Elite: Dangerous TEST Squadron


Vice Admiral
Oct 19, 2014
RSI Handle
tickets take quite a lot, about 2 or 3 weeks. I got my name changed from ED.42 to "Pamela Anderson"
Do not go gentle into that good night


Nov 30, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm currently just not playing because I lost so much money right now. Can anyone offer a loan that I can repay once I get the ticket resolved? Montoya already loaned me 4 cargo pods of palladium to get me started. :p
I can give you some credits if that is possible in game. Or is it just hard goods that can be exchanged? PM me.


Space Marshal
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
ok, so after having the beta for so long, and never "played" for only the basic tutorials without learning anything, nor reading/watching any guides before, and getting stuck at infinite jump glitch that was in the Beta, I decided to hop in again.

Watched a little 50 mins intro video someone uploaded, got a lot more understanding of the whole menu system, and started playing for ... 4 hours. but I don't seem to have gotten much far at all.

Still using the basic loaned ship, got destroyed 3 times because I didn't know who I was picking a fight with, and I've just been jumping here and there without knowing where I'm supposed to go. I did complete a few missions and bounties to get me to 30k+ though.

Now, I tried to jump to SOL, but I don't have the license, and the other place is just a tad bit toooooo far (77+Ly) that it didn't give me any option to plot the course. Do I have to actually make more money and actually upgrade my ship first?

oh my CMDR is zeddie

so far I've learned how to take off/find which platform to land on, how to jump, and how to "hyper cruise"? as well as looking through the bulletin board, but still can't figure out how to "find" some of the targets or things it asks you to find. I did manage to find this illegal black box thing for 12k credits, but while bringing it back, it got scanned and fined (obviously) 5k+ so I made 7k overall... other than that managed to kill some random pirates here and there while following "unidentified signal" but I can't for the life of me figure out how to do the buy/sell ones...

oh and are we associated/part of TEST Mostly Harmless or are we just a separate SC subsidiary of TEST that "happens" to play E/D?
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Vice Admiral
Oct 19, 2014
RSI Handle
http://dump.bass-speaker.com/discovery.php search for my name ANARCKOS or some notorious systems like "Sagittarius A"


I wonder if we will ever do something on a massive scale before wings!... it takes a good leader, everyone to burst their own grind bubble and overcome the sandbox : ) or montoya to jump out of his type 9 ":..;"


Space Marshal
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
OK so after a few days of screwing around, "upgraded" to an Eagle (I don't even remember buying it, but apparently I did) I finally reached Barnard's Star.

To sum up, I've died quite a lot of times on my Eagle. Most of the time, I had uncashed 50k+ bounties... which I lost all of. Most of the deaths are because I picked a fight with ships I can't win against, but once... I crashed onto a Sidewinder at full speed... in true TEST fashion. I was also fighting a Viper down to its last 3% in hull, when its shield recharged and it went full blast towards me and I died... $^!&@!

I've spent so far ~30k on insurance and am sitting at barely above 50k because of ALL those lost bounties (or I'd be able to afford a Cobra by now)

I want to try other things, such as exploration or mining, but both require a well equipped ship with more components that I just can't afford at the moment, so I guess I'll go back to bounty hunting some more without dying.

Still no idea how to raise reputation/rank with Federation to get that Sol Permit. I tried doing that "Free the Slaves!" mission but ended up bumping into an Unknown Signal Source that tried to get me to sell them somewhere else for 42k. I decided to still smuggle them in, but there was nothing in the Bulletin Board to accept it, so I decided to go to the other station to sell them for the "agreed" 42k, but they only had the "abandon fee of 782" ... What?! that's not what we agreed on! so I just went to Black Market for a measly profit of 2k credits... (bought 10kea, sold 11k ea... 2 slaves)

This game really confuses me still.


Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
Eagles are fragile.
You raise fed rep by doing missions for fed-aligned factions in whatever system you're in. do enough, and they will give you an advancement mission. do enough of those, and you will get access to various systems, including sol.


Nov 30, 2014
RSI Handle
Just curious but has anyone submitted a ticket to Elite and if so how long did it take for a response? Submitted a ticket over a week ago and still nothing.


Nov 30, 2014
RSI Handle


Space Marshal
Jan 22, 2014
RSI Handle
finally managed to get Midshipman(?) rank with the Federation yesterday. I've also been running trades with my new Cobra... which I just figured out 2 days ago that I could upgrade my cargo hold from 20... to 60!! (but I'm still not careful enough during docking/leaving that I need a shield, so I left it to 44) but still nothing about the Sol Permit =(

guess I'll continue running around buying/selling things... or re-outfit my ship for combat? ... I wanted to explore, but all the intermediate modules and stuff are all 500k+ and way out of my budget... so I'm holding out on that for now.

update a day later: so I got the permit to Sol FINALLY! but while FAR away from the system, while running/trading rare commodities. My god, it's "time consuming" but the rewards to pay off! (and I'm still in my Cobra, with 44t cargo hold) it shouldn't be long before I can outfit it with some Exploration parts and go ... explore! (or should I save up for an Asp first?)

also on a whim, I bought the Chrome Cobra skin... for 10 GBP... (almost 20CAD)
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Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle

I think you were looking for these fellows here!

I put in about 30min with the Oculus Rift last night.

My PC is not top of the line, so tracking is a little rough. I have to keep my movements slow.

I was in a Viper shooting up pirates at a resource extraction site.

The ability to lean forward and peak up through the top of your canopy is fuckin amazing!

Often in dogfights you lose your target, but with the rift on, you just move your head around and keep them in line of sight the whole time!

After 30min I started getting a little motion sickness, so back to Zoline Port at LT 133 and logged off for the night.
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