Elite: Dangerous TEST Squadron


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
I never found the need for docking computer. Tried it once... but on a Cobra, it's easy enough to land without much trouble. It may be more useful for large ships like Anaconda or Type-9.

Also since I got my Asp and crashed it... ........ losing everything, except my 600k insurance debt... I've been doing "normal" trading. I can find a route to make 170k profit per run. I'm trying to do that in Empire systems, to get my rep up, so I can eventually (in the very far future) get a Clipper, or even earlier, a smaller Courrier(?) that's coming with next patch.

Rare trading is also very good until you can hold 100t+ cargo. That's how I got my Vulture, and bounty hunted until I got my Asp.

Also, Asp, is spelt Asp, without the capital S and P. Asp is a snake (like Cobra, Viper, Python, Anaconda, etc). It's not an acronym A.S.P. (it really grinds some people's gears in /r/EliteDangerous apparently)
I sometimes grind rare goods at work / watching series / etc, in almost-AFK mode, and docking computer helps great here


Space Marshal
Nov 21, 2014
RSI Handle
I would love to play, but don't have the money for a copy, and don't want to waste someone else's in game money, cause I tend to blow up A LOT!


Grand Admiral
May 8, 2014
RSI Handle
I have been trying to get into E&D, I never really played but seems when I did I lost everything. Doing all the low contracts just now to build up - realized how to do some stuff I didn't know and got my hotas actually setup. It's quite fun ;)


Dec 31, 2014
RSI Handle
What faction will you guys be joining when power play goes live? I have been chilling in Empire space and was thinking of joining Jet Legal Limited.


Grand Admiral
May 8, 2014
RSI Handle
Am I best to run trade routes in my starter or just do contracts?

Don't seem to be making much with the amount of travel I am doing :S.


Space Marshal
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
for Sidewinder, just do everything you can. Contracts if there's decently paying ones, and Bounty hunt easy to kill ships (other Sidewinders, Eagles, etc) until you get an Adder then do rare trading. You'll get your first few million pretty fast, and you can then move onto a Cobra (continue trading, bounty hunt, explore, it's a true multirole ship), Asp (explore/trade)/T6/T7 (trade)/Vulture (bounty), whatever you fancy, to eventually get to Python, Clipper, Anaconda, FDL, etc.

you only get 4t of cargo on the Sidewinder (or 6 without shields) so trading isn't that great initially.
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Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
I grinded my first cobra (~1mil) with LP 98-132 signals mostly, and some bounty hunting in close high-security system (can't really recall, i use zaonce as my home system right now). It was pretty slow... I often found some pretty good stuff floating around in LP 98-132 (and since this is lawless system, you can sell "stolen" items without any mess at Freeport). However, freeport stuff should only be done in Solo play, lots and lots of psychos here.

On the other side, i decided to get Cobra back (but leave ASP for trading/exploration stuff - it's a king for rare routes and can stand against pirates pretty well). Bounty hunting in ASP was not so great as i expected... Or should i get a Viper instead?


Space Marshal
Mar 17, 2015
RSI Handle
for Sidewinder, just do everything you can. Contracts if there's decently paying ones, and Bounty hunt easy to kill ships (other Sidewinders, Eagles, etc) until you get an Adder then do rare trading. You'll get your first few million pretty fast, and you can then move onto a Cobra (continue trading, bounty hunt, explore, it's a true multirole ship), Asp (explore/trade)/T6/T7 (trade)/Vulture (bounty), whatever you fancy, to eventually get to Python, Clipper, Anaconda, FDL, etc.

you only get 4t of cargo on the Sidewinder (or 6 without shields) so trading isn't that great initially.
Yeah I did most of this. I was having a tough time in my Sidey and a friend dumped 700k in cargo on me so I could get an Adder after I lost all my money. Now I'm in a T6 doing rares or normal trading. I'm going to normal trading now since OHE seems nerfed these days. I'm debating on a T7 or Asp. I think I want to explore for a while now. I can only get the energy to play the game a couple times a week though or while watching a movie.


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
Yeah I did most of this. I was having a tough time in my Sidey and a friend dumped 700k in cargo on me so I could get an Adder after I lost all my money. Now I'm in a T6 doing rares or normal trading. I'm going to normal trading now since OHE seems nerfed these days. I'm debating on a T7 or Asp. I think I want to explore for a while now. I can only get the energy to play the game a couple times a week though or while watching a movie.
You can always just get Asp and sell it later. Asp costs 6.6mil (5.8 with irkutsk permit) while T7 costs 17.

So-so equipped T7 with 200T of cargo will be ~25mil http://coriolis.io/outfit/type_7_transport/04D5E5A4E3A3E5C1717------050504040345-2o with 15LY jump.

So-so equipped Asp with 100T cargo will be ~12mil with ~25LY. jumps http://coriolis.io/outfit/asp/05E5E5A4E4A5E5C--1717------050440--002h

I'm not sure about fuel usage on T7 (probably twice less?) but i am able to do ~200LY jumps, like Zaonce -> Tauri without refuelling.

I'd say, if you targeting for trading, get Asp now and upgrade to T7 when you will have ~23mil in assets (to cover first upgrades and possible insurance claims). You can just sell some stuff, like 5A FSD and so on on station where you intend buy your T7, then buy it back to save some time searching for upgrades.


Space Marshal
Mar 17, 2015
RSI Handle
You can always just get Asp and sell it later. Asp costs 6.6mil (5.8 with irkutsk permit) while T7 costs 17.

So-so equipped T7 with 200T of cargo will be ~25mil http://coriolis.io/outfit/type_7_transport/04D5E5A4E3A3E5C1717------050504040345-2o with 15LY jump.

So-so equipped Asp with 100T cargo will be ~12mil with ~25LY. jumps http://coriolis.io/outfit/asp/05E5E5A4E4A5E5C--1717------050440--002h

I'm not sure about fuel usage on T7 (probably twice less?) but i am able to do ~200LY jumps, like Zaonce -> Tauri without refuelling.

I'd say, if you targeting for trading, get Asp now and upgrade to T7 when you will have ~23mil in assets (to cover first upgrades and possible insurance claims). You can just sell some stuff, like 5A FSD and so on on station where you intend buy your T7, then buy it back to save some time searching for upgrades.
Yeah I spent a decent amount on a kitted Viper so recovering some more right now. I'll probably keep my T6 and work up enough to get an Asp and when it's time to get the T7 or better for more trading sell my T6.


Space Marshal
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm currently (when I play, which is not very often) trading with a 5B FSD on my Asp (I can't afford the 5A...) so I can buy one... before going onto an exploration trip. I also removed all hardpoints.

Also I go D everything just to save weight, for even longer jump distance, except of course the critical systems like FSD

this is pretty much what I'm working with

I will probably get a 5C fuel scoop (a must, but not sure which one), and maybe a 3C field auto-maintenance unit, just in case, before heading out
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Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm currently (when I play, which is not very often) trading with a 5B FSD on my Asp (I can't afford the 5A...) so I can buy one... before going onto an exploration trip. I also removed all hardpoints.

Also I go D everything just to save weight, for even longer jump distance, except of course the critical systems like FSD

this is pretty much what I'm working with

I will probably get a 5C fuel scoop (a must, but not sure which one), and maybe a 3C field auto-maintenance unit, just in case, before heading out
5C fuel scoop, why? 2A is enough to scoop 32T in 5 mins. I think bigger (3/4/5) scoops are only really usable by anacondas/pythons/etc fuel hogs.

Just IMHO, of course, but losing 5-size slot for fuel scoop..


Space Marshal
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
5C fuel scoop, why? 2A is enough to scoop 32T in 5 mins. I think bigger (3/4/5) scoops are only really usable by anacondas/pythons/etc fuel hogs.

Just IMHO, of course, but losing 5-size slot for fuel scoop..
I dunno, still undecided, probably a size 4 in the end, but once you go fast scooping, you can never go back...

besides, what would I use a size-5 slot for, during exploration, anyway?


Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
I've been looking for class 3 gimballed beam lasers forever, anyone know where I can snag some?
Fed space preferred.


Space Marshal
Mar 17, 2015
RSI Handle
I've been looking for class 3 gimballed beam lasers forever, anyone know where I can snag some?
Fed space preferred.
All I can think of one of those huge Magic 8 Ball stations and specialize in Hi Tech items. I think there is one pretty near Altair.


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
Does NPC bounty hunting even pays off?
I spent 3 hours loitering in zaonce, pulling wanted from hyperdrive and scanning unidentified signals.
Mostly tiny (2-10k) rewards, apart from orca with 22k bounty and python with 120k (was fun to fight).
I earned 200k total, 20k goes for repair/refuel/rearm/etc.
I can earn 2m+ from trading rare goods...

Also here is my "combat" Asp, would love any input... http://coriolis.io/outfit/asp/05B5C5C4E4C5C5C272729291010040400-054c02026j2o24


Space Marshal
Mar 17, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm either too impatient for it or just bad. Also kind of new to hunting. I go to RES locations and take out whoever the security people are taking out or drive around scanning. I took out a novice Anaconda out for nice boost. It felt slow to me and if you are farming rep you aren't too guaranteed to get the faction you're looking for. I have tried pulling anyone out of superdrive or much nav beacon stuff. Baron went to a conflict zone earlier today.


Space Marshal
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
Does NPC bounty hunting even pays off?
I spent 3 hours loitering in zaonce, pulling wanted from hyperdrive and scanning unidentified signals.
Mostly tiny (2-10k) rewards, apart from orca with 22k bounty and python with 120k (was fun to fight).
I earned 200k total, 20k goes for repair/refuel/rearm/etc.
I can earn 2m+ from trading rare goods...

Also here is my "combat" Asp, would love any input... http://coriolis.io/outfit/asp/05B5C5C4E4C5C5C272729291010040400-054c02026j2o24
best bounty hunting places are Ressource Extraction Sites around a ringed gas giant (Metal Rich preferably) for most chances of Anaconda/Clipper/Federal Dropship/Pythons for a lot of money. You won't get much out of USS.

Also, if you would rather spare, change out to a Vulture. It's much more capable at bounty hunting.
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