Ship showdown predictions?


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
RIP the BIS having anything to do with the ships that are worth a damn instead of BS hype by trolls that would rather reward worthless ships. Maybe next year the trolls will fail to find their way out from under their bridges.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
At 4pm UTC this afternoon, a disturbance was felt in the force - as if thousands of voices all cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced...

The Argo has taken the Final and is crowned BEST IN SHOW 2951!

Round 1Round 2Semi-FinalsFinalsWinner!
>>> C2 Hercules >>>
Caterpillar>>> C2 Hercules >>>
>>> Reclaimer >>>Reclaimer
MoleC2 Hercules
>>> Carrak >>>>>> Argo Cargo >>>
Constellation AndromedaCarrak
>>> Argo Cargo >>>>>> Argo Cargo >>>
Freelancer Max>>> Argo Cargo >>>
Argo Cargo
Cutlass BlackMurcury Star Runner
>>> 600i Explorer >>>>>> 600i Explorer >>>
>>> Retaliator >>>Retaliator
Defender600i Explorer
>>> Mercury Star Runner >>>>>> Murcury Star Runner >>>
Razor>>> Mercury Star Runner >>>
>>> Sabre >>>


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
It's OK. 2 of my ships were in the final 4, so I get two more skins I'll never use... unless the skin is pink and white with blue polkadots for my C2. Or maybe CIG could make a skin for it like they have for the MSR. And, as you can see by my pic, I have a backpack. Actually I have the black cherry and the silver one too.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I'm hoping that the ARGO backpack will be as worthless as the ship itself, since it's supposed to be based on it. So it'll hold 1/2 the least amount of cargo of any other backpack. Basically an in game fanny pack storage wise.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
An official email went out declaring the winner at twenty past, and apparently Tyler went on Twitter saying they ran a test on the data and stripped all votes coming from non-backers and proved it would have won even without them.


Apr 17, 2021
RSI Handle
Lets not forget the Battle of the BIS was the Cutlass vs the 600i. That was edge-of-seat stuff with the lead lost and won so, so many times!
Truly the highlight of the ship showdown.

Overall I suspect most people just got a really bad taste in their mouth with all of the new accounts being created and accounts with no game packages voting, even if that wouldn't have changed anything. Zyloh says they learned a lot so lets hope that's one of the things they learned.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Everybody that voted for it that doesn't own one yet should be forced to buy it, then fly one from microTech to Stanton. By the time they get there, it ought to be close to next years competition.
I am disappointed that this competition attracted so many trolls, intent to subvert even the simplest playtime competition. It bodes evil for the game, that there are so many trolls they could come close to winning the competition. It bodes worse that these spoiled, should-have-been-spanked-by-their-parents, children think this is funny. Correct me if I'm wrong but this competition is several years old and was never dominated by trolls in the past. So what has changed?


Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2017
RSI Handle
I am disappointed that this competition attracted so many trolls, intent to subvert even the simplest playtime competition. It bodes evil for the game, that there are so many trolls they could come close to winning the competition. It bodes worse that these spoiled, should-have-been-spanked-by-their-parents, children think this is funny. Correct me if I'm wrong but this competition is several years old and was never dominated by trolls in the past. So what has changed?
Really though, it is an annoying but costless prank. I think that's what happened. Some folks just hopped on a bandwagon or something. We're probably lucky that it hasn't happened before.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Really though, it is an annoying but costless prank. I think that's what happened. Some folks just hopped on a bandwagon or something. We're probably lucky that it hasn't happened before.
Yeah. I agree.

I don’t even think it’s a prank. There are many people who do like the Argo and I really believe it’ll be more important in the future. For all we know it might be absolutely crucial for large multiplayer ships to have an Argo or two in their hangers.

Ultimately I’m not gonna lose any sleep over this lol.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Really though, it is an annoying but costless prank. I think that's what happened. Some folks just hopped on a bandwagon or something. We're probably lucky that it hasn't happened before.
I hope you're right. I can't help though, thinking of trolls as defined by the term "chaotic evil" in the D&D tradition. Chaotic evil does evil for the sake of evil, with no gain to be found. They ruin anything good for no reason other than that they can. Unlike lawful evil, which does evil to obtain a specific advantage, chaotic evil does evil for the sheer thrill of evil itself.

In my experience, trolls are most often chaotic evil. They don't care about right and wrong. They care mainly for sheer destruction. Pretty much like the rioters setting fire to cars all across the US this last year. . .evil for the sake of evil, with no real end goal or advantage in mind. Online, we call these "trolls".

