So i started playing elite again, with rare good trading. Took awesome @
bryceedmundo guide and adjusted it a bit (this guide is for a complete noobs like me). Let's go.
My ship: Cobra. Started as stock. I strongly recommend getting proper trade ship for that stuff - i'm in cobra just because i love multi-role ships.
Typical output: ~700k/hour. Yep.
My upgrade path:
1) A class fuel scoop - it helps ALOT. I can basically fill my whole tank in less than 5 mins with 75/s. If i remember correctly, i found mine at diso. I find it way faster to fill my tank with scooping than fly to closest station. Practice it - you can basically hover at one place and scoop fuel without getting fried. Remember that you start taking actual damage (on cobra at least) at 140% heat level.
2) A class FSD - around 20 LY jump range. 8-9 Jumps between Zaonce and Tauri 39. 11 from witchhaul. Combined with Fuel scoop, it takes me around 15-20 mins to get from Z to T. Can be found on many stations on your trade route. Can't recall which one. Tauri, maybe?
3) A Thrusters - hey, try to interdict me now!
Optional: docking computer. Saves some nerves. But watch out - it can crash you straight into base.
Screw economical routes. Use fastest. You can now (with A FSD) jump to close systems with basically zero fuel usage and you got awesome fuel scoop - use it.
To shield or not to shield - that's your choice. I fly without shields, making ~200k extra per run with additional cargo spot, which is around my insurance cost.
1st rare system group:
Zaonce - Ridley Scott
Lave - Lave Station
Leesti - George Lucas
Uszaa - Guest Installation
Orrere - Sharon Lee
Diso - Shifnal Port <- This one usually have alot of cheapo stuff (like 30T), i visit it last to top up my load
Now for second group...
39 Tauri - Porta
Fujin - Futen
Geras - Yurchikhin Port. I usually find decent amount of rare goods (like 30T again, allows me to top up my load)
Those are located a bit far away, but not as many people descri and may require some jumps, but usually worth it...
Witchhaul - Hornby Terminal
Wolf 1301 - This one sells illegal drugs. Use it if you can do some smuggling and if you still have some cargo space to spare...
And now back. Got some illegal stuff? Sell at Diso, Shifnal Port. Got only legal stuff? Sell at Zaonce.
Using this method, i now have 6mil in assets (i started from 500k, mostly stock cobra which i "earned" in LP 98-i-can't-recall-name-of-that-pirate-system) in just two days of lazy trading when i hasn't had any other stuff to do / play) in two days. I hope i'll see ASP in my garage soon...
Good links: