Star Citizen 3.0 MEGA THREAD! Post your shit in here!


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
For all those who want to get into the PTU, you can just sub for a single month, not recurring sub, pay your 10bucks (+ VAT where applicable so it was like 13euro for me), and you can copy your character to PTU right away. It's kinda tricky, you have to go through the PTU website to grab the proper new launcher, download, and then play. If it works, lol.

New day, new patch, new problems. The newest patch introduced hiccups, aka the game freezes for a few seconds, then goes on like nothing happened. It's a random occurrence, not a "pulse", and it's very annoying, especially when one tries to land in tight spots like GrimHEX.
At least all the stuff is back on the shelves!

Went out to get a black box from a wreck, got shot up by NPCs? I guess... ship went dark but didn't blow up, so at least I got a few nice shots out the blown off/open doors:


Then I went on and flown around for an hour in a Hornet, bought a full 2SCU of WiDoW on Delamar (or Deymar?) and sold it at GrimHEX for the exact same amount. Then went for a short trip in a Prospector, just visiting places, and shopping clothes and weapons. Apart from the constant momentary freezing with the current patch, overall stability seems to have improved a fair bit over the last week!

Anyways, heres a gif of the sun setting behind Yela:


Space Marshal
May 21, 2017
RSI Handle
For all those who want to get into the PTU, you can just sub for a single month, not recurring sub, pay your 10bucks (+ VAT where applicable so it was like 13euro for me), and you can copy your character to PTU right away. It's kinda tricky, you have to go through the PTU website to grab the proper new launcher, download, and then play. If it works, lol.

New day, new patch, new problems. The newest patch introduced hiccups, aka the game freezes for a few seconds, then goes on like nothing happened. It's a random occurrence, not a "pulse", and it's very annoying, especially when one tries to land in tight spots like GrimHEX.
At least all the stuff is back on the shelves!

Went out to get a black box from a wreck, got shot up by NPCs? I guess... ship went dark but didn't blow up, so at least I got a few nice shots out the blown off/open doors:

View attachment 8334 View attachment 8335 View attachment 8336

Then I went on and flown around for an hour in a Hornet, bought a full 2SCU of WiDoW on Delamar (or Deymar?) and sold it at GrimHEX for the exact same amount. Then went for a short trip in a Prospector, just visiting places, and shopping clothes and weapons. Apart from the constant momentary freezing with the current patch, overall stability seems to have improved a fair bit over the last week!

Anyways, heres a gif of the sun setting behind Yela:
View attachment 8338
Great advise thank you, I might wait a few weeks before jumping right in until some of the crashing bugs gets sorted.


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
I subscribed for one month also. It cost 10.92 Euros.
I'm glad I did as I have had some fun, give it a go Takeiteasy
I got good frame rates in this patch 30-40FPS. For about an hour. But they have changed something and as Lord says it keeps freezing. The problem seems to CPU usage. This is a new fault, I have 8 cores, In 2.6 It used to max out 1 core. In 3.0 it has been spreading it evenly with about 30% CPU usage. In this build it keeps taking all 8 cores to 99% and the game freezes. At one point I froze as I entered the lift to the hanger at Levski. When the screen unfroze after 5 secs I was trapped between the lift doors in a space about 70cm wide.
Graphics are very good, And I am enjoying landings especially in the underground hangers. 3rd person view is vital if you do not use autoland.
Progress seems good to me


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Maybe I will sell 2 of my kidneys and then knock someone out and sell theirs too. Don't worry they will be fine. I will leave them in a bath tub full of ice:slight_smile:
OR you can only sell 1 of yours & do that to 3 people where you only take 1 of theirs each in which case each of you still has 1 left & you'll have left over funds for later enjoyment.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Exactly. Also, why fully risk your own health & theirs needlessly only to get larger penalties with the legal system? Just remember, if you choose targets with organs to harvest who's organs have been abused, their value will be less on the market.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Why not indeed?!
I like the way we think, haha.
Maybe I will sell 2 of my kidneys and then knock someone out and sell theirs too. Don't worry they will be fine. I will leave them in a bath tub full of ice:slight_smile:
Or just talk to @supitza. He's got a Hope Class Endeavor. He'll hook you up.


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Quick question guys: how much network bandwidth is Star citizen using while running for you? I'm getting 10-15 fps in olisar, however im aware it could be my (awful) connection - Currently caps at about 2MB/s.
Is that 2Mbyte or Mbit? Cos 2Mbit might not be enough. I usually get 10-15fps around port Oli anyways, try to fly to a more remote location and check your fps there... It mostly depends on the server though so anything's possible :D


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Kelos Costigan

An evil man.
Ah, a career politician, on the same level as reality TV stars - we must prey the two never mix and produce some entity that wins every vote even when trying to loose them.

Then again, with a name like Kellogg's perhaps he'll keep hunger at bay until lunch and be fortified with with your daily dose of vitamins and minerals.
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