Coronavirus COVID-19 Thread


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Happy endings, nice!

Now for some news from my end (Hungary):
The lockdown will be almost fully lifted on Monday May18th, with some regulations staying in place still. This means all the shops can open and operate, everyone can go to work who still has a job, but with slight limitations:
- 1.5m distancing recommendation still applies
- wearing face masks inside grocery stores and such places is still mandatory. Also on public transport.
- events can only be held with limited participants (detailed for different event types), mostly allowing larger private outside events to take place again, like funerals, wedding parties and such limited to 100-200 people
- restaurants and bars can only open their outside areas, no inside areas can be used by patrons still (weather is pretty spotty here, so I'm guessing a lot of ppl getting drunk in raincoats a wave of flu hitting as a result lol)
- churches will be opened and masses are allowed (this is worrying and stupid imo, as almost all church goers here are older ppl, thus in the high risk group!)

I'll be interested to see how the stats change during the next 2 weeks... Will we see a huge resurgence or it won't make a difference in number of cases, cos no one really cared to adhere to the guidelines anyways.

Btw, I'm kinda tired of the bullshit tirade that the VIrus doesn't care if you're black or white yada yada...
Yes. IT DOES! Like most illnesses, Covid19 is a Racist scummbag!

According to a study published in the British Medical Journal:

TLDR.: Black and Asian* ppl have a much higher (x2) chance of dying from Covid.
*(transalation for non-UK ppl Asian = Middle Eastern in this case )


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
As of 7.25pm on Sunday 17th of May, the UK numbers have not been updated. EDIT - now gone 9pm, no new numbers on the official page, however new reports it's the lowest raise since lockdown began:

Do bear in mind, as even noted in the above article, weekend numbers are not massively accurate, close to actual numbers will not be able to be ascertained until about mid-week.

Colorado update:


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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Folks, I want to offer my professional expertise here. My concern is China hacking. I monitor networks and I see everything as it pertains to movement. Low and slow can't hide from me. So, there are many problems that China poses to our research data, not just stealing it. They could destroy our data or even manipulate it and make people sick. The US has already said it would provide data and a vaccine to the world if we find it. Just an error, user or machine, on the Chinese part could set us back months in research. That is how serious this is.

Food for thought.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Folks, I want to offer my professional expertise here. My concern is China hacking. I monitor networks and I see everything as it pertains to movement. Low and slow can't hide from me. So, there are many problems that China poses to our research data, not just stealing it. They could destroy our data or even manipulate it and make people sick. The US has already said it would provide data and a vaccine to the world if we find it. Just an error, user or machine, on the Chinese part could set us back months in research. That is how serious this is.

Food for thought.
Well... Yes....? And every other country will be doing the same to them, and also to every other country that isn't them as well. And private citizens who aren't governments with the will and skill (or just the means) will be doing it to their own countries, and every other country that isn't their own, too.

I thought that kind of tomfoolery has been going on for many many decades now? In one form or another it's been going on for centuries, hasn't it? Part of the furniture. Spai and inforwar nonsense is probably the second oldest profession on earth.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
And every other country will be doing the same to them, and also to every other country that isn't them as well.
So I guess that makes it ok? NO its not. Its a virus, every country on the planet needs that data. The only one with a motive to make the world fail is China at this point. I said, IF the US develops a vaccine it will give it to the world. My point is don't fuck with the research, because that research is probably not just the US but UK as well. When the world is set back months because of something like this, already, hated China will be hated more. This IS NOT stealing missile secrets, this is something for the good of the world.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
So I guess that makes it ok?
Nope that doesn't make it okay. I can't see how it came across that I suggested it was, however if it did, please point to the part that gave that impression and I'd be more than happy to explain what I meant by what I said 🙂

In regard to reducing it, it seems a bit like the nuclear warheads problem: Sure, there has been a reduction (in warheads), but who's going to be the first to stop when they don't know others will follow suit?

The only one with a motive to make the world fail is China at this point.
I am not sure, but I don't believe you can substantiate that claim? I have no idea what motives are floating around out there, I don't think that's a claim anyone can make and know for sure.

My point is don't fuck with the research
Yes, I got that first time round and I agree entirely.

My point was: What makes you think it is just China? There will even be domestic players with their own agendas effecting their own domestic research progress, who consider the collateral damage of 11 million dead countrymen a price they are willing to accept as they are not the ones who are personally having to pay for it.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
What makes you think it is just China?
Who has the most to lose... not Iran or North Korea. This is all on China, and I see the traffic from China everyday. I not only see it, I analyze it. I can't tell you how bad it is... but trust me, it is bad. So, whatever your profession is, I guarantee I see the world through a different lens, because it is what I am get paid to do.

This makes the mask controversy pale in comparison. I got my balls busted on that, but you accept this, shame on you.


