Look what I just made, works in OBS media source and you need newest version of chrome or maybe newest version of Firefox/IE to view this? But definitely newest version of Chrome will show the PNG animation :slight_smile:
If you can't see it, here's a tiny-fied ugly-fied gif version
Gif due to file type limitations is noticeably less sharp and has bad artifacting.
How I did this
Open Twitch Logo in Illustrator,
Use Helvetica font for my username to match the chat and since it's more legible at smaller sizes
Convert text to vectors, apply outside stroke, turn stroke to vector, duplicate layer and save one and hide it, apply 3D extrude, expand appearance to vector, select all new stuff I just did, convert to shape with shape tool, delete previous old layers and use newly made single path for entire outline made by shape tool, unhide saved layer. Select all we just did with shape tool again, delete all text shapes from selection, apply twitch logo color, BAM!.. we now how our Twitch-ified username. Export to PNG. Save AI file.
Next (be careful not to save the AI for this step or you can ruin it) we'll make the MATTE file for After Effects.. Change color to pure white #ffffff, background to pure black #000000. Export to PNG with MATTE in file name.
Import both these files into an after effects composition, drag the main PNG into comp button to make a new comp matching the size of this PNG. Change composition settings to desired frame rate.
Add MATTE png into the comp (above the main PNG)
then change the main PNG layer's TrkMat (Track Matte) setting to Luma Matte for the above layer.
BAM! now you can animate behind it and use the MATTE PNG you created to matte out excess of any animations you add behind or in front of your design.
Then export as PNG sequence with alpha enabled
Then use this
To create your animated PNG (from the image sequence you just rendered) to use in OBS.