Mining Guide Updates Blog

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Currently neck deep in ship based mining. A few rewrites here and there, words changed. Now down to Mining Consumables which will take a bit of work to write well. I need to go in game and do just a bit more research in regards to 2 consumables from 2 different lasers interacting on the same rock. Updated a few more pictures, added a FPM gear price table which I may redo tomorrow to include locations like I have with components. I'm not in the home stretch by any means but I'm getting closer.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
My brain is fried from writing today. Wrote about Quantanium, volatile ore(and the boom), updated the fracturing section a bit for suggested consumables, and moved a couple things around. whew. I may post a couple snippets tomorrow.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
One of the new bits! Not edited yet but its looking really good.

Temperature Specific Armor

On planets and moons with extreme hot and cold temperatures, extra care must be taken to ensure survival. This takes the form of Caldera’s specialized Novikov(yellow) and Pembroke(maroon) environmental armors. The Novikov should be worn in frigid environments like the planet microTech and can comfortably withstand temperatures ranging from -255° / 75° C. The Pembroke on the other hand is meant for scorching temperatures like those found on the Ariel moon and can navigate temperatures ranging from -75° / 255° C. The main body of the armor is equipped like an undersuit but the helmets are equipped normally.

The Novikov “Expo” Armor from the CitizenCon 2949 Digital Goodies Pack is identical in function to the regular Novikov Armor.

Additional Items

Optionally, a player can buy and equip a pink QuikFlare, which can be used to illuminate caves or other dark places. This flare can be turned on and then carried in hand, dropped on the ground, picked up again, or carried on-person providing extra lighting in addition to the helmet mounted flashlight. Additionally, with the Player Status System, oxygen now depletes much faster meaning CureLife Oxypens should be carried for outdoor journeys. Finally, CureLife Medpens are an essential item to carry in order to heal quickly from unexpected injuries.

FPM Gear Price Table


Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
The Consumable Sanction - As explained before about Quantanium it has a small green zone and high instability which only gets more difficult to mine the higher concentration the rock is. When an extremely valuable rock must absolutely without delay be mined perfectly then the Mole with three Helix Mining Heads and Consumables should be used. Slot two Helix heads with an Optimum Consumable and the third with a Stampede. Focus all lasers on the rock and after activating the lasers activate all Consumables simultaneously. This will be enough to widen the Green Zone to be almost the entire Rock Energy Level meter and fracture the rock within seconds without any risk of Overcharge. Repeat as necessary for all rocks.

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Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
I can verify that the Caldera’s specialized Novikov environmental armor work amazing, I took about a 1.5 - 2 hour walk outside around parts of NB.
It was from calm nice sunny to blistering snow storm with zero visibility, once I got back I was all white covered in ice and snow.

The armor suit held up great, the environment had no effect on me what so ever inside the suit and for it's size that armor is very agile and you can move fairly fast in it.
Easy this is one suit I'll have with me to change int to at all time if needed.

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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Just two main area left to be done. Consumables and Upgrades. I need to do a couple more TESTs on consumables and I just need to go through upgrades themselves to see what needs to be changed. Then its off to editing.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle

Other Tips & Tricks

Focus Lasers-
All rocks, even those with high mass, resistance, and instability can be mined by a Mole with three Helix Mining Heads working together. As with the Double Team strategy above, this usually involves two of the laser operators focusing on a single rock and activating the lasers at minimum power(0.10%). The third operator will then be the one that raises the Rock Energy Level to and maintains the Green Zone. Very rarely will one of the other operators need to increase power in order for the Rock Energy Level to rise enough to cross into the Green Zone. At this point the third operator will continue to carefully maintain and adjust power as needed until fracture occurs. Repeat as necessary on all rocks.

The Consumable Sanction - As explained before about Quantanium it has a small green zone and high instability which only gets more difficult to mine the higher concentration the rock is. When an extremely valuable rock must absolutely without delay be mined perfectly then a Mole with three Helix Mining Heads and Consumables should be used. Slot two Helix heads with an Optimum Consumable and the third with a Stampede. Focus all lasers on the rock and after activating the lasers activate all Consumables simultaneously. This will be enough to widen the Green Zone to be almost 50% of the entire Rock Energy Level meter and fracture the rock within seconds without any risk of Overcharge. Repeat as necessary for all rocks.

Saving fuel while surface mining - To save some fuel while skimming the surface of a moon or planet simply go into VTOL mode(press ‘J’). This engages VTOL which uses less fuel than the main engines. This is especially important with a ship like the Mole which consumes fuel at an astonishing rate.

Avoiding accidental Overcharge with server lag- Due to server lag the Rock Energy level and Fracturing Sensor may sometimes appear to be static for a few seconds. Power is still being applied and calculated and when the server sends that data to the client it could mean the rock is now Overcharging. If this lag appears to happen either move the laser to a different part of the rock to force an update, turn the laser away from the rock, or turn the laser off until the server can catch up.

Maximizing Good Returns - Recall the General Scanner and what the numbers next to the minerals mean. The first number is the concentration of a specific mineral in the rock, the second number tells the player how much of the rock that concentration is in. For best returns, not only must the concentration of a specific element be high, the percentage of the overall mass must be as well. Furthermore the mass of the rock should also be significant, customarily in the 6000-8000 range For example, a rock contains a 30% gold concentration that is in 5% of the rock. This will yield less value compared to a 5% gold concentration in 50% of a rock provided that the mass of both is the same. Do not be deceived by a generous up front concentration. Looking deeper will allow for better decisions and yield even better rewards.

Repair and Refuel at Moon Outposts- Moon outposts with landing pads can be used to repair and refuel ships. This is especially useful for the Mole due to its high fuel consumption.

Countering Weather-
Alpha 3.9 introduced weather for all moons and planets.
  1. Wind should be paid attention to first and foremost as this will rock a miner’s ship back and forth or blow it away from a valuable rock. The rocking effect can have detrimental effects on rocks with high instability as the player tried to keep the laser steady. Due to how the rock reacts when the mining laser hits a new area it could lead to the rock acquiring Overcharge. In these cases the ship can either be landed or positioned in such a way that the wind is directly behind or in front of the ship to minimize extraneous movement. Great pilots will usually be able to automatically compensate for most movement while keeping eyes on the prize.
  2. Dust/ice particles - At night these particles can obstruct vision if the ship is moving and it’s lights are turned on. Players encounting this can either turn the lights off and fly relatively blind, turn the gamma setting up in the graphics options or move outside of whatever dust/ice storm is currently present.

New Babbage Commons Area Landing -
Quantum from Port Tressler down to New Babbage and find the Commons area domes. From here there is a small area outside the vehicle garage which can be used to land a ship on. This will register on the refinery console inside and can be used to quickly sell volatile ore.


Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
OH! That is brilliant using the vehicle ramp, that'll save tons of time. 🍻
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Didn't do much to day except survey some and make money. However I did come up with a couple new sections I want to add into a future version of the Guide:

Overclocking - Need to do some research on this, but it may be worthwhile
Minerals in Depth - A section to discuss the minerals themselves and any outstanding characteristics

Any other suggestions?
Last edited:
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Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Work will continue on the Ore Location index and that will be posted to the Guide when its done. Editing will be taking place on the Guide this week and weekend but those will be stealth changes. On to other writing projects and keep doing events.

"Sunder arn't you leading the Op today"
"I have to work on the Guide"
"Which one?"

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
3.10 is around the corner since its now in Evocati. A mining rover of some kind is expected to enter into service as well. Quantanium is now unique in how it looks. And all ships apparently can scan for ore according to leaked notes.
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