Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Nov 3, 2014
RSI Handle
The specific reference the church is crying about is HEK 293 fetal cells from 1973:

Do the COVID-19 vaccines contain aborted fetal cells?

Answer from infectious diseases expert James Lawler, MD
No, the COVID-19 vaccines do not contain any aborted fetal cells.

However, Pfizer and Moderna did perform confirmation tests (to ensure the vaccines work) using fetal cell lines. And Johnson & Johnson uses fetal cell lines in vaccine development, confirmation and production.

But it's important to have the full context: Fetal cell lines are not the same as fetal tissue.

Fetal cell lines are cells that grow in a laboratory. They descend from cells taken from elective abortions in the 1970s and 1980s. Those individual cells from the 1970s and 1980s have since multiplied into many new cells over the past four or five decades, creating fetal cell lines. Current fetal cell lines are thousands of generations removed from the original fetal tissue. They do not contain any tissue from a fetus.

Vaccine makers may use these fetal cell lines in any of the following three stages of vaccine development:

  • Development: Identifying what works
  • Confirmation: Making sure it works
  • Production: Manufacturing the formula that works
When it comes to the COVID-19 vaccines currently approved for emergency use, neither the Pfizer nor Moderna vaccines used fetal cell lines during the development or production phases. (So, no fetal cell lines were used to manufacture the vaccine, and they are not inside the injection you receive from your doctor.) However, both companies used the fetal cell line HEK 293 in the confirmation phase to ensure the vaccines work. All HEK 293 cells are descended from tissue taken from a 1973 elective abortion that took place in the Netherlands.
Huh. Today I Learned!

Funny thing, just before this I was looking at some stats and it just makes me very sad; Only 1/2 Americans and 1/3 Canucks are actually fully vaxxed, STILL. Only 11% of the World. Which boggles my mind. Please guys, just get a damn vaccination. I had too many people die that I know, and know of, and many more who were sick as dogs with several friends who still have serious side effects, and/or spread it to their loves ones, and my loved ones and possibly killed people. Please man, just get a damn shot it doesn't hurt, it doesn't do any harm to you, and it's free, and you are really being selfish if you haven't.



Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
had too many people die that I know, and know of, and many more who were sick as dogs with several friends who still have serious side effects,
My friend who tested positive on April 20th 2020 is still experiencing Long COVID. That's 439 days so far and it's showing no signs of going, as far as we can tell this is it for the rest of their life unless a treatment is found. It's not clear if this is going to shorten their life, too. Pretty serious.

I have two young colleagues who have decided against vaccination and wish to contract the virus naturally. I point out the mutation factor risk which could mean their infection breeds a more serious variant, the lung scarring risk (they are both smokers), the long COVID risk citing my friend as an example, the risk that having had one variant does not mean immunity against all variants.

They politely accepted all risks. They know the vaccines are safe. They know the vaccines risks are much lower than the natural COVID risks. They know the long term unknown side effects of vaccines are exactly what the unknown long term side effects of catching COVID naturally are, which is that they are both unknown. They know what they want doesn't make sense. But they know what they want.

At this point I wonder would it not be quicker for anyone who wants to be naturally infected to be put in a hotel and purposely exposed to the active virus to get it all out of the way with in s safe and controlled a manner as possible?
Last edited:


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Saturday 3rd of July:

- World: 183,230,032 confirmed cases and 3,966,264 confirmed deaths.

- UK: The British Medical Association calls on government to retain some precautionary measures upon Lockdown restriction removal on the 19th of July, particularly face masks and ventilation requirements: "As case numbers continue to rise at an alarming rate due to the rapid transmission of the Delta variant and an increase in people mixing with one another, it makes no sense to remove restrictions in their entirety in just over two weeks' time. The promise was to make decisions based on data and not dates, and while we were pleased to see the government react to data in delaying the easing on 21 June last month, ministers must not now simply disregard the most recent, damning numbers by rushing into meeting their new 19 July deadline."

