Griefing from an org you affiliate with? Drop the org or get banned from TEST.

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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I guess here is as good of a place as any to post this. Before I ever heard of TEST Squadron, I formed my own Org named Space Cowboys (SID - COWBOYUP) & I'm still its leader. The people within it I know in person & have told them many wonderful things about TEST Squadron just as I state wherever I go. I initially formed my original Org to always have a home for my friends & family who usually aren't able to be on or participate regularly due to various reasons in real life. Since I learned of TEST Squadron, I have joined & done my best to be both an active as well as positive member here. If any in my personal org ever cause issues for members of TEST, please let me know & I'll deal with them myself. If that doesn't resolve the issue & nip their actions in the bud, I'll boot them. In truth, it wouldn't surprise me if most of those in it don't eventually end up joining TEST Squadron as well when they become more active in SC. I hope that this will be satisfactory with @Montoya as well as the rest of TEST Squadron. I have no desire to lose my place with the awesome members here nor needlessly abandon my self made org members.

In regards of Server Rule 3, I was under the impression that the unofficial "religion" of TEST Squadron is Alcohol with most enjoying the Beer branch of said "religion" in its ceremonies.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
What is an "affiliate"?

This is why you leave all other Orgs and accept TEST as your one true savior.
Look at ADI, they are still around. They also like certificates, spreadsheets and being in bed by 8pm.
I miss laughing at ADI. I guess I should have never let my certificate to laugh at then expire. Bummer.


Heresy detector
May 31, 2017
RSI Handle
You are doing a good job at detecting heresy.

This must explain your title under the avatar.
Only the most pious and zealous are selected to detect the heresy that lives in the heart with whispers of infidelity. Unfortunately, piety and zeal cannot make us immune against the corruption that seeks to take root and bring down the might of TEST Squadron and so the watchers must also be watched, preferably over a few TEST mugs of beer.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Only the most pious and zealous are selected to detect the heresy that lives in the heart with whispers of infidelity. Unfortunately, piety and zeal cannot make us immune against the corruption that seeks to take root and bring down the might of TEST Squadron and so the watchers must also be watched, preferably over a few TEST mugs of beer.
For the GLORY of TEST!

Marcel Busse

Space Marshal
Sep 18, 2016
RSI Handle
i dont know but printinimus opened a barrel here.

i always loved to fly with serious seriouspunch, last time as i was asked wether the training trains ppl from other orgs i was told spread the love. so i was flying.

this incident goes over the cft chat now a while.

when i spoke to printimus he was stressed all over.

maybe you are seeing it too serious?

we cannot kick ppl because we want a 100% clean training.

you shoulddefend the areas then.

and i dont want to be threated like an asshole.

we need every guy for training, else we are alone there someday.


Staff member
Jan 16, 2016
RSI Handle
you should defend the areas then. [sic]
When the game is actually able to be played by a lot of people, I 100% agree with this.

The problem is now it sucks for us to bring a squad of guys to defend, because the vast majority of the time there is nothing to do. It's just boring.

So why should we have to bring along a bunch of guys to "work" and be bored? Just because some asshole griefer thinks it's fun to mess with us and interfere with the TESTing we're doing?

So for now, fuck that guy and people like him. He doesn't add anything to anyone's experience.

But long term, definitely, we'll have security squads. But we'll do that when it's FUN for them to attend more often than not, instead of now when it's boring work because mostly there is nothing and nobody to defend against.

If that scrub wants a real game, he can arrange to combat versus us at scheduled times, and I'm sure we'll have plenty of guys who will show up to have fun with him.


Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
i dont know but printinimus opened a barrel here.
I just ran my problem through our staff in attempt to find the best possible solution to a problem we were having.
maybe you are seeing it too serious?

we cannot kick ppl because we want a 100% clean training.
It became "serious" when the people that were practicing were getting upset and having their fun ruined repeatedly by someone look for a cheap thrill.

Why should we affiliate ourselves with people that ruin other peoples fun on purpose?

Will we always have a 100% clean training session? No, absolutely not, but when you can single out the one variable that is the root cause of the problem, you need to find a solution to that problem.

you shoulddefend the areas then.
We were defending the area already and still got griefed due primarily to imbalances in the game mechanics of atmospheric flight and ship weapons/capabilities.


Space Marshal
Aug 20, 2016
RSI Handle
It makes me happy to see solid policy laid down. Too many easy going groups apply that easy going philosophy to all areas. There is a time to be laid back and there is a time to lay down the law. Take it or leave it, agree with it or not.

I get the feeling that there will be a portion of the player base that strives to play as a subversive. There always is. Depending on how the final gameplay turns out, this may or may not be facilitated by in-game mechanics. Either way, these players operate in the "grey areas" that surround rules. Laying down a definitive line helps eliminate that. Without it, the subvertive activity can be allowed to exist far too long and cause much more damage than needed.

I can't count how many times I have seen players lose trust in their guild/clan/org because someone played the "it was an accident" or "everyone was having fun" card for far longer than it should have. There are a million excuses that those players use. All the while, they giggle at salt they generate within their own group and get their rocks on every player they drive out. You need to remember there is a large majority of players that will just silently move on. They may be laughing in the moment due to politeness, but ultimately have a really bad experience and just move on. They will be there participating and helping the org one day, but gone like a ghost the next.

This is the stuff that kills orgs/clans/guilds, not hard rules.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
RSI Handle
But long term, definitely, we'll have security squads.

This also touches on the topic of OPSEC.

At the moment we have zero operational security because we are trying to be as open and inclusive as possible.

Our forums are open, our events a posted publicly, anybody is welcome to join, even if you are not in TEST.

If some event gets shot at, no problem, it happens.

When it happens 2-3 or 4 times by the same person, well then its just annoying to the newbies who are trying to have some fun.

At that point we will simply kick every single person that has any kind of known or hidden affiliations with the org that is targeting us. You can not be in both. There will be no warnings or questions or interviews. Its up to you to know what orgs you affiliate with and what they are doing.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
My point is if you are an affiliate with an org that we have any kind of conflict with, that creates a problem.

There will be no meetings, no negotiations.
Well said. I don't see another way to deal with this and as one who has shamelessly joked about the ban button, I want to be certain everyone understands, I am in complete support of Toys' take on this issue. I don't think I get a vote, and I won't drop a note on subjects if we ever disagree, but it is worth saying when you know leadership has it right, and Toys has this right.


Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
So when TEST is able to grief in the actual game >.> will it be free for all griefing or will we be @Montoya 's hand of griefing. Where he is like, I dont like this guy, my peoples go, and we swarm our um pirate section, not griefing section and do dirty things. I need to know if my pirate hands will be tied by the almighty gracious, will loose hands, or pants down weiners out fun

Marcel Busse

Space Marshal
Sep 18, 2016
RSI Handle
definition of griefing from cig: if you will be hunted down multiple times from the same person

afaik it was only 2 times hunted, and this was making a big wave of chatter every day in the cft channel.

the racing is attracting many ppl and for now they have their own defense.

everything should be good.

i did a lot of mistakes during member of test, but nothing was the cause of banning me (nearly).

give the members a 2nd chanche until you discover that they dont want to be in test.
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