Elite: Dangerous TEST Squadron


Vice Admiral
Oct 19, 2014
RSI Handle
so yeah I am about to go alliance space or deep in unpopulated space. It's hard to get people to work together.... thank you anyway folks. here are the last pvp clips of my adventure. cya around o7






Aug 10, 2014
RSI Handle
The thing with this game is I don't see how they are going to fund development for all that stuff. Eve has a sub to keep it going.

I mean, the game is released.. copies are sold.. they have made their money. How are they going to pay people to add new content? Whats the incentive? Do they really think they can keep selling copies? You can only get so far selling paint. I think at this point it will be very incremental. They already have a track record of backing away from development goals.

I am taking it for what it is and assuming nothing much will change. If they add stuff, cool.. in the mean time I am enjoying the diversion before I continue on through WC III at home and Privateer at work.

If nothing else I hope they add an "alien invasion" to allow us to have some more NPC targets and to make trading and such more interesting. The more material a station gets, the better its defense gets..

With a few ship models and using their existing faction % system they could make this work and not take away to much from David Braben's retirement fund.

ps - one thing to add though.. they are adding PS4/Xbox programmers in Halifax. Several friends have already said they would love to relax on the couch with this game. Maybe thats the direction..
FYI Elite has more funds than SC.

Anyways, I'm playing the game as well currently.
Got a max Viper and Cobra and a decent Type 6.

As for getting money you guys should try rare trading. If not just try a trading tool http://www.elitetradingtool.co.uk/
I'm about level 4 on each rank (Combat, Trading and Exploration).

I'm currently getting some money to eventually buy upgrade to an ASP for a trip to the center of the milky way. I hope 1.1 will be soon (more collab play and wings beta). And finally 1.2 with wings should be amazing.


Space Marshal
Mar 25, 2014
RSI Handle
FYI Elite has more funds than SC.
Just curious, where did you see that Elite has more funding, looks to me like the original budget was $8million, they raised $2.5m through crowd funding and have sold around 75,000 copies at $50 each.

We know what SC has raised and on the surface it appears to have many times the budget.

Not nitpicking, as I said, just curious :)


Space Marshal
Dec 20, 2014
RSI Handle
For those who might be interested, I sometimes run a rare commodity trade route that will net you between 700K - 1M credits (sometimes more with a bit of luck). I do it in a Cobra packed full of cargo holds, you'll probably be fine with 32 - 26 cargo but I usually opt for the max 40 just so if you gut super lucky with the goods you'll have the extra space. Its about a 1 hour and 40 trip, depending on if you make the trip to the third station, so i'd recommend having a TV show to watch on another screen or something, at least that's how I roll (in fact I only do this when i'm watching something, I spend most my time in ED bounty hunting). I don't think this up, I got it off a YouTube vid, and maybe this is common knowledge by now, but thought i'd share it because it's the best money I've been able to make. The Route is as follows:

Pick up the rare goods from these stations...
39 Tauri - Porta
Fujin - Futen...

Geras - Yurchikhin Port < This port is SO far from the star, not even kidding, just over 1 000 000 light seconds, it's about a 20 - 25 minute trip to get there after you jump in, so you could just miss this stop, on the plus side however, its such a struggle to get there that I often find the system empty and as a result I have always found a decent enough supply of merchandise to make the trip worthwhile. That being said, you could totally get there and find there is nothing for sale, so make the journey at your discretion.

The haul...

Sell at Zaonce and grab the Leathery Egg, then proceed to these other stations and grab their rare goods...
Zaonce -Ridley Scott
Lave - Lave Station
Leesti - George Lucas
Diso - Shifnal Port
Uszaa - Guest Installation
Orrere - Sharon Lee...

And back to 39 Tauri to sell...



Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
Nice to see fellow TEST pilots in ED. Do you guys have some spare room for ED in mumble? If not, i can provide you with server.
Probably will be playing again soon (my flightstick broke), will be nice to do some coop play (maybe in private match?)
So-so upgraded Cobra MK III owner.


Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
For those who might be interested, I sometimes run a rare commodity trade route that will net you between 700K - 1M credits (sometimes more with a bit of luck). I do it in a Cobra packed full of cargo holds, you'll probably be fine with 32 - 26 cargo but I usually opt for the max 40 just so if you gut super lucky with the goods you'll have the extra space. Its about a 1 hour and 40 trip, depending on if you make the trip to the third station, so i'd recommend having a TV show to watch on another screen or something, at least that's how I roll (in fact I only do this when i'm watching something, I spend most my time in ED bounty hunting). I don't think this up, I got it off a YouTube vid, and maybe this is common knowledge by now, but thought i'd share it because it's the best money I've been able to make. The Route is as follows:

Pick up the rare goods from these stations...
39 Tauri - Porta
Fujin - Futen...

Geras - Yurchikhin Port < This port is SO far from the star, not even kidding, just over 1 000 000 light seconds, it's about a 20 - 25 minute trip to get there after you jump in, so you could just miss this stop, on the plus side however, its such a struggle to get there that I often find the system empty and as a result I have always found a decent enough supply of merchandise to make the trip worthwhile. That being said, you could totally get there and find there is nothing for sale, so make the journey at your discretion.

The haul...

Sell at Zaonce and grab the Leathery Egg, then proceed to these other stations and grab their rare goods...
Zaonce -Ridley Scott
Lave - Lave Station
Leesti - George Lucas
Diso - Shifnal Port
Uszaa - Guest Installation
Orrere - Sharon Lee...

And back to 39 Tauri to sell...

God damn it, come on guys. I browse from work, can we keep the dicks and titties to hyperlink form? I'd rather not lose my job because someone splashed a tit or a huge egyptodick up there and gets me hauled into HR.
On topic, I've been doing a lightly modified version of the gliese 868 > Ra loop, I'll post here if it pays off in increased gains.


Vice Admiral
Oct 19, 2014
RSI Handle
road to combat Master. I traced a route around the whole galaxy, center and borders spiral. loving z ASPinator!


Nov 30, 2014
RSI Handle
Been in Elite for a few days now and am loving it! There is nothing like hunting pirates amidst the rings of a gas giant. I do get the impression it is a mile wide and an inch deep though, I'm unsure of what the game has to offer long term.
Regardless, Commander Edmundo will start hauling ass that way tomorrow morning. I had a look at our sun, I also wanted to go see the Horse Head nebula (not sure if its actually there to see but its on the map) and it's pretty far away, i'm still pretty close to the starting system. Might have to trade in my Viper for a Cobra with a massive FSD.

See you around (that other) 'verse.

Q - you mentioned permits? Being new, and having not traveled very far i've never been bothered by them, I have seen a tab in that right panel in my ship though. Could someone explain?
'a mile wide and an inch deep' - couldn't agree more. Actually feels half finished, especially in regards of the economy. But have to take my cyber hat off to Elite for making such a massive universe with some pretty nice graphics and building a game that is pretty smooth and easy on the CPU. Does skip on occasion but not too bad for a first time out with something of this magnitude. Now if we can actually land on planets and walk around stations and the whole ten yards? That would be something!!!


Nov 30, 2014
RSI Handle
For those who might be interested, I sometimes run a rare commodity trade route that will net you between 700K - 1M credits (sometimes more with a bit of luck). I do it in a Cobra packed full of cargo holds, you'll probably be fine with 32 - 26 cargo but I usually opt for the max 40 just so if you gut super lucky with the goods you'll have the extra space. Its about a 1 hour and 40 trip, depending on if you make the trip to the third station, so i'd recommend having a TV show to watch on another screen or something, at least that's how I roll (in fact I only do this when i'm watching something, I spend most my time in ED bounty hunting). I don't think this up, I got it off a YouTube vid, and maybe this is common knowledge by now, but thought i'd share it because it's the best money I've been able to make. The Route is as follows:

Pick up the rare goods from these stations...
39 Tauri - Porta
Fujin - Futen...

Geras - Yurchikhin Port < This port is SO far from the star, not even kidding, just over 1 000 000 light seconds, it's about a 20 - 25 minute trip to get there after you jump in, so you could just miss this stop, on the plus side however, its such a struggle to get there that I often find the system empty and as a result I have always found a decent enough supply of merchandise to make the trip worthwhile. That being said, you could totally get there and find there is nothing for sale, so make the journey at your discretion.

The haul...

