Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - reports from around the world from today Thursday 20th of August:

- US: Average cases number for the last week at 47,300 down from the peak on the week of 22nd July at 67,317. This has by some been put down to measures being put back in place and face coverings being encouraged, however some others point to a fall in testing also as a possible cause. All eyes will be turning to the number of deaths over average figures to see if the pathogen has passed or if the ostriches head has hit the sand early.

- UK: Number of people testing positive in England week-on-week rises by 27%, Scotland sees highest new case rate since for neatly 3 months at 77, and Northern Ireland strengthens lockdown restrictions as cases once again climb.

- Europe: Germany logs highest infection rate since April as Spain, Italy and France also see steep, steady climbing cases.

- World: AirBnB bans parties and events at all of their rental properties across the globe.

- UK: Politician claims UK Governments initial strategy for COVID-19 was Hurd Immunity. Government denies this. For more on this, read my early posts in this thread because of course it bloody was. :-D

- India: New record single day of new cases, at 69,652.

- Brazil: President Bolsonaros Veto on laws coming in to make wearing masks mandatory in businesses and other areas, are overturned by government.

- UK: Anyone considering leaving the country should be prepared to a 14 day quarantine on their return, citizens told, as more countries added to the UK quarantine travel list.

- South Korea: Restrictions tightened as cluster of cases linked to a church means virus is "Back in full swing".


Space Marshal
Apr 5, 2017
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Not a bad policy and the double quarantine would help. But could you imagine a whole city population attempting to achieve how do you know those along the food supply chain are not infected? When one goes down to the number of direct and indirect interactions everyone experiences daily its amazing we don't get sick more often.
All of the food given to them in the quarenteen is sanitized, placed in a plastic bag(at least the container not the food itself), and delivered by someone wearing a full tyvek suit.

as for a whole population doing it yeah its most likely not going to happen because people are well.... people........ Solution for that? rubber bullets and solitary confinement lol. Military walks streets if they catch you you get shot and put in solitary easy day. Rinse and repeat for a month maybe 2 and you will definately see numbers drop drastically. people are not going to follow the rules because they think they know better or they are idiots.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Friday 21st of August:

- UK: Government does it again, adding Croatia, Austria and Trinidad and Tobago to the list of countries on the Quarantine List, announcing it at Retard O'Clock on Thursday evening with a deadline to return by 4am Saturday or have a quarantine order putting you on house arrest for 14 days. Similar to last week with France, tens of thousands of holiday makers cut trips short in rush to return to Blighty.

- Kenya: Anti-Corruption protesters tear-gassed, their actions spurned on by the countries handling of the pandemic crisis and alleged misuses of the money allocated to battling the virus.

- UK: Eviction ban to be extended.

- Germany: Only two weeks after reopening schools, virus infections have been reported in 40 schools in the city of Berlin.

- World: World Health Organization hopeful pandemic can be over in two years based on previous pandemic of 1918 and that we have 22.81 million confirmed cases to this point.

- UK: Government debt has exceeded £2 trillion for the first time following COVID measures.

- Mexico: World Health Organization states the pandemic in the country is under recognized as testing remains limited.

- World: South Korea, Poland and Slovakia see highest single day rise in cases so far as other European countries continue to see sustained steady rises.

- Lebanon: Patrial Lockdown introduced following on from rise in cases and the destroyed medical infrastructure and resources caused by the huge explosion in Beriuit port,

- UK: R rate (transmission rate) rises to between 0.9 and 1.1.


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
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There is another crisis that is developing, but nobody is talking about. It is a crisis that has formed as a direct result of this pandemic and it has me seriously worried. That concern, is for the fate of the high five.

I know. It's been unpopular for a while now, even before this whole situation. It's all but extinct now though. It was already endangered, but now I truly feel this may be the end of the road for the once obligatory act of congratulations, comradery, and excitement. It lies just a breath away from becoming some crazy story grandpa tells of when we used to hit hands with each other as a gesture of goodwill and commendation.

What's the world coming to if we simply sit idly by and accept the loss of this amazing act? Can we afford to allow the high five to simply fade into history? I say no. Keep the high five alive in our hearts and minds. Keep it safe until the time comes when we can once again slap the hands of strangers and friends alike in joyous exuberance. Save the high five!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Saturday 22nd of August:

- World: Global death toll passes 800k as confirmed cases stands at 23,026,230.

- US: President Trump tweets (of course) accusations that the FDA is committing a "Deep State or whoever" maneuver to delay two COVID vaccines until after the November election, but cites no proof.

