This was my experience in Kuwait. I am stronger now. Thank I beat them with a pool noodle to toughen them up.
*Walks away quietly looking for safe space*
This was my experience in Kuwait. I am stronger now. Thank I beat them with a pool noodle to toughen them up.
This sounds very familiar. My alt account? Or are we all very similar? Just a bunch of Basic TEST Bitches?
*looks over Chrnono's beat ship, dented and burn body armour and disheveled general appearance*
Hmmmmm..... water???*looks over Chrnono's beat ship, dented and burn body armour and disheveled general appearance*
Hmmm... Yes, I think I can see your problem here...
You've been running too long, you need to address this problem head on or you'll be running forever...
Alone we are but drops of water, but together we form a mighty torrent! We just need to get your pursuers out into the open and give them the gifts only a flight of hundreds of Auroras can give - Painful gifts, gifts which say to them "no more, you leave living or leave dead, but either way you are leaving and you are not coming back".
It... It might mean strapping you to the prow of the ship covered in Strawberry Triffel for a day or two to draw them out... I mean who can resist Strawberry Trifel?! You're cool with that, 'aint ya? I mean, you do want them off your back, don't ya?
You start smelling like spy......Why are you looking at me like that?
Yeah, it's what they suspend Alcohol in to deliver it you in bottles ;)Hmmmmm..... water???![]()
Yep, he is already enogh confused, he can only progress further into the beer's bottle's hole...
Already on the path to enlightenment! Or should that be refreshment!?
HahahahaThis must be someone's grandpa. "where's the ANY key?"
If you're waiting for Immanuel Kant to get the game started you'll be wairing a while, he kopped it in 1804.
do desktop PCs still come equipped with cup holders?Hahahaha
In my experience, the good thing about grandpa tech support, is that you realize that the PC has waaay more "features" than anyone ever knew about, or even intended it to have!
Hahaha, you're dating yourself. I remember when this started happening in the 90' desktop PCs still come equipped with cup holders?
That depends... Does the memo "Re: Replacement of Mouse Balls" ring any bells?Hahaha, you're dating yourself. I remember when this started happening in the 90's.
Wait. Did I just date myself as well?