Sell at Zaonce and grab the Leathery Egg, then proceed to these other stations and grab their rare goods...
Zaonce -Ridley Scott
Lave - Lave Station
Leesti - George Lucas
Diso - Shifnal Port
Uszaa - Guest Installation
Orrere - Sharon Lee...

And back to 39 Tauri to sell...

yeah, done the whole rare items thing but I can make 100,000~120,000 in a short one jump haul that only takes 2 minutes. And with far less chance of being interdicted.


Jan 14, 2015
RSI Handle
When I finially get a HOTAS setup I will be joining you guys in ED. I think all HOTAS were sold during christmas because im finding most sellers are out of stock. Im gonna get a thrustmaster t-flight x hotas as soon as someone stocks it again. Did you purchase ED from thier website? When I look there it shows it all in euros and im from NA and only use USD currency.


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
When I finially get a HOTAS setup I will be joining you guys in ED. I think all HOTAS were sold during christmas because im finding most sellers are out of stock. Im gonna get a thrustmaster t-flight x hotas as soon as someone stocks it again. Did you purchase ED from thier website? When I look there it shows it all in euros and im from NA and only use USD currency.
There is button on top of site to switch between GBP/EUR/USD


Space Marshal
Jan 3, 2015
RSI Handle
For those who might be interested, I sometimes run a rare commodity trade route that will net you between 700K - 1M credits (sometimes more with a bit of luck). I do it in a Cobra packed full of cargo holds, you'll probably be fine with 32 - 26 cargo but I usually opt for the max 40 just so if you gut super lucky with the goods you'll have the extra space. Its about a 1 hour and 40 trip, depending on if you make the trip to the third station, so i'd recommend having a TV show to watch on another screen or something, at least that's how I roll (in fact I only do this when i'm watching something, I spend most my time in ED bounty hunting). I don't think this up, I got it off a YouTube vid, and maybe this is common knowledge by now, but thought i'd share it because it's the best money I've been able to make. The Route is as follows:

Pick up the rare goods from these stations...
39 Tauri - Porta
Fujin - Futen...

Geras - Yurchikhin Port < This port is SO far from the star, not even kidding, just over 1 000 000 light seconds, it's about a 20 - 25 minute trip to get there after you jump in, so you could just miss this stop, on the plus side however, its such a struggle to get there that I often find the system empty and as a result I have always found a decent enough supply of merchandise to make the trip worthwhile. That being said, you could totally get there and find there is nothing for sale, so make the journey at your discretion.

The haul...

Sell at Zaonce and grab the Leathery Egg, then proceed to these other stations and grab their rare goods...
Zaonce -Ridley Scott
Lave - Lave Station
Leesti - George Lucas
Diso - Shifnal Port
Uszaa - Guest Installation
Orrere - Sharon Lee...

And back to 39 Tauri to sell...
What FSD do you have for that trip?

Metal Heart

Dec 18, 2014
RSI Handle
Yellow!! I am a member of the Test Org on RSI, I am currently playing a ton of ED. I am on US eastern time so if anyone is within that range let me know! Otherwise this is my first post here, i really want to get involved with others on ED! Also I post on both the SC and ED reddits, I put this out there recently on the ED reddit let me know what you guys think of this idea! I go by Metalheart in SC and ED add me!!



Vice Admiral
Oct 19, 2014
RSI Handle
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Metal Heart

Dec 18, 2014
RSI Handle
welcome aboard Metal Heart, Lex, Murderfacer. I think most of us is grinding alone somewhere waiting Wings expansion planned for March. some doing trading, others combat or just exploring around.

2ND TRIP to California and Purple Nebulae

1ST ED.42 7 NEBULAS TOUR: http://imgur.com/a/5kYiz#0

Life as a Jehova's Witness

Phyton new Skin
The Jehova's pic's are hilarious! Btw just rolled in $350k in mining in an hr and half if i wasnt picking of all the pesky pirates lol. I really want to get a Mining Exchange group going, mining takes just long enough for someone to sell off the metals, purchase rares and haul them back (distribute accordingly) then repeat the process.
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Space Marshal
May 28, 2014
RSI Handle
I've been toodling about when I do play running trades for money like a guy trying to collect all the cards. I'm about a quarter of the way to my type 7, which I'm pretty happy with considering how little I play.
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