Did you actually have a close look at my post? Full disclosure: that took about an hour prep work. I had to clear the marginally empty soda cans and random paperwork/junk off our desks prior to the picture. I did not fully succeed.:confused: I will never, never, never, never ever post a pic of my working place in here.
At my place, there are several life forms besides of digital technical light-stuff, CPU and vid power. I mean, look at your pictures! It looks like...a catalog item. Clean like a hospital!
At my place there are figurines, two or three coffee mugs (used for sure), one tea mug, water glasses, looots of pens, further office stuff, phones - station and two mobiles - meds, bred and cake crumbs, a bunch of keys, loudspeakers, a coffee can, a salt crystal lamp, an old postcard (at the crystal lamp), small paper, sticky paper, writing paper, empty paper, printed paper and paper with my notes and coffee rings on it....and not to forget a bottle of alcoholic hand disinfectants :eek::D
The PC working station is just one little detail on my desk. :oops::rolleyes::D
We are gamers. That is me, that is my wife, and that is the daughter we are raising (12 year old nerd ftw). We think about it all day and when we come home, that is what we do. We don't spend our off time cleaning. We don't come home and tidy up the place. We keep a nominally sanitary home and use our computers to the fullest.
You can spend your precious off time cleaning, or gaming. It is your choice. My wife, my daughter, and I have all made our choice. Our home is somewhat clean on a constant basis. However, we play video games every single night. If that means it gets a little sloppy from time to time, so be it. We do what we want. If anyone cares to criticize, well, we don't really care what you think. We're happy as hell with the way it is.