- UK/France: 3,000 trucks line up on UK motorways again as france closes boarder due to Delta Variant concerns (Delta is already in France but not yet dominant, is dominant in UK).

- Russia: Sees record high new daily deaths for fifth day in a row.

- Thailand: Sees record high new daily cases as concerns grow over vaccine shortages.

- Brazil: Tens of thousands attend protests against Bolsonaro administration following accusations of corruption in a vaccine deal and the supreme court approving an investigation.

- Iran: Concerns raised of facing 5th wave as the Delta variant spreads.

- Portugal: Announces plan to vaccinate 1.7 million people in 2 weeks.
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Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
They politely accepted all risks. They know the vaccines are safe. They know the vaccines risks are much lower than the natural COVID risks. They know what they want doesn't make sense. But they know what they want.
I cannot fault them. They are making their own choices as much as you or I might disagree with their choice, I feel that people should be free to make their own choices and live with the outcome of those choices. Just like you and I weighed the risks of taking the vaccine and decided it was a better option for us. As much as we might shake our heads and wonder at their idiocracy from our perspective the outcome of removing another's free agency has ALWAYS lead to atrocities.

At this point, there is no data on who shouldn't get one of the available vaccines and so they are currently available to everyone over the age of 12 and so if you are worried about a negative outcome then you should make sure you are vaccinated. Let them worry about any lingering health impact on their choices. After all, we let people smoke, drink and we attempted to deny people drugs and that has turned into a rather terrible shit show (one would think in the USA we would have learned from Prohibition that it only funds criminal elements and does not stop anyone from the activity).

At this point I wonder would it not be quicker for anyone who wants to be naturally infected to be put in a hotel and purposely exposed to the active virus to get it all out of the way with in s safe and controlled a manner as possible?
This is honestly a great idea if it wasn't once again limiting people's free agency and the legal ramifications of anyone who got hurt at one of these infection hotels. The best we can do is protect ourselves and let others choose their own fate as much as we might mourn the outcome of their choice.

. I had too many people die that I know, and know of, and many more who were sick as dogs with several friends who still have serious side effects, and/or spread it to their loves ones, and my loved ones and possibly killed people. Please man, just get a damn shot it doesn't hurt, it doesn't do any harm to you, and it's free, and you are really being selfish if you haven't.
Not sure how it is being selfish, while they can spread it around to those who have not chosen to be vaccinated and potentially kill them it's not like the vaccine is not readily available in a lot of countries where we are starting to see those who choose not to. In fact by them not taking a vaccine it's freeing up those vaccines to others who do want it.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I cannot fault them. They are making their own choices as much as you or I might disagree with their choice, I feel that people should be free to make their own choices and live with the outcome of those choices. Just like you and I weighed the risks of taking the vaccine and decided it was a better option for us. As much as we might shake our heads and wonder at their idiocracy from our perspective the outcome of removing another's free agency has ALWAYS lead to atrocities.

At this point, there is no data on who shouldn't get one of the available vaccines and so they are currently available to everyone over the age of 12 and so if you are worried about a negative outcome then you should make sure you are vaccinated. Let them worry about any lingering health impact on their choices. After all, we let people smoke, drink and we attempted to deny people drugs and that has turned into a rather terrible shit show (one would think in the USA we would have learned from Prohibition that it only funds criminal elements and does not stop anyone from the activity).
Yep, I gave them the information based on the news reports I have seen - quite a bit considering the daily log on here - and left them to it.

I didn't push for their reasoning, I don't know what their angle on it is, all I did was made sure their decision was an informed one.

You pays your money, you takes your choice, but wouldn't it be tragic if it was a misinformed one.


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Yep, I gave them the information based on the news reports I have seen - quite a bit considering the daily log on here - and left them to it.

I didn't push for their reasoning, I don't know what their angle on it is, all I did was made sure their decision was an informed one.