- World: WHO advise children 12 and over should be wearing masks as it is found kids over the age of 11 have just as high a chance of contracting COVID as adults do and evidence suggests that teens are able to pass on COVID in the same manner as adults do.

- India: Conducts 1 million tests in a single day.

- World: Case levels continue to climb in all the places previously mentioned in the last few days in Catharsis Corner, UK, Parts of Europe, India, Middle East etc.

- China: Announces it has been administering an experimental vaccine to frontline workers. No vaccine at this point has completed and passed large scale trials.

- UK: Eminent scientist says COVID will be around in some form or another forever, and is not a condition that can be wiped out by vaccination like smallpox, only managed.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Sunday 23rd of August:

- US: Financial Times reports Trump Administration considering fast tracking experimental Oxford University vaccine for emergency use in October to have it released before November election.

- Isle Of Man: Three people jailed for breaking lockdown quarantine rules where travelers returning to the country have to remain in their homes for 14 days. One man sentenced to one month after visiting a bank and an electronics shop, a woman to a month for going to a locksmiths on public transport, and another man sentenced to a month and a half for going to the pub twice. The maximum penalty is £10,000 fine or 3 months in prison. This Island has had no new cases since the end of May.

- US: Police in Massachusetts hunt for a supermarket shopper who approached several customers, took items out of their hands, hugged them and then said "this is a COVID hug, you now have COVID." one of the people they did this to was a cancer survivor with a compromised immune system which although not reported one assumes could lead to charges of attempted manslaughter or manslaughter if that person then dies from the pathogen.

- Scotland: Aberdeen to start relaxing some but not all lockdown restrictions after cases spiked in late July and measures were put back in place. One pub/s cluster resulted in 259 confirmed cases and 1,258 contact tracings which required those people to remain quarantined.

- UK: Birmingham, Police break up over 70 parties in one night following it being added to the list of UK cities at risk of being put back in Lockdown on Friday.

- US: Politicians once again fail to come to an agreement on coronavirus aid funding levels and unemployment benefits for the population.

- France: Highest number of daily cases since the end of lockdown recorded, at 4,897.

- UK: New cases over 1000 for fourth day in a row.

- Peru: City of Lima, 13 people crushed or asphyxiated to death as illegal party at a club raided by police leads to a fatal stampede.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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That turned out a bit counter productive.
With 120 people at the event and COVIDs fatality rate of about 3%, if we assume all 120 got it and 3% of them died, it would have been 3.5 deaths.

As it is, with 13 killed, that party was 271% more fatal than COVID-19... Although there is still the potential for 3.5 of the 107 survivors to still die of COVID-19... so it could be a total of 16.5+ lives lost to one very unfortunate party.

I always thought fun was overrated.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Monday 24th of August:

- World: Global confirmed cases stand at 23,513,905 and confirmed deaths 809,999.

- UK: Following yesterdays report that Trump administration is considering emergency powers to rubber stamp use of Oxford University vaccine, manufacturing partner AstraZeneca indicates no such talks with the US government have happened with them and the vaccine is still in clinical trials.

- US: FDA uses emergency authorisation power to pass blood plasma treatment for those seriously sick with COVID-19, where they are injected with the antibody rich plasma from patients who have recovered from the virus, following criticism from the president that they have been dragging their heels in approving potential treatments. Chief scientist of the WHO points out this treatment is still under clinical trials around the world and has very little results yet reported, so as such is still unproven both in effectiveness and what side effects can be expected...

- Sweden: Country's chief epidemiologist does not expect a large second wave of infections, only local outbreaks.

- Paraguay: Population reacts with dismay as countries elites and richest citizens attend a society wedding in breach of countries strong Lockdown measures.

- Usain Bolt: Places himself in quarantine following having taken a test on Saturday. He has not yet recieved results however presenting no symptoms has isolated as a precaution.

- UK: Bailiffs (debt collectors) begin working again today in England and Wales to chase unpaid council tax, after a five month suspension of the duty with rules in place to not to shout at people not because they are to be extra understanding, but because shouting increases the rate of COVID transmission.

- Scotland: Suggestions arise school pupils will have to use face coverings after WHO advises the world children over the age of 12 are just as susceptible to catching COVID as adults are, as one Dundee school reports 22 cases related to it.

- UK: Manchester police say they "cant win" after having to disband a 10 year olds birthday party which breached public gathering rules. "If we don't deal with them, people are saying it isn't fair and when we do deal with it, people are saying it is heavy-handed."

- Hong Kong: Reports their first case of virus reinfection of a healthy man in his 30's four and a half months after his first bout. They are keen to stress that more studies need to be taken on a wider population before conclusions can be drawn.
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Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
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stage 4 lockdowns prove to be effective in getting the reproductive factor down. We’re down to about an Rt of .5 now.

