PSA - Official CIG 3.6 Feedback threads and survey


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
That would explain all those weird warnings I've been getting about "Thrusters Surging" and other weird malfunctions. Too bad repairs on the pad seem to be bugged, and repairing yourself isn't in the game!
Some kind of ship status indicator system would be great too. How do you know if you have a bug or a misfire if you can't work out what the hell is going on?

Just go about fixing it the test way...
Nothing like a quick explosion to turn a maybe malfunction into a definite malfunction.
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Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
This patch sucks, because I cant fly helicopters... impossible to land in Loreville... :(
A helicopter would actually be easier. We're landing like old VTOL airframes like the old Harrier. You can't look where you're going, you need to know where you are. It takes practice. I don't recommend practicing with a loaded cargo ship... you can lose a lot of money that way. At least I did... Almost caught back up. This video that @Shadow Reaper posted last Wednesday, and referenced earlier is a good guide.

The trick to learning to land is basically take it slow. Very slow at first, or you meet the ground very quickly. Keep your ship level, resist the temptation to pitch down to see where you are, that will cause you to gain speed, and an "incident" might ensue. You might even invent some new swear words if it comes to it. If you gain unwanted motion, don't use strong recovery, just tap the controls to slow it to a stop. Otherwise over recovery can put additional motion into your ship. That also may result in inventing some swear words.

When taking off, @NaffNaffBobFace clued me into something... You're supposed to fly straight and level with a little afterburner selected. That'll work to turn off hover mode most of the time. If it proves reluctant, and you're over say a few hundred meters up, try pitch down. That's far to walk, but not far to go if the engines suddenly engage flight while you're approaching the ground... that's another opportunity for coining new descriptive words though. Be careful at low altitude. You might also try pitch up, but it never worked for me.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I just made it to Area 18, and landing in one of the side-entry hangars for the first time. Fitting my 300i in was easy and quiet fun with mouse+kb. I wonder how the takeoff will, but I expect it to work alright.
What I do, once I'm clear of the hangar, is I drop the nose a bit to start moving forward, and push space to keep climbing. While gaining altitude I increase the forward drop angle and thus increase speed until I hit a speed that feels fast enough (around 70-100 m/s) to pull up and start burning towards the sky. It worked every time so far, never got stuck in hover mode. Altough I had some issues cos I forgot to adjust the damned limiter.

Well, I gotta give it to em, the attention to detail is just insane. I have never ever seen a game where they simulate the color distortion of monitor view angles!!!
I finally found Centre Mass, never been to that shop, and the shopping kiosk screens there seem to have this "realistic" effect. When looked at at an extreme angle, the colors went crazy/inverted on it. I didn't have the time to check other screens in the game yet, so it could have been just some broken reflection map lol


Space Marshal
Aug 31, 2015
RSI Handle
According to the feedback in the RSI forums, hover mode is the most disliked feature. I can't say that I disagree, but Im willing to see if maybe the current system can be optimized to make it more fluid and less complex and give them time to fix some of the issues with other ships thrust being more touchy.
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Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
I still haven't been in the game since the flight overhaul. Is the hover mechanic that difficult that I would be better off just continuing to wait until they adjust it? Can you practice getting used to the hover mechanic nuances in arena commander at all? I imagine not since you don't go into the atmosphere in arena commander.
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
According to the feedback in the RSI forums, hover mode is the most disliked feature. I can't say that I disagree, but Im willing to see if maybe the current system can be optimized to make it more fluid and less complex and give them time to fix some of the issues with other ships thrust being more touchy.
It's definitely the flavour of the week. I wonder what the next REEEEEEE generator will be... probbably the 890J will have slightly the wrong shape of swimming pool or be too easy to blow up.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
This patch sucks, because I cant fly helicopters... impossible to land in Loreville... :(
It seems to be easy for M&K users. You hover above the hangar completely horizontal, then use strafe down to land. Use external view to align with the hangar.

For a dual stick user, a lot bind strafe forward/back and strafe left/right to the left stick, strafe up/down to the left stick twist. I bind strafe up/down and strafe left/right to the left stick. Strafe forward and back are bound to the rudder pedals, but the rudder pedals also have roll.
Once you positioned yourself horizontal above the hangar, it is harder to strafe down without also make movement to another direction.

Mouse and keyboard strafe digital, either you press a key or you don't. With the acceleration limiter and throttle limiter it now is easy to dose the strafe.