You pays your money, you takes your choice, but wouldn't it be tragic if it was a misinformed one.
And this is why I owe you so many beers and am glad you are here.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
From today in Hungary, there is no mandatory mask wearing outside of medical facilities, and basically all restrictions on gatherings, indoor stuff etc.. are lifted. We reached 5.5mil out of potential 8mil ppl who have received at least one vaccination. Fully vaccinated numbers are still low.
Ppl don't care to go and get their second jab because they already received their government issued vac card after the first, which enabled them to take part in group activities unvacced ppl were restricted from.
So, it will be interesting to see how and when shit will hit the fan again.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today Sunday 4th of July:

- World: 183,627,426 confirmed cases and 3,973,488 confirmed deaths.

- UK: Government official indicates come "Freedom Day" (July 19th) when all restrictions are to be lifted in England, things like face masks mentioned in particular will become a voluntary and that the population will have to adopt a strategy of "personal responsibility"... It sounds like the kind of freedom that day is intended to provide might not be so much be freedom from restrictions for the public, as from responsibility for executing a public health strategy during a global pandemic for the incumbents...?

- UK: New daily cases up 67% week on week, hospital admissions is rising but not as strongly as in previous waves, new daily deaths remain low but do remain. Some observers have described the rise as "unprecedented" and that vaccination cannot be relied upon solely, and that taking the hand off the tiller while the pandemic still rages around the world will make the UK a "Variant Factory."

- UK: Scotland reveals contact tracing app has been downloaded 2 million times but only has 950,000 active users.

- US: Washington Post reports: "More than 2,000 counties representing over half of the American population have not met Biden’s goal of 70% of adults receiving at least one dose of the coronavirus vaccine by Independence Day" and indicates Delta variant now accounts for 25% of new daily confirmed cases, taking a foothold on its way to becoming the dominant variant.

- South Africa: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Indonesia: Sees record high new daily deaths.

- Bangladesh: Sees record high new daily deaths.

- Luxembourg: Prime Minister tests positive for COVID, apparently admitted to hospital as precaution.

- France: Urges population to take vaccinations as 4th wave predicted to start at the end of the month.

- Japan: Member of Serbian Olympic Team tests positive on arrival in Tokyo.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Im pretty sure this is going to be the first post on page 200. Holy hell guys keep up the good work, its awesome to be able to look back on practically every day since we first heard about the virus up until now. Special recognition to @NaffNaffBobFace for his efforts in bringing us almost daily updates.

Edit: It was not. I think im off by 10 posts.


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
Im pretty sure this is going to be the first post on page 200. Holy hell guys keep up the good work, its awesome to be able to look back on practically every day since we first heard about the virus up until now. Special recognition to @NaffNaffBobFace for his efforts in bringing us almost daily updates.

Edit: It was not. I think im off by 10 posts.
I totally agree, but I also think someone else also deserves some kudo's for starting this thread in the first place. Just saying.


Space Marshal
Nov 24, 2018
RSI Handle
Im pretty sure this is going to be the first post on page 200. Holy hell guys keep up the good work, its awesome to be able to look back on practically every day since we first heard about the virus up until now. Special recognition to @NaffNaffBobFace for his efforts in bringing us almost daily updates.

Edit: It was not. I think im off by 10 posts.
No, this will be the first post on page 200!


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Monday 5th of July:

- World: 183,917,988 confirmed cases and 3,979,466 confirmed deaths.

- US: Dr. Fauci advises 99.2% of known deaths to COVID in recent days have been people who have not been vaccinated.

- UK: Prime Minister indicates the country will have to "learn to live with COVID" and that as well as making masks voluntary, social distancing rules with also be scrapped but guidance will be issued with a 'Personal Responsibility' again being taken. The guidance, however, does not yet exist and will be "issued soon".

- UK: Poll indicates 71% in favour of keeping face coverings mandatory come the removal of legal restrictions while the pandemic continues across the globe.

- UK: New daily cases continue to climb, todays at 27,334.