Government is pushing to extend the state of emergency for another 12 months to allow them to enforce facial coverings etc.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
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- US: FDA uses emergency authorisation power to pass blood plasma treatment for those seriously sick with COVID-19, where they are injected with the antibody rich plasma from patients who have recovered from the virus, following criticism from the president that they have been dragging their heels in approving potential treatments. Chief scientist of the WHO points out this treatment is still under clinical trials around the world and has very little results yet reported, so as such is still unproven both in effectiveness and what side effects can be expected...
I think this relates to Trumps thing with right to try. He, or someone in high levels of government authorized those with a fatal illness to try whatever experimental things doctors think promising. Kinda like, well instead of waiting for approval, we have this stuff you can try. Worst that can happen is you die, and youre probably going to die without this anyways. I like the idea of doing this with COVID, but only if they really think the chance of survival is super slim. I do have faith in the judgment of most doctors, even if they disagree on things. Ive met some bad doctors, but they are one in a million in my experience. They love what they do and they only want what's best for their patients.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
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COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Tuesday 25th of August:

- World: 23,721,008 confirmed cases and 814,852 confirmed deaths.

- Netherlands/Belgium: Reports emerge single patents in the Netherlands and Belgium were found to have been reinfected with COVID-19, following yesterdays report of a person in Hong Kong being confirmed reinfected.

- Scotland: Scottish government confirms school children will require face coverings in schools, in communal areas, corridors but no classrooms where social distancing will be enforced.

- Spain: Announces the army is being drafted in to help with surge in cases, with 2000 troops to be diploid.

- Argentina: Record new high of daily cases at 8,713.

- Australia: Woman jailed for 6 months after disobeying Quarantine rules by attempting to smuggle herself in a vehicle being transported across state boarders.

- US: After one week of classes resuming, University of Alabama reports 566 cases.

- Sweden: 3,700 faulty test kits found to have returned false positives back in March.

- India: Capital city Delhi sees cases for the last week spike by a quarter to 9k, compared to the previous week which saw 7,200 as the country sees the highest number of new cases globally for the 18th day in a row.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Wednesday 26th of August:

- World: 23,979,121 confirmed cases and 821,351 confirmed deaths.

- Russia: Prepares to approve a second experimental vaccine.

- Canada: Prime Minister announces government will provide up to $2 billion Canadian dollars to ensure safe reopening and return to schools.

- US: New York museums and galleries begin to reopen.

- Ukraine: To close boarders for a month in a bid to curb virus.

- UK: Following Scotland making face masks in schools for the over 11's a requirement and England insisting it wasn't needed and Head Teachers of schools in England asking if they can do it anyway, Government U turns and says okay yes they are needed in places that have reentered local lockdown and Head Teachers can choose to make them a requirement in places that aren't in local lockdown.

- Scotland: Sees first COVID death since the 16th of July.

- Belgium: Just as country on the brink of passing 10k deaths, recount reduces the number by 121 making the current total 9,878.

- Peru: The organizer of the illegal party which saw 13 people crushed and asphyxiated to death in a stampede when police raided the venue has tested positive for Corona Virus. Postmortem testing revealed 11 of the 13 deceased also had the virus.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
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Haven't looked at the data in a while, this website has a wealth of info and data about COVID19 around the world, and in the US:

Make sure you scroll down the page to check out all the graphs!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Thursday 27th of August:

- World: 24,266,622 confirmed cases and 827,165 confirmed deaths.

- US: Delta Airlines places 240 maskless passengers on "No Fly" list which bars a person from traveling with the airline.

- UK: Another Thursday, another slew of countries including Switzerland and Jamaica added to the UK Quarantine list with only 24 hours to get back before Saturday or travelers have to serve a 14 stay home order. An improvement this time is the deadline is 3pm, not 4am.

- Scotland: Tested 17,500 school children last week, and only had 49 COVID-19 positive.

- France: R number rises to 1.4, meaning if 100 people have the virus after five generations of infection 537 people would then COVID and a total of 1632 in the transmission chain.

- World: UN declares a world education emergency as pandemic effects classes around the globe with 463 million not able to access online remote learning.

- South Korea: 441 new cases in 1 day becomes highest rise since March.

- UK: 1522 new cases in 24 hours marks highest new cases since June, curve is undeniably back on the rise.

- Scotland: Remote parts of the country seeing property sales boom as people try to escape cities and urban areas.

- Australia: Victoria sees lowest new cases since July with only 113 new cases in the last 24 hours.
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