New missiles


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeap, I saw some CS missiles incoming. Radar guided doesn't exist. That would be target lock.
I almost thought I was going crazy. If you watch the second of Zookajoe's videos it explains how the missiles work. In real life, EM missiles don't exist, and chaff and flare are my specialty so having EM missiles thwarted by chaff based on their imaginary mechanics just didn't make sense to me and had me questioning myself lol.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
The size 3 do a lot of damage ive had them do like 4000 or more damage which is most of a cutlass or a big chunk of a vanguard or connie. I use them as my default on my sabre but it only carries 2 - having 4 on the vanguard would be awesome.

It depends if you want to smack up big ships (use size 3-4) or smash up little ships (use size 1-2). I don't like S1 they don't do too much against a hornet let alone something bigger.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I died a loooot today.

I was flying a 350r against a Gladiator, an interesting experience but I got a strategy that kept me happy in the end.

So for 6 matches in a row I was being butchered by this one Gladiator. To be fair to them i'm a sadist and was targeting them - used to do it with the OP Sabres in 2.5, I am never going to be top of the leader boards... When I find a ship I can't dance with I will try and try again until I find a way to duke it out.

Anyway, the gig would go as follows: I'd fly up to them, they'd launch one of the missiles that has the thunderbolt icon when it locks you and i'd die. Every time I died they picked up a new batch of missiles from my corpse (350R does not even have mountable missile rack points at the moment so where they came from is anyones guess) and be fresh as a daisy for the next go.

I launched chaff, no effect on the magic missile and i'd die, I launched Flairs, no effect on the magic missile and i'd die, I turned off my engines so my EM was zero, no effect on the magic missile, i'd die. One hit shots every single time. I even tried to outpace the missile at 945 top speed, it would still catch me even going 945, i'd die.

So I tried exhausting their missiles by getting locked and then either hiding behind something or ramming my ship into a 'roid. This failed because when they could not get pick-ups from me, they just killed someone else and got them from them.

So I finally came up with a winning strategy... Well, not so much winning as "if i'm going to die, i'm going to die on my terms".

I got up to top speed, 945, and ram them firing as I came in to get a hand full of points. If they are going to have magic undodgeable missiles, I am going to be a magic undodgeble missile, for the Glory Of Test!

Worked for me, I was having great fun.

How in all hell do you Counter the Thunderbolt Icon missiles? I have googled and found no details...


Vice Admiral
Jan 4, 2017
RSI Handle
So I'm thinking, do I want four size 2s or one size 4 on my LN. Once I've fired those first four, I'm only picking up missiles one at a time after that, and I might as well make them size 4s instead of 2s, so I'm gonna rent a 414 rack (love the new number system for missile racks) and the best size 4 missiles I can get. I'll check back afterwards.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Thunderbolt is EM missile and you counter it with flares just like IR, according to the video we watched in class today.
Cheers dude, I'm too cool for school so i'm lucky someone was paying attention. They didn't work for me but i must not have been spamming them hard enough, i only get 8.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
So for the Vanguard, with 2 size 4 mounts for missiles, would you go with 16 x 1's, 8 size 2's, 4 size 3's, or 2 size 4's? Or a mix of different sizes?
Depends on the target size, the damage dealt and the refill quantity. I depend on guns, not on missiles. Missiles have 2 uses: 1. keep my target busy so it has to concentrate on evading missiles instead of shooting at me 2. speed up the destruction. Until 2.5 I always kept my missiles for the aces waves, kill the aces asap and using the remaining missiles to clean up the rest. In 2.6 I must refill missiles during combat and I don't know if size matters with refills, so I tend to mount bigger sizes and use them on the Vanguards and Cutlasses.

I don't like S1 they don't do too much against a hornet let alone something bigger.
A volley of S1s do more damage than 1 S1. I guess that S1 missiles are more agile than bigger missiles, so hit chance is bigger. If one misses, the others still can hit.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
How in all hell do you Counter the Thunderbolt Icon missiles? I have googled and found no details...
I once saw a vid about how to dodge missiles. CS missiles are cross section missiles, so it makes sense to make your cross section towards the missiles as small as possible and evade / strafe / boost away in the good direction when the missile is close enough so it will overshoot. Also missiles are much faster than ships, this also implies that their turning circle is bigger than your ships turning circle. This of course only works when the missile is at your tail.

The major point is that if you try to dodge / evade a missile you are concentrated on the missiles instead of on your target. This leaves a good opportunity for your target to aim and shoot at you.
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