Piracy Piracy Division/Squadron Organization Brainstorm


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle

we're gonna have plenty of asshats saying, "Arrr! Shoot Blues erryday! Arrr!"

and plenty more who just won't know any better

because TEST

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle

we're gonna have plenty of asshats saying, "Arrr! Shoot Blues erryday! Arrr!"

and plenty more who just won't know any better

because TEST
I hear blue on blue is bad. So they say. So blue on everyone else must be good. Right?


Dec 4, 2016
RSI Handle
Could you clarify this a tad, please? I kinda' sounds like you're sanctioning griefing under the TEST brand.
i tend to agree that is what it sounds like XD, personally i see piracy as trying to obtain there cargo and you can be forced out into a conflict if they dont agree, but alot of people claiming to be pirates are more like raiders they go for every last bit they can they would dissect the crew of the ships they attack if they could earn a profit on there meat and body parts :P

or atleast thats how alot of people sound when they talk about what they are planing to do :P. i personally just want to make a profit and if you do it alittle and dont stripmine your resources you can keep going but if you stripmine and make sure they wont agree next time they see you sooner or later you wont have anyone to profit from :P
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Dec 4, 2016
RSI Handle
You know, when I think about it there really is no "NICE" way to take someones stuff . . . so yes we are a group of griefers.
well there's a difference customs at a border is also stealing your stuff if they want you to pay to get your things, but its legal theft :P

but if its someone that wants EVERYTHING you have then its alot worse, and even more so if they dont want the rest they just destroy it :P

but if its a person that just wants say hmm 5% or 10% or 20% of your stuff and lets you go unarmed on your way ?. would you not atleast consider it ?. i mean you could lose everything if you dont agree
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Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2015
RSI Handle
I think the difference between piracy and griefing is intent - Piracy, you're looking to reliably make the best profit out of someone - as brutus says, Don't stripmine your targets, cause then you've got no targets left. Griefing would be deliberately, repeatedly making sure the other player isn't able to play how they want to play. ie: taking all of someones profit margin each and every time they fly through your system.

Gotta be more exciting to be robbed by us than to have their ship blown up and to make an full insurance claim.
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
I think the difference between piracy and griefing is intent - ...Griefing would be deliberately, repeatedly making sure the other player isn't able to play how they want to play. ie: taking all of someones profit margin each and every time they fly through your system.
I like the Goons' definition of griefing - "We don't want to ruin the game, we just want to ruin your game."

There will be players who believe they are entitled to the higher profits from hauling freight through unpoliced space without hiring escorts for protection - i.e. all of the rewards with none of the risks.

They will whine and call us griefers, we will laugh and call them victims of their own unrealistic expectations.
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Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
Many other things require communication channels with other divisions, such as joint ops, areas of free passage (no pirate harassment), etc.
For example it is in best interest of TEST that we do not harass ships passing through this lane, or the industrial division needs special hard to procure items that we need to keep an eye out for, or TEST requires us to harass certain orgs or areas for some purpose.
So the piracy is mainly a raiding group of other territorial lanes.


Space Marshal
Apr 4, 2015
RSI Handle
I like the Goons' definition of griefing - "We don't want to ruin the game, we just want to ruin your game."

There will be players who believe they are entitled to the higher profits from hauling freight through unpoliced space without hiring escorts for protection - i.e. all of the rewards with none of the risks.

They will call us griefers, we will call them victims of their own unrealistic expectations.
Full heartedly agree, if people go through space that they can get raided, killed, or pirated and do so alone and vulnerable and demand that none of this happens to them without consequences, than cries griefer. The whole unrealistic expectations definitely takes precedence.


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
I just realized I might have been thinking about this piracy thing the wrong way. I don't necessarily want to shoot people and board their ship in flight.
I'm more into meta-piracy: infiltrate another org, climb through the ranks and ransack their whole supply depot and half their fleet.
Join the crew of a massive hauler, run a few jobs with them, get some "friends" to also join said crew, pop the captain in the head and land at TEST HQ.
Offer to provide SAR services for a small org, bring all their wounded back to our Endeavor Hope and strip them of all valuable organs.
That kind of stuff. Will we do that kind of stuff? Please?


Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
...I'm more into meta-piracy: infiltrate another org, climb through the ranks and ransack their whole supply depot and half their fleet...That kind of stuff. Will we do that kind of stuff? Please?
If you're thinking in terms of the epic ripoffs in Eve Online, ain't gonna happen.

Those are a consequence of a poorly designed corporate permission system, in ancient code that the devs can't fix without breaking other key elements of the game.

AFAIK it's the origin of the 'soon(tm)' meme seen on game forums everywhere.

Even if CIG repeated CCP's lame design the sharded nature of the PU would radically limit a thieving spai's haul.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I just realized I might have been thinking about this piracy thing the wrong way. I don't necessarily want to shoot people and board their ship in flight.
I'm more into meta-piracy: infiltrate another org, climb through the ranks and ransack their whole supply depot and half their fleet.
Join the crew of a massive hauler, run a few jobs with them, get some "friends" to also join said crew, pop the captain in the head and land at TEST HQ.
Offer to provide SAR services for a small org, bring all their wounded back to our Endeavor Hope and strip them of all valuable organs.
That kind of stuff. Will we do that kind of stuff? Please?
I think I'm falling in love with you. Haha
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Dec 31, 2014
RSI Handle
So, yes, you are all right, the way in which any good pirate would make a profit from the profession is the minimize risk and maximize reward. That means you try to avoid any type of conflict and get your target to drop their cargo via intimidation. A, look at my BIG GUN, sort of thing. But that sort of thing also is dependent on reputation. The guy needs to know you will make his life hell. I have tried piracy in enough games to know that most players will not give you their stuff, Why???, because it seems like a general rule that all gamers are asses and they don't like feeling that anyone is a bigger, better ass than them. So you grief them, you make their life hell until they understand that they should not mess with you and do what you say - then you can be nice to them. =)

I agree with all of your rationalizations, we don't want to be bad people and we wont be, unless you invite us to be.

But, I personally, just don't justify it. It is what I do, if you don't like it, get a better weapon or pay up. Tax at a tole or at the point of a gun I still see it as grief. . . . just sayin


Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Ok now, we can beat around the bush finding fancy justifications for piracy and whatnot, and we can actually make it fun, but here's my point:

TEST has a size problem. It's really large. Now that's a good thing in most cases, but in this particular one, here's how it's goin' to go down: you're talkin' about campin' on trading routes and setting up shop in various areas. Having more than two crews in the same area or on the same route, would bring people to steppin' on each other's toes, and it wouldn't be good business, so we're goin' to want to spread around.

Since we're so many, TEST pirate squads are definitely goin' to end up hittin' the same players more than one time. So they will end up feelin' griefed, and they won't blame specific members, but the organization. They'll claim they're gettin' griefed by TEST. And they'll actually have a point, no matter that each member couldn't care less about ruinin' those players' day (therefore proving lack of intent).

So ,my questions is: are we lettin' this happen, or do we intend to control the phenomenon somehow, in order to preserve TEST's reputation.


Dec 31, 2014
RSI Handle
Good thing is that there are going to be a lot of npc targets out there. So, even if people are feeling grieffed, we can still make money. I plan on generally being reasonable with players, but with npcs . . . . *smile* and CIG says they are going to make it hard to tell the difference.
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