- UK: Queen awards the National Health Service the George Cross, the countries highest award for bravery outside of conflict. It's only the third time this has been awarded to something which was not an individual - the first time was in 1942, to Malta after sustaining a prolonged and mighty assault in the battle of the Mediterranean in World War 2.

- Norway: Delays easing restrictions amid Delta variant concerns: “There is a risk that the Delta variant will cause a fourth wave of infection in the unvaccinated part of the population, among those who have only received one dose or are in vulnerable groups,”

- Bangladesh: Sees record high new daily deaths.

- Red Cross: Donates 2,500 bodybags to Bangladesh and 70,000 pieces of Personal Protective Equipment.

- Africa: Continent sees record high new cases over the course of the last week.

- Indonesia: Sees record high new daily cases.

- Indonesia: Hospital reports running out of mains supply Oxygen and losing 33 patients during the time they were being treated with portable cylinders and 63 died in total. Other hospitals in the country warn supplies are running low.

- Australia: Sydney hospitals are on alert as staff levels critical as over 600 staff self isolate after being close contacts with one unvaccinated student nurse who worked across two sites while infectious was discovered. Only 7.2% of the population has been fully vaccinated to this point.

- Ukraine: Approves J&J vaccine.

- Russia: Reports suggest the Russian Orthodox Church has taken a stance that refusing vaccination would make followers sinners. On state TV an official for the church said: “I see situations every day where people visit a priest in order to confess that they had refused to vaccinate themselves or their close ones and unwillingly caused someone’s death [...] The sin is thinking of oneself but not of another person.”


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Tuesday 6th of July:

- World: 184,285,579 confirmed cases and 3,987,062 confirmed deaths.

- COVAX: Announces it expects to have many more vaccines to share out once it shifts supply chains in Q4, having apparently relied on Indias production centres which had to cancel and turn deliveries inward to counter it's own spiralling epidemic and other suppliers being hesitant to deliver doses until their local needs were met.

- US: Sends 2 million vaccine doses to Vietnam as part of a 80 million dose redistribution effort.

- Taiwan/Japan: “True friends always lend a hand when they need each other the most,” says Taiwan president as Japan sends millions of doses of AstraZeneca vaccine.

- UK: Second asshole who accosted countries top pandemic expert in a park has been charged with assault.

- UK: Schools to end year-group isolation when a student tests positive as number of students in isolation climbs to 641,000. Government states when restrictions are removed on the 19th of July in the interests of fairness children will not be under any greater restrictions than anyone else, including changing isolation requirements for under 18's (vaccines are not currently being given to people under that age) so they no longer have to self isolate if they have been in contact with someone who tested positive for COVID-19 from August 16th.

- UK: Fully vaccinated adults will also not have to self isolate if they come into contact with someone who tests positive for the virus from August 16th, but if anyone tests positive they will still have to isolate (cue no one taking tests any more).

- UK: Government announces new daily cases "Could go as high as 100,000 a day" once restrictions have been lifted, advises the nation it is unavoidable that more people will die, referring to vaccination as a "wall of defence" and saying "If we don't relax restrictions now, then when?".

- UK: Northern Ireland first minister confirmed that part of the UK will not be following England's lead on abandoning all precautions in one go saying: "I would be concerned for the people in England because of the route map set out by Boris Johnson. In my opinion, it's a reckless approach."

- UK: Death rate dips below 5 year average by 6%.

- Fiji: Main hospital hits capacity as Delta Variant redoubles its hold on the island nation.

- Russia: Sees record high new daily deaths at 737.

- Spain: Cases spike back up to 32,000 up from low levels just one week before.

- Greece: New daily cases more than double in a day.

- Luxembourg: Prime minister in stable but serious condition in hospital following positive COVID test.

- EU: Orders 40 million more doses of J&J vaccine despite supply shortfalls from original contract.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Im pretty sure this is going to be the first post on page 200. Holy hell guys keep up the good work, its awesome to be able to look back on practically every day since we first heard about the virus up until now. Special recognition to @NaffNaffBobFace for his efforts in bringing us almost daily updates.