I still didn't land side wards in a hangar 😓


Space Marshal
Dec 22, 2015
RSI Handle
That would explain all those weird warnings I've been getting about "Thrusters Surging" and other weird malfunctions. Too bad repairs on the pad seem to be bugged, and repairing yourself isn't in the game!
Its like CIG put on their pants first and THEN plan on putting underwear on OVER their pants....


Grand Admiral
May 1, 2019
RSI Handle
A helicopter would actually be easier. We're landing like old VTOL airframes like the old Harrier. You can't look where you're going, you need to know where you are. It takes practice. I don't recommend practicing with a loaded cargo ship... you can lose a lot of money that way. At least I did... Almost caught back up. This video that @Shadow Reaper posted last Wednesday, and referenced earlier is a good guide.

The trick to learning to land is basically take it slow. Very slow at first, or you meet the ground very quickly. Keep your ship level, resist the temptation to pitch down to see where you are, that will cause you to gain speed, and an "incident" might ensue. You might even invent some new swear words if it comes to it. If you gain unwanted motion, don't use strong recovery, just tap the controls to slow it to a stop. Otherwise over recovery can put additional motion into your ship. That also may result in inventing some swear words.

When taking off, @NaffNaffBobFace clued me into something... You're supposed to fly straight and level with a little afterburner selected. That'll work to turn off hover mode most of the time. If it proves reluctant, and you're over say a few hundred meters up, try pitch down. That's far to walk, but not far to go if the engines suddenly engage flight while you're approaching the ground... that's another opportunity for coining new descriptive words though. Be careful at low altitude. You might also try pitch up, but it never worked for me.
I go slooow... then dont even make it past the red zone :) cause im like zooooming to the air, then the ground, then KABOOOMMMM!!!
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Grand Admiral
May 1, 2019
RSI Handle
It seems to be easy for M&K users. You hover above the hangar completely horizontal, then use strafe down to land. Use external view to align with the hangar.

For a dual stick user, a lot bind strafe forward/back and strafe left/right to the left stick, strafe up/down to the left stick twist. I bind strafe up/down and strafe left/right to the left stick. Strafe forward and back are bound to the rudder pedals, but the rudder pedals also have roll.
Once you positioned yourself horizontal above the hangar, it is harder to strafe down without also make movement to another direction.

Mouse and keyboard strafe digital, either you press a key or you don't. With the acceleration limiter and throttle limiter it now is easy to dose the strafe.

I still didn't land side wards in a hangar 😓
Yea if only I had all the nice gadgets... Its only mouse and keyboard for now, and pretty tough. I like the idea of it, its just how its implemented for us keyboard noobs that make it hard....
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Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Yea if only I had all the nice gadgets... Its only mouse and keyboard for now, and pretty tough
But.... with a mouse and keyboard you have the advantage!!!! You don't have to worry about unwanted input. I with my fancy schmancy left stick always must take care that I don't drift to the left or right when strafing down. When I must strafe forward or back, chances are great that I also roll. I really must try the side wards hangars. Record it so I can laugh afterwards.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Pippin, if you're crashing again and again, watch the vids!

I totally get why people are complaining, but this is what we came to the game to support. Enough with phony skills earned through grinding tasks, and children with no adult responsibilites dominating games that adults love to play. In SC, the skills your avatar demonstrates are YOUR SKILLS. If you want to fly a spaceship and feel any sense of accomplishment, then put in the time to learn to do this well, for that is really the only way to escape being a noob.

Fly the ships!

We ought to give a special award for the first TEST pilot to fly in at high speed, skid sideways and stop directly above his target, then touch down with gentle ease; for truly if you want for exmaple to be involved in any terrestrial combat landing operation, that's the kind of thing you need to do with a Valkyrie, Hoplite, Prowler, etc. If you're flying a racer, how much more do you need to show off your piloting skills, as if you'd just skiied down a zero gee drop off and arrived at the lodge?
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Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
The problem with learning to do it well is, they will just change it again. Why invest the time? Experience of this development is expect nothing except change well and bugs.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The problem with learning to do it well is, they will just change it again. Why invest the time? Experience of this development is expect nothing except change well and bugs.
Yeah they will change it, and it will be different, but it will be different with every ship you fly. So best hone your skills now on how to hone your skills.
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