Space Marshal
Aug 27, 2018
RSI Handle
Not wanting to get into detail, but I side with ColdDog on the digital front. The threat is real and present.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Who has the most to lose... not Iran or North Korea. This is all on China, and I see the traffic from China everyday. I not only see it, I analyze it. I can't tell you how bad it is... but trust me, it is bad. So, whatever your profession is, I guarantee I see the world through a different lens, because it is what I get paid to do.
Excellent, thanks you for your professional appraisal, I don't doubt you have access to systems and information I definitely do not. 👍

Not wanting to get into detail, but I side with ColdDog on the digital front. The threat is real and present.
Oh, I'm not saying it isn't. I don't believe I've said he doesn't have a point - it is a valid concern.

My response was, it's pretty well know this goes on, and goes on a lot almost to the point it's part of the furniture. I've just stated that it's a very, very wide problem and that we don't have any way of knowing exactly what's going on in regard to agendas and who exactly is trying to make what look like what and for what reasons. Is country X attempting to do those things? Probably. Is another state actor attempting to do those things while making it look like country X is doing those things? Also probably. Is the effected country also trying to make it look like country X is doing those things? Also probably. It's probable there there is a weird pan-global daisy chain going on with intelligence, counter intelligence, sabotage, counter sabotage and all manner of other crazy shenanigans.

I work in Customer Services, I have specialties in order issue resolution both live as they unfold and retrospective in the form of complaints. I see a lot of stuff. A lot of self interest. A lot of positioning for best possible resolution. A lot of blame placing and repositioning. A lot of wriggling. A fair amount of falsification. I've even seen some customers attempt coverups when a complaint has been proven to be fabricated. In my time I've seen a whole lot.

Now I've only my subjective expiriance to draw from, but in the simple to-and-fro of customer services, there are a great many layers before you get to somewhere near an 'accurate' series of events and generally there are usually more than one set of factors behind what is going on.

TL;DR, Nothing is ever black and white.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
All I want is a armistice... let the world fix this covid problem and do not mess with the data in anyway (even just looking).
I would love to see that happen 🙂
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Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Not wanting to get into detail, but I side with ColdDog on the digital front. The threat is real and present.
I want to keep a couple things separate:
#1 COVID19 the virus and our response, vs. the response by other govt.'s including the Chinese govt.
#2 China (the people) vs. the Chinese govt.

Without going into much detail, over the last 30 years, we have watched the biggest tech and wealth transfer in the history of the world, as the Chinese govt. has systematically and very planfully tried any and every means possible (ranging from legal to illegal) to get hold of our technology.

The worst part is, we've been watching them do it, and in many ways, making it easier for them! The Chinese govt. very artfully leverages its money and influence to get what they want from US corporations, and the US govt. doesn't really ever coordinate a long-term strategy or response, or stick to one. (I'm pointing out how corporations are prostituting themselves willingly, but China is also artfully spreading money at universities, think-tanks, and using other avenues in the US). And of course, they are doing this all over the world, google their Silk Road initiative, if you haven't.

Here's a prime example: About 30 years ago, the Chinese govt. made a direct copy of a Boeing'd think Boeing would to make sure that their trade secrets would be kept away from them, but NO, Boeing then turns around and makes deals with the Chinese govt. to start manufacturing aircraft in China and basically hands over the IP and ways to manufacture aircraft. Deals like this have been happening with many, many corporations in virtually every industry.

And of course, being in Australia, you have likely directly seen how China bullies other countries around the South China Sea...for all the trade dealing we do, they are still pretty nasty.

It would be nice to have a coordinated, long-term response to what the Chinese govt. has been doing...this is the best, most thoughtful discussion I've seen in a while:

There is a YT video where they discuss the report as well, just search for the terms above...

I'm always careful to distinguish the Chinese people from the Chinese govt., because their people are victims of their govt. as well...I think the example of the doctor who tried to sound the alarm about COVID19 and was arrested by the Wuhan authorities is a great example:

Western society could leverage our strengths and try to exert more influence with China, but we seem to just ignore that, or be unaware...since our goals seem to be quarterly profits for corporations.

I guess the TL;DR is, we've been watching them do this for 30 years, and yep! we are still watching them do it. Now, we also have the added distraction of COVID19....


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
UK numbers from yesterday 17th May:

Total confirmed 243,695 with 3,534 new, total dead 34,636 with 170 new.

Again to reitterate, the Sunday and Monday numbers are not always reliable with the cases not reported adding to Tuesday/Wednesday/Thursday, however it is great ro see the downward trend in deaths. We just need to see that continue and also continue with cases and we'll be in a much better place to tackle it. The UK now seems to have a decent set of eyes on the problem which are improving all the time. Once you can see the extent, you can counter it.


The current status is ofcourse related to that great set of perhaps not 100% reliable numbers, and the Status Outlook (with a chilling image of Mr. NosyBonk) is bought to us by the loss of smell and taste being added to the official list of symptoms UK citizens are to look out for when becoming unwell:

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