Piracy Privateer

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Cat: She's a keeper. So much utility.
Carrack: I always wanted her, I have her, and now I'm wondering if I want to keep her. Large ships are going to be expensive to run.

So query;
Do I want to turn my Carrack into a Prowler for Privateering? I AM thinking about it. Bought the CCUs just in case.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
That is a really tough call, but if you can take ships, you can take a Carrack. IIRC, it has a huge blind spot out back, so any of them flying alone exploring are easy prey.

One nice thing about the Prowler is, you get a loaner Hoplite until it is ready, and that ship is extremely interesting for privateering as well. If we can get into a nice rhythm where we're taking a fat StarG each week just for cash, you should be able to afford more than enough fuel and NPC's as you need for a Carrack. And if we start before the Prowler is available, we will need the Hoplites. And hopefully CIG will let us mod back and forth between all the Vanguard variants, though no word if the Hoplite will be an exception since it has the wider body. Sure wish they would do that with all 4 variants.
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
That is a really tough call, but if you can take ships, you can take a Carrack. IIRC, it has a huge blind spot out back, so any of them flying alone exploring are easy prey.

One nice thing about the Prowler is, you get a loaner Hoplite until it is ready, and that ship is extremely interesting for privateering as well. If we can get into a nice rhythm where we're taking a fat StarG each week just for cash, you should be able to afford more than enough fuel and NPC's as you need for a Carrack. And if we start before the Prowler is available, we will need the Hoplites. And hopefully CIG will let us mod back and forth between all the Vanguard variants, though no word if the Hoplite will be an exception since it has the wider body. Sure wish they would do that with all 4 variants.
Yeah, it's an internal debate for sure. I'll keep the CCU in buy back just in case. The way things are rolling right now, I'll be CCUing my Carrack to a Reclaimer when she comes out, and giver a test. Thewn I'll CCU back to the Carrack when she's released, and see which one I like the most. Maybe I keep one of the two, maybe she gets bumped up to something else.
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Vice Admiral
Nov 22, 2016
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  1. an armed ship owned and officered by private individuals holding a government commission and authorized for use in war, especially in the capture of enemy merchant shipping.
  1. 1.
    engage in the activities of a privateer.

    Kinda a good guy pirate. . .you get to kill things and take their treasure, but you don't have to feel badly about it afterward, squeek ARRRRR. . .ARRRR. . .wear an eyepatch or drool uncontrollably. You can be sauve and debonaire and artful, as you kill things and take their treasure.


    I say lets be pira. . .I mean heroes.

    One Cutlass and one Warlock is probably all you need to take down a Void Bomber and have all that Corvette kicking ass for you. Would be great fun to try.
Where do i sign up and when can we get started? :) yarrr

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
RocketBunny and Stevetank added. Fluffy has been on the list for ages. Some people get no choice--I select them for invite.

51 players on the list at present. One hopes that's enough to organize multiple teams in more than one time zone. Right now the trouble is I can only write 10 people at a time here, so will need to send out 6 invites minimum and probably more.

Just by way of suggestion, if when 2.6 is released the Hoplite becomes available, consider that purchase. Word thus far is it is the only long range drop ship. Squadron 42 is based around Vanguard play and they will be the logical choice for many martial types of employ.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
RocketBunny and Stevetank added. Fluffy has been on the list for ages. Some people get no choice--I select them for invite.

51 players on the list at present. One hopes that's enough to organize multiple teams in more than one time zone. Right now the trouble is I can only write 10 people at a time here, so will need to send out 6 invites minimum and probably more.

Just by way of suggestion, if when 2.6 is released the Hoplite becomes available, consider that purchase. Word thus far is it is the only long range drop ship. Squadron 42 is based around Vanguard play and they will be the logical choice for many martial types of employ.
I shall consider it. Le sigh. Haha
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Dec 3, 2016
RSI Handle
RocketBunny and Stevetank added. Fluffy has been on the list for ages. Some people get no choice--I select them for invite.

51 players on the list at present. One hopes that's enough to organize multiple teams in more than one time zone. Right now the trouble is I can only write 10 people at a time here, so will need to send out 6 invites minimum and probably more.

Just by way of suggestion, if when 2.6 is released the Hoplite becomes available, consider that purchase. Word thus far is it is the only long range drop ship. Squadron 42 is based around Vanguard play and they will be the logical choice for many martial types of employ.
I plan on getting a hoplite once it goes on sale.
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