outside their tracking angle.
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