Drake Buccaneer


Space Marshal
Feb 14, 2016
RSI Handle
Oh, *and* check your inbox kids. DRAK just sent us a 10K UEC($10) rebate on NEW Bucc or Cutlass trade in(meaning the CCU becomes free).

Has the same rocket pods as the Mustang Delta, so you can replace them with another 2 S2 guns.

Dammit. I don't need another fighter. I don't need another fighter. I don't need another fighter...
This will be my first.

I don't need more Drake ships, I don't need more Drake ships, I don't need more Drake ships...
have Herald, Cutlass. I'll leave the Cat for others.

it was stated in end of Matt Sherman interview that there is more info to come during RtV.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Wow. So this ship went from light fighter to lightly armored DPS machine with possible interdiction capabilities.. Yea. Not like the gladius at all
DPS? Data Protection System? Desktop Purchasing System? Digital Pixel Sensor? Displayed Persons? Distributed and Parallel Systems? Dual Power System? Democratic Paralympic Skiing? Dead Poets Ships? Diphenylsulfon?


Space Marshal
Feb 14, 2016
RSI Handle
contents of the email

Greetings Captain,

As the proud owner of a Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Black, you know that we build starships for the working man. From the multifaceted Cutlass to the massive Caterpillar platform, our ships put enabling your lifestyle first.

Tomorrow, we will officially unveil the next generation of Drake fighters: the Buccaneer fighter. The Buccaneer is a ship designed for the way YOU live; an agile and armed fighter craft capable of tangling with any number of interstellar threats, with the interchangeable components that you’ve come to expect from Drake.

To thank you for your support of the Cutlass Black, we are proud to give you this first look at the Buccaneer as well as an exclusive rebate/trade-in offer. The included single-use coupon will give you an exclusive 10,000 UEC ($10 USD) discount on the purchase of a new Buccaneer or on the trade-in of your existing Cutlass Black.

Here is your unique code which can be applied during checkout:

Drake Interplanetary is dedicated to supporting legitimate businesses around the galaxy, and we believe the rough-and-tumble Buccaneer will meet and exceed many of your spacefaring needs. It all starts tomorrow via the RSI Comm-Link.

Sasha Jameson
Director of Community Engagement
Drake Interplanetary


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
contents of the email
View attachment 2386

Greetings Captain,

As the proud owner of a Drake Interplanetary Cutlass Black, you know that we build starships for the working man. From the multifaceted Cutlass to the massive Caterpillar platform, our ships put enabling your lifestyle first.

Tomorrow, we will officially unveil the next generation of Drake fighters: the Buccaneer fighter. The Buccaneer is a ship designed for the way YOU live; an agile and armed fighter craft capable of tangling with any number of interstellar threats, with the interchangeable components that you’ve come to expect from Drake.

To thank you for your support of the Cutlass Black, we are proud to give you this first look at the Buccaneer as well as an exclusive rebate/trade-in offer. The included single-use coupon will give you an exclusive 10,000 UEC ($10 USD) discount on the purchase of a new Buccaneer or on the trade-in of your existing Cutlass Black.

Here is your unique code which can be applied during checkout:

Drake Interplanetary is dedicated to supporting legitimate businesses around the galaxy, and we believe the rough-and-tumble Buccaneer will meet and exceed many of your spacefaring needs. It all starts tomorrow via the RSI Comm-Link.

Sasha Jameson
Director of Community Engagement
Drake Interplanetary
Ah, okay, its for owners of the Cutlass Black only - I've missed that detail. Thanks for the information!


Grand Admiral
Jul 15, 2015
RSI Handle
Hay, let's put some things to rest.
First off, things I can type:
Canadian girls don't look THAT BAD. And even if they did, who would know under all those parkas?
We still manage to get them pregnant, and that's through underwear, underarmour, baselayer, the sweater, and the jacket. So there's that.
View attachment 2323 Prettttty hot right? Look at those teeth!

Anyways, as for the Buccaneer.

Does it look like an X-Wing?

The Drake BucView attachment 2324

The Xwing, wings closed
View attachment 2325

Hmmm... maybe it's the z95 Headhunter (also Starwars)
View attachment 2326

Damn.... That's close....
Let's see if it looks like something else.
the F-18 Super Hornet
View attachment 2327

Hmmmm.... getting closer..
The F35
View attachment 2328

Oh man...
They're all so similar.

Let's go deeper.

the B25
View attachment 2329

Woops sorry that's the Cutlass Variant...

But at least the cockpits on the very front now.....

The Thunderbird
View attachment 2330

I think we're getting further away.
I googled "Future Aircraft"
and got... This thing... look though! It has wings, engines, and a cockpit! They must have stolen the Buccaneer designs from this!
View attachment 2331

Or This
View attachment 2332

Oh no wait that's where they got the Vanguard.
Gotten love the z-95, nothing beats the feeling of power it gives you

I love the x wing games

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Dammit. I'm missing out on a 10 dollar rebate because I gave my Cutty away. Hahaha. Arrrrrrrrgh.

I also totally plan on buying a Cutty again.
Le sigh. Can't win 'em all I reckon.


Space Marshal
Feb 14, 2016
RSI Handle
Now I have a conundrum, do I upgrade my Cutty to a Buccaneer with the rebate for FREE, or do I use the rebate to get a standalone Buc for $10 less? Decisions, decisions...
Do you have enough for a Buc w/o using the rebate? if so, do both? Honestly, I'm no shill nor do I work for Drake.
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