SAMs happy-hour-GMT+1-daily-work-COFFEE BAR


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Well...a little bit tired. And currently a little bit annoyed about all that complaining and having concerns about CIGs financial situation, a never-will-be-released Star Citizen and so on. I think I need a "off-time" of all those Star Citizen boards.
Where are those boards o_O. I'm interested in flying / fighting, (new) fighters, controls, and TEST meetings / tournaments. The rest is not very interesting, I even don't keep track of new developments :D

Weekend was fine though. Were at a small family get-together. Weather was summer-like, awesome; kids were horse riding, while we grown-ups took a walk, lots of cake and barbecue and also swimming in a nearby lake - end of september! Minor sleep plus hours of car driving on Friday and Sunday, makes myself feeling like been run over by a truck or the like. But a fine weekend it was. Now I am in need of a couple of more relaxing days.
That was my question ;) Good to hear

How was your weekend? Has your new PC arrived?
My weekend was fine, good weather, (no beer).

My PC supposed to be delivered at Wednesday, but the navigator of the transporter couldn't find my street nor my postal code.... how hard can it be???? In Germany a postal code can be a district of a city. In the Netherlands a postal code is the street and which side of the street. With postal code and house number you can find it. He found a gravel road we don't have a gravel road near our place, also no camping :D
Thursday morning I had to explain the driver where he had to be: at your pickup point turn left, drive 500 meters, left side :p

My repaired PC works fine now, apparently the power button was broken... very coincident that this happened during BIOS update. HP didn't update my BIOS, so I had to do that myself yesterday :D.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I don't want to bomb this thread here:
But that bores the hell outta me. The thrill is where again...? I had such experiences lots and lots and lots, and everytime it gave me anger. No fun at all. First the pirate spawn: it simply is a bug!! Then this action at Kareah. yeah, jipieh, another group which shoots away every new ariving pilot *yawn* I can't really imagine that the friend of "hero" had that lot of fun, shot twice in the back, then waiting at Olisar for the respawn of his friend.
In this case, there *imho* is only one chance for gaining some fun: you can manage to invite your buddies for then going into a good then equated dogfight/pvp session. Two groups fighting against each other - THAT is fun! Foremost, often the previous group is not very good organized and only able to kill single players. That always gives me some grim satisfaction. Or you are changing into another instance. My opinion.
Anyway: I'm not able to see or feel any fun in "hide&run", as described in the mentioned link.


Vice Admiral
May 24, 2015
RSI Handle
In this case, there *imho* is only one chance for gaining some fun: you can manage to invite your buddies for then going into a good then equated dogfight/pvp session. Two groups fighting against each other - THAT is fun! Foremost, often the previous group is not very good organized and only able to kill single players. That always gives me some grim satisfaction. Or you are changing into another instance. My opinion.
Anyway: I'm not able to see or feel any fun in "hide&run", as described in the mentioned link.
Yep, that's what I do. Me and one or two other friends go into an instance together. It's to the point where one of us will automatically be public enemy. We go somewhere with a com array on (usually the outer parts of the ICC probe), and wait for others to come pick a fight. It makes for some great dogfighting in the verse, without just obliterating people who aren't there to engage in combat.


Vice Admiral
May 24, 2015
RSI Handle
Stressful weekend. It's going to be a stressful week. There are good parts in there, but there's always a bit of underlying stress. I'd ask for a shot of rum in my coffee, but I'm afraid that'll lead me into focusing on the negative, when I'm trying really hard to just pay attention to the positive parts of this week.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
I don't want to bomb this thread here:
But that bores the hell outta me. The thrill is where again...? I had such experiences lots and lots and lots, and everytime it gave me anger. No fun at all. First the pirate spawn: it simply is a bug!! Then this action at Kareah. yeah, jipieh, another group which shoots away every new ariving pilot *yawn* I can't really imagine that the friend of "hero" had that lot of fun, shot twice in the back, then waiting at Olisar for the respawn of his friend.
In this case, there *imho* is only one chance for gaining some fun: you can manage to invite your buddies for then going into a good then equated dogfight/pvp session. Two groups fighting against each other - THAT is fun! Foremost, often the previous group is not very good organized and only able to kill single players. That always gives me some grim satisfaction. Or you are changing into another instance. My opinion.
Anyway: I'm not able to see or feel any fun in "hide&run", as described in the mentioned link.
I'm kind of waiting for 2.6 also. So little is in the game that, having read that guy's story, I know the exact outcome before I read it. The pirate swarm went on forever, or could you just wait for them to make a really slow turn and blast them to pieces every time? The Vanguard is a good pilot, or is currently in a tank with very little to counter? The airlock ambush was a good strategy, or is it the effect of a poorly designed game map that everyone knows how to take advantage of? I'm glad he was having a good time, but I would probably have dozed off like one of those ducks.

Most fun I've had recently was a TEST crawl where we had something like 6 fighters escorting a Starfarer through the ICC missions. So much pirate spawns that the fighters were racing each other to get kills. That and the tourney, despite being a glitchy mess of bugs and no shows, was a lot of fun having some teamwork and bit of competition.

Don't get me wrong, I'll still jump on if I see a mess of TESTies in the Discord or if anyone wants to plan an event. But I expect I won't be sinking much time into SC until 2.6, or, more likely, 3.0.


Grand Admiral
Sep 8, 2015
RSI Handle
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