Pad crashers in SC don't obtain an advantage in the game by ruining someone else's time. They just enjoy doing evil for the sake of evil, which is why CIG has been so clear there will be stiff penalties for people who play this way. We've seen lots of posts by people who play this way, and I can tell you in the Star Citizen group on Facebook, the issue is 100X what it is in other online forums. There is a huge number of people who love hate, and want to ruin the day of others for no reason other than the love of evil.

How is subverting a competition and virtually guarenteeing we'll never see one again (costless prank you say?), anything other than chaotic evil? I'm not trying to be dramatic. I'm trying to think sensibly about this phenomenon. What does it say about people that so many in SC just want to subvert the intentions of the devs in this competition?
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Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Oh my god the salt levels are so high I'm gonna have a heart attack just from reading this thread Hahaha

Some of you are taking this way too seriously. It's a GAME! People are having FUN! That is all!

What will the results of this competition change in your life?! Seriously...

Its perfectly understandable that if your favorite didn't win you are pissed about it, but condemning the whole game and player base and trying to find a deep conspiracy/political/psychological/generational reason behind it is waaaay overboard levels of bullshit. It's just not worth it.

If you want a reasoning beyond ppl having fun cos they are bored with waiting for some meaningful change in the games development, you can add that there a lot of new and returning players cos of Orison and xeno threat events, Ed failing miserably, and free flies. they are more likely to be active in voting as they still might be visiting the website unlike most old timers. With having zero experience with the game, As @Vavrik said, they jumped on the bandwagon. Or it's the cost talking.

@Shadow Reaper
I for one didn't just vote for the lulz, I always liked the Argo cos of its design and simplicity in purpose. I almost voted msr in the last round still, but I own an Argo now so...
What is so chaoticly evil about voting for a jpeg ship in a GAME, that is cute and cheap and hopefully gets some attention now that it sorely needs?
Have you considered that ppl like me exist, who cannot spend 600dollars on a jpeg, and might not be the minority in this case, and there is no overarching chatoic evil behind this win, simply ppl having no interest in voting for the insanely expensive ships they do not own when there is an underdog they can actually afford or already have tucked away as an lti token?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Oh my god the salt levels are so high I'm gonna have a heart attack just from reading this thread Hahaha

Some of you are taking this way too seriously. It's a GAME! People are having FUN! That is all!
No one wants to be a wet blanket smothering other people's fun. It's not as if I hadn't considered whether I'm too sensitive to this issue. Let me explain a moment why I think I'm not.

During the late 80's and early 90's I was both an undergrad and graduate student in philosophy of technology. That's basically what many call a "futurist" , who looks at developments in technology and assesses their long term impact, primarily on society. Anyone who grew up in the Cold War can recount the seeming hysteria about possible thermonuclear war, based upon what seemed the obvious possible outcome of inventing nuclear weapons. Oddly enough, people are much less concerned now than they were then about nukes despite the world is far less stable and more likely to so indulge in catastrophic stupidity.

One of my specializations was the growth of the internet, and one of my chief findings and the thesis of several papers was that online anonymity would breed trolls, despite no one had yet coined the term "trolls".

My answer to the problem was and remains that the only remedy for troll behavior was that the public at large would not stomach it by turning a blind eye, and call it "harmless". If you collude with troll behavior by calling it "harmless", you damn well better have thought through your position. Refusing to sanction evil behavior leads directly down the path of more evil behavior.

So just saying, the trolls who voted a ship with no Q drive as the best ship, knew exactly what they were doing. They KNOW that such a ship could not be "best" by any reasonable definition. It's not an accident, and it's not "harmless". If you think this is harmless, lets take up the issue a year from now when we see whether there are any future such competitions. IMHO, that's over with, because we refused to sanction the trolls for their behavior.

BTW, I don't have a dog in this fight. I didn't vote. I posted here what I thought would be the top three most popular ships, and seems I was right except I didn't include the troll vote.

I think it's a perfectly healthy distraction for ship owners to advocate that their choice is the best choice. That's fun. Having those efforts shit all over by trolls is not fun, IMHO.

Peace, and civilization itself, both require deterrence. That's a tragic consequence of the human condition.
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Have you considered that ppl like me exist, who cannot spend 600dollars on a jpeg, and might not be the minority in this case, and there is no overarching chatoic evil behind this win, simply ppl having no interest in voting for the insanely expensive ships they do not own when there is an underdog they can actually afford or already have tucked away as an lti token?
Yeah, which is why I've said since the end of round 1 that the AC being in this competition was a mistake when the Pisces could fill that role infinitely better, pretty much most of the starter ships could.
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