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Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Actually, ESP is messed up right now. To oversimplify it, it's not "sticking" to the right spot. Add to that some desync issues, and it is legitimately very hard to aim right now if you have fixed weapons.
Add stuttering flight to that and mess up is complete. My repaired rig is ready for transport. Next week I will have it back. I hope the problems will stay untill I can fly with my rig :p
I had the jittering on my old rig too. I had friends giving me tips on how to fly, and I was trying and just thought I was a terrible pilot. I got a new computer, and suddenly I started caring where I was on the leaderboards.
Yeap, I got my rig back. I tried it at once. It flies smooooth. I even can keep my crosshair on the target and give it a full load

ESP has been messed up in 2.5. I've been choosing weapons that are hard to overheat (like the Behrings), and doing a bit of spray and pray. I start out a little in front of the ship I'm aiming at, then make my way over the body to the back of the ship. With ESP, the box will stick to random spots, not necessarily where you're aiming, and I just try to find those spots and get hits in between the two.
I fight allot VS and also tested my rig in VS. The Vanduul ships are too small to target a subsystem, you just hit it or not. With small fighter I don't see a difference with ESP.

Actually I assumed that CIG had nerfed the S2 weapons and light fighters is 2.5.
In 2.4 I could easily outshoot a SuperHornet and a Sabre in VS, both with S3 weapons. I in a Delta with 2 s1 and 2 s2 weapons or the Titan with 2 s2 and the Tigerstreik.
I noticed a difference in the effectiveness of my S1 and S2 on the Delta, the Vanduuls are stronger, but the lighter weapons also do less damage. I also have flown in my SH (fun with 2 Sabres, they don't leave a target for you, you rush to a target but the Sabres are much faster). It hits as easy as before, no difference there so I assume that CIG also balanced the weapons, just like the ships.
Actually very logical, what is the point in using heavy weapons and heavy ships if you can achieve the same or better results with lighter ships and weapons?

Nope, right now the big difference is ESP vs Gimbals, and the number of guns. If you're in a little ship with little guns and fixed weapons, you're going to have a harder time getting on target. Whereas people with larger and more guns that are gimbaled can pretty much just point and click at you. Since ESP isn't staying on target, you have to maneuver less to line up a shot, which means that makes it easier for those who are mouse aiming to hit you. Also, ballistics penetrate through shields right now, so if they have ballistics (which AC is pretty much ballistic Sabres right now anyway), it takes less hits for them to kill you. Add to that, with Sabres, they're pretty much just as maneuverable than a light fighter, so you're not as likely to out-fly them.

There is one group that is dominating in fixed weapons (I probably don't have to say who). I don't know what their secret is. I mean, they're good, but that's godly...
I also noticed a difference in flight behaviour. In 2.4 you could start strafing and boosting, but the movement stayed "lineair". Only the Cutlass had a problem with boosting while strafing. Your nose and aim would become unstable during the start of the boost or using boost while strafing. This behaviour now also is present in the Delta, which makes manoeuvring more realistic and harder to aim.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
hmmmm, I'm gonna try the shortcut. I installed 2.5 on my laptop, so I already have the files. shortcut:
- download SC launcher
- start launcher
- interrupt launcher
- replace all files with the laptop files
- verify
Might work :D
Shortcut works:
- copy all files
- download SC launcher
- install SC launcher
- start launcher
- verify
Last edited:


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Well...a little bit tired. And currently a little bit annoyed about all that complaining and having concerns about CIGs financial situation, a never-will-be-released Star Citizen and so on. I think I need a "off-time" of all those Star Citizen boards. Weekend was fine though. Were at a small family get-together. Weather was summer-like, awesome; kids were horse riding, while we grown-ups took a walk, lots of cake and barbecue and also swimming in a nearby lake - end of september! Minor sleep plus hours of car driving on Friday and Sunday, makes myself feeling like been run over by a truck or the like. But a fine weekend it was. Now I am in need of a couple of more relaxing days.

How was your weekend? Has your new PC arrived?
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