My Resignation From Aerospace Alliance

Will C.

Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2017
RSI Handle
Whoa, whoa, whoa... uh, have a beer? We'll overwhelm their ORG whenever the game launches, so, just... just relax, man.
Lol i am fine. I do not forget my memory is in a good place. Just letting it be known. Nor am i on edge loi don't try o read emotion in text usually leads down wrong path.. and beer is gross i drink vodka like an adult

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
This guy is not joining TEST, he is just posting on our forums.
Cognizant of that. Was more a "Welcome to our forums. We're friendly, fun people should you decide to join." I am Canadian, and will probably welcome everyone who posts here, regardless of whether they intent to join or not. It's kinda just who we are as a nation.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm illiterate.
Me too, I just mash my forehead on the keyboard like this: "kll,.ldffrgtgt,lkjhgfdsxazdsfgvjkl" and all my forum posts come out. Yes, I did actually type that bit with my forehead.
My God, forced inebriation? The horror! The horror.
I didn't want to say no, I was being polite. I am British(I'm.not.. I'm Scottish so was happy to receive).
Gah, every British person has been here.

Friend "Would you like a drink?"
Me "No thanks, i'm off the drink at the moment." Read: "Sorry, I'm on medication I don't want to talk about, which means if I drink alcohol I will either die or be more entertaining than those failblog videos on Youtube.
Friend "Okay."
*Friend goes to bar. Comes back from bar*
Friend "Here you go."
*Puts a pint, three alcopops and five shots in front of you*
Me "Oh... Thanks, you shouldn't have, what do I owe you?" Read: "Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck You total, total bastard! last time you did this i woke up in hospital fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
Friend "Don't be daft, you don't owe me anything. Your round next."

This is probably the main reason why the National Health Service is free. We all pay our National Insurance week-in-week-out under the understanding that when we get knocked on our arses drunk just because we were too polite to say a firm "no" in the pub, the NHS will put us back together again and send us on our way. They all say the NHS is not for accidental binge drinking, but what else could it be for? Its either that or the whole social structure of the UK falls apart.
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Jun 18, 2017
RSI Handle
mod edit: This post is most likely fake, but enjoy anyway


The fact of the matter is I feel partly responsible for reinforcing VirtualAce's behavior for as long as I have.
It didnt really hit me just how cruel he was until I saw a screenshot of him outing one of our former members's sexuality.

It really made me sit down and take a hard look in the mirror at myself.
These people are..were... my friends. I have known some of them for over a year, and as much as it pains me to admit it part of me reveled in the thrill of things, pad camping doesnt seem so bad when you are laughing at it with friends, neither does razzing one another. It just seems like a boys club, hijinks, harmless.

Until I came across the thread here on this forum accusing VirtualAce of hacking, something we all knew was true but when youre on the end of it in your favor it just didnt seem so bad. "It's alpha, what does it matter" something weve joked about openly on discord for months now.

It never really felt like we were hurting anyone, just having fun.

I recently confided something deeply personal to VirtualAce and if he is reading this it won't take him long to figure out who I am but I dont care anymore.

What you do is wrong Ace. How you treat others is wrong, and holding someones personal demons over their head to make them bend to your will is sick.

I wish I had realized the kind of person you were before I opened up to you. I wish I had paid closer attention at the people and what they had said about you months ago.

I want to apologize to TEST for my part in reinforcing the behavior of VirtualAce and to let you all know that you arent alone, there are others that have begun to question things as well. In the end I believe they will come to similar conclusions and make the choices that are right for them.

In conclusion,

Fuck you, VirtualAcem I hope you reap the seeds of all you have sown.

You deserve to have everyone in the community learn about just what kind of person you are.

I hate myself for my part in it and I won't let your threats silence me any longer.
mod edit: This post is most likely fake, but enjoy anyway


The fact of the matter is I feel partly responsible for reinforcing VirtualAce's behavior for as long as I have.
It didnt really hit me just how cruel he was until I saw a screenshot of him outing one of our former members's sexuality.

It really made me sit down and take a hard look in the mirror at myself.
These people are..were... my friends. I have known some of them for over a year, and as much as it pains me to admit it part of me reveled in the thrill of things, pad camping doesnt seem so bad when you are laughing at it with friends, neither does razzing one another. It just seems like a boys club, hijinks, harmless.

Until I came across the thread here on this forum accusing VirtualAce of hacking, something we all knew was true but when youre on the end of it in your favor it just didnt seem so bad. "It's alpha, what does it matter" something weve joked about openly on discord for months now.

It never really felt like we were hurting anyone, just having fun.

I recently confided something deeply personal to VirtualAce and if he is reading this it won't take him long to figure out who I am but I dont care anymore.

What you do is wrong Ace. How you treat others is wrong, and holding someones personal demons over their head to make them bend to your will is sick.

I wish I had realized the kind of person you were before I opened up to you. I wish I had paid closer attention at the people and what they had said about you months ago.

I want to apologize to TEST for my part in reinforcing the behavior of VirtualAce and to let you all know that you arent alone, there are others that have begun to question things as well. In the end I believe they will come to similar conclusions and make the choices that are right for them.

In conclusion,

Fuck you, VirtualAcem I hope you reap the seeds of all you have sown.

You deserve to have everyone in the community learn about just what kind of person you are.

I hate myself for my part in it and I won't let your threats silence me any longer.
I really hope that's you dude
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