Edit: It was not. I think im off by 10 posts.
You're very kind for the recognition, I didn't want to respond and steal Page 200 but it appears this page is infinite so no worries about that any more! As Vavric said many thanks to you for starting it in the first place.

I am only repeating what I'm reading so minimal effort on my part, and maximum kudos to the news reporters, if they found nothing to say I'd have nothing to pass on...

If there is to be recognition to be made, it has to be to Mrs. 'BobFace who has sat next to me for over a year waiting for my to stop typing without punching me in the side of the head. Much. :o7:
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
COVID Catharsis Corner - Reports from around the world from today, Wednesday 7th of July:

- World: 184,852,183 confirmed cases and 3,996,863 confirmed deaths.

- UK: New daily cases climb to 32,000+ which is the highest since January.

- UK: Scotland, and three hospitals announce they have hit capacity due to spike in COVID cases, announcing they are taking 'code black' measures, and another advises it may have to take measures to scale back non-emergency procedures if admittance continues.

- UK: Wales, and a blood-sample study estimates antibody coverage in the population may be as high as 91.8%

- UK: Research results of the Mass Testing trial in Liverpool city earlier in the year reveals cases fell 21% lower that other areas which did not have the trial running.

- UK: The expert who resigned from the official government advice panel for having physical relations with someone he didn't live with during stay-at-home lockdown rules indicates the two week delay in lifting lockdown has crucially helped the country vaccinate anyone over the age of 40 who is willing to take one. He points out the vast majority of deaths have been in the over 40's (over 98% apparently) and he indicates with that critical at-risk group catered for there is little reason not to start lifting restrictions.

- UK: Englands "scrap everything at once" strategy comes under increasing scrutiny as cases climb and the intended unlock date of July 19th draws nearer. Many medical bodies and professionals send their concerns to the government, and opposition political parties question the prime minister on the wisdom of this strategy asking would it not be safer and smarter to remove one measure at a time and gently ease out of lockdown.

- WHO: Although not naming Englands planned lockdown leaving strategy, the only one like it on earth, in an interview an official says: "For a lot of the world this thing is only getting started, I’m very pleased for countries that are getting this under control. But please spare a thought for those living without vaccines. All of the countries of the Americas, we still have nearly one million cases a week. It isn’t over. The same in Europe – in the European region, we have half a million cases a week. It’s not like this thing has gone away.” They have also stated trying to get people infected earlier rather than later, another key strategy the UK had attempted early on in the pandemic and may be trying a modified version of, this time with vaccination, was “epidemiological stupidity”.

- France: Delta variant now accounts for 40% of cases, slowly but surely it is becoming the countries dominant strain.

- Australia: Sydney lockdown extended by another week.

- Kenya: President accused of breaking curfew rules.

- Indonesia: Sees record high new daily cases and deaths.

- Bangladesh: Sees record high new daily deaths.

- Spain: Officials warn Delta is making younger people sick, and some dangerously so: “One in every 100 cases in 20 to 24-year-olds is admitted to hospital,”

- Turkmenistan: Makes vaccination mandatory for everyone over the age of 18 except for those with medical exemption.


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Well, if there is a silver lining in this whole thing, it has really pushed the tech on mRNA vaccines further & faster than it would have otherwise.

10 years ago Moderna was just a rinky-dink company just starting out to look at developing an mRNA vaccine for, look where they are:


Space Marshal
Sep 25, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, if there is a silver lining in this whole thing, it has really pushed the tech on mRNA vaccines further & faster than it would have otherwise.

10 years ago Moderna was just a rinky-dink company just starting out to look at developing an mRNA vaccine for, look where they are:
I was thinking with the advances in CRISPR and mRNA if we are just now starting to see a goldrush of sorts within the biomedical community. To think a lot of this started with the AID's virus.
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