Hello testies,
I have joined the star citizen adventure since junary.
I m having a blast so far even if i play a little less (i cant wait to actualy have real goals in the game).
And récently i finaly managed to participate in the combat flight training for my first time, my ass hurt a little but it was realy a trainer.
As i got my finger into the funding mechanic of CIG i realised that the mustang alpha wich i got with my package wasnt realy usefull spécialy for transport mission. So i puted a little more monay to CCU to an avenger titan (just for the hold and it look so cool). At this moment, i couldnt stop to think that CIG intentionnaly build this syteme to encourage backers to put more monay on the table, but oh well what was 20$ anyway.
Then i started to think that it would be awesome to actually have a real fighter ship and i couldnt resist the urge of getting a sabre after testing it in the AC with REC. With the help of my fellow testies, i got one for 170$. As for financial statu, that wasnt terrible, most likely a little pleasure i could allow myself without harming the family budget.
The Vulcan sales came in and i was like : "that s ok i will get that in the game"
The 100i cames out and i spent 50$ just to get a cool starter with LTI (just to feel safer when the game launch in case i m in trouble with uec incomes). What was 50$ in my budget, not much well i could fill my car with gaz with this amount just to go to work you know?
Then i started to think that this avenger hold wasnt that great for merchantship, spécialy since my monthly subsription gave me access to an aquila for few month, and started to look to CCU it to a cutlass, then the hercule sales came out...
I was like,: "I NEED THAT" and then i started to look for a way to buy that C2.
That s when my job (i m an accountant manager spécialised in financial managment, cost studys and financial analysis) grabbed firmly my feets and anchored them deep in the ground. I have to put food ont he table.
Then i started to analyse all those ships sales and i cam to realise something:
* You only do pledge, you dont buy anything.
* You pay VAT because CIG is a commercial business and they have taxe because they promise you a final product for your donation aka the game (and nothing else).
* There is no garanty to receive the game. Chris roberts could just announce one day " thanks guys for your support but we couldnt make it." even worse they could give us some half finished product and just say that this is the most they could do.
* Ships will be aviable into the game and some with probably little effort.
* They calls them ships sales but it s falacious ! it s a raising funds opération. Maybe CIG should rename it accordingly? As i see it, they creat various pledge and associate a spécifique goodies with them. Like when you make a donnation for 100$ to a charity and they give you a little keychain as a thanks (you actualy dont buy the keychain)
* There is alot of drama about LTI, but based on the fact that you can only use one ship at a time, and the fact that insurance wont be that bad to begin with. well what is the drama about again?
* Backers seems to believe that the only way to get ships is via ship sales............... WTF that came from? As soon as the planet Arccorp become aviable we are supposed to be able to buy ships in game (still in alpha though).
* Imagine the drama when players who gave CIG 500$ for a ship and finaly cant play it before a player who didnt pledge anything past the base game package but plays 12 hours a day?
I tryed to voice my opinions on spectrum but i got bashed continuously.
So i ask you my comrades did i misunderstood something ?
I have joined the star citizen adventure since junary.
I m having a blast so far even if i play a little less (i cant wait to actualy have real goals in the game).
And récently i finaly managed to participate in the combat flight training for my first time, my ass hurt a little but it was realy a trainer.
As i got my finger into the funding mechanic of CIG i realised that the mustang alpha wich i got with my package wasnt realy usefull spécialy for transport mission. So i puted a little more monay to CCU to an avenger titan (just for the hold and it look so cool). At this moment, i couldnt stop to think that CIG intentionnaly build this syteme to encourage backers to put more monay on the table, but oh well what was 20$ anyway.
Then i started to think that it would be awesome to actually have a real fighter ship and i couldnt resist the urge of getting a sabre after testing it in the AC with REC. With the help of my fellow testies, i got one for 170$. As for financial statu, that wasnt terrible, most likely a little pleasure i could allow myself without harming the family budget.
The Vulcan sales came in and i was like : "that s ok i will get that in the game"
The 100i cames out and i spent 50$ just to get a cool starter with LTI (just to feel safer when the game launch in case i m in trouble with uec incomes). What was 50$ in my budget, not much well i could fill my car with gaz with this amount just to go to work you know?
Then i started to think that this avenger hold wasnt that great for merchantship, spécialy since my monthly subsription gave me access to an aquila for few month, and started to look to CCU it to a cutlass, then the hercule sales came out...
I was like,: "I NEED THAT" and then i started to look for a way to buy that C2.
That s when my job (i m an accountant manager spécialised in financial managment, cost studys and financial analysis) grabbed firmly my feets and anchored them deep in the ground. I have to put food ont he table.
Then i started to analyse all those ships sales and i cam to realise something:
* You only do pledge, you dont buy anything.
* You pay VAT because CIG is a commercial business and they have taxe because they promise you a final product for your donation aka the game (and nothing else).
* There is no garanty to receive the game. Chris roberts could just announce one day " thanks guys for your support but we couldnt make it." even worse they could give us some half finished product and just say that this is the most they could do.
* Ships will be aviable into the game and some with probably little effort.
* They calls them ships sales but it s falacious ! it s a raising funds opération. Maybe CIG should rename it accordingly? As i see it, they creat various pledge and associate a spécifique goodies with them. Like when you make a donnation for 100$ to a charity and they give you a little keychain as a thanks (you actualy dont buy the keychain)
* There is alot of drama about LTI, but based on the fact that you can only use one ship at a time, and the fact that insurance wont be that bad to begin with. well what is the drama about again?
* Backers seems to believe that the only way to get ships is via ship sales............... WTF that came from? As soon as the planet Arccorp become aviable we are supposed to be able to buy ships in game (still in alpha though).
* Imagine the drama when players who gave CIG 500$ for a ship and finaly cant play it before a player who didnt pledge anything past the base game package but plays 12 hours a day?
I tryed to voice my opinions on spectrum but i got bashed continuously.
So i ask you my comrades did i misunderstood something ?
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