Space Marshal
I think this is the start of a bad trend:
I don't have time to pull together all the graphs and ICU bed availabilities, but unless there is a downtick in COVID cases *soon* (like, this month) it looks like this winter will be worse than last winter (before we even had a vaccine!).
Right now, cases are increasing and hospitals are overwhelmed. Even with around 60% or so of the country vaccinated, that still leaves a whopping 80 miillon or so unvaccinated...and there is a huge discrepancy in vaccination rates across different states/regions.
I hope I'm wrong, but, things do NOT look good right now.

Idaho begins rationing care as hospitals crumple under COVID load
“Crisis standards of care is a last resort. It means we have exhausted our resources.”…

I don't have time to pull together all the graphs and ICU bed availabilities, but unless there is a downtick in COVID cases *soon* (like, this month) it looks like this winter will be worse than last winter (before we even had a vaccine!).
Right now, cases are increasing and hospitals are overwhelmed. Even with around 60% or so of the country vaccinated, that still leaves a whopping 80 miillon or so unvaccinated...and there is a huge discrepancy in vaccination rates across different states/regions.
I hope I'm wrong, but, things do NOT look good right now.