Star Citizen 3.0 MEGA THREAD! Post your shit in here!


Grand Admiral
Nov 1, 2015
RSI Handle
Almost made it to Levski - was 1534m away when I ran out of oxygen (WTF, no life support in the ship??), still unplayable at singe digit FPS but have now been to Daymar and Delamar - going to try another resolution reduction (1080x720) tonight and see if I can get to a playable FPS.

Airlocks and MobiGlas were glitchy as all get out but I am digging the StarMap for Nav, pretty cool.

Still beautiful too, can't wait to walk around Levski, even at 8 FPS.

We have oxygen pills but not sure how to use them...

Krystal LeChuck

Meme Meister
Staff member
Jun 10, 2014
RSI Handle
I got to a Beerfarer wreck following mission marker to retrieve its Black Ale Box, but couldn't climb into its cabin... when another guy got out of his Hornet, and came behind me and shot me in the back as I was struggling...

I quit right after that. OH that's not quite true... I got a glitch where I couldn't cycle airlocks. I first got out because another player was doing it. After I spawned, I was alone... and didn't want to wait, so I quit.

Also getting average of 7 frames a second is a bit hard to fly with. Felt very satisfying landing my Sabre perfectly, albeit with a pretty harsh impact on the ground.

Apparently new update is greenlit for today, so I'll try something again today.
That other guy was me and I was in a Cutlass that I parked about half a km away. Sorry :(


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle


Vice Admiral
Nov 30, 2017
RSI Handle
How do I get out of my seat? Long press on F key brings up the cockpit menu... Also, how do you start quantum travel after selecting your destination in the mobiglass?
I didn't see anyone reply, so if I missed it my apologies.

Just holding F doesn't work for me either. Have to hold F for inner thought and look to the side for the "exit" prompt.

For QT, align with your destination and hold B

Hope that helps :beers:


Space Marshal
Feb 22, 2016
RSI Handle
This PTU thingy is a mess. Very hard to test anything, when sometimes literally nothing works, other times it works fine.
Sometimes I get 5-7 fps at best, and disconnects. Relogging, or trying an hour later, gives me a 15-30 fps, with no disconnects for over an hour. Kinda pointless to even report on anything, as it can be caused by literally anything. Everyhting is network dependent in SC, and that means a bugged server or connection can mean the difference between a door opening or not. It's just not a sensible approach... Anyways

I managed to do over an hour of gameplay today. Spawned my Aurora ES or whichever the starter is, then accepted a mission to relocate some crap. Literally, spacecrap. Biowaste. Went to pick em up on Ceilin. Landed, picked up the cargo box by hand from inside the shelter, brought it to the Aurora, opened up the door, placed it in the doorway. Went around, got in from other side, picked up the box in the doorway from the inside, and placed it in front of the bed-door. Went out, did the same with the second box, placed it on top of the first. Mission was completed when I left the atmosphere with the boxes behind on the ship. Went to nearby cry astro station to refill fuel, and thrown 'em out the door there. I got awarded... wait for it... 24aUEC. Yep, 24 :D Filling up at the station cost me 29 aUEC... so it was a loss 5 aUEC all in all.

Some screenshots I took on Cellin, last one is from the Cry Astro, 2 boxes in the middle of shot in the dark. I forgot that I had a flashlight...




Grand Admiral
Nov 1, 2015
RSI Handle
This PTU thingy is a mess. Very hard to test anything, when sometimes literally nothing works, other times it works fine.
Sometimes I get 5-7 fps at best, and disconnects. Relogging, or trying an hour later, gives me a 15-30 fps, with no disconnects for over an hour. Kinda pointless to even report on anything, as it can be caused by literally anything. Everyhting is network dependent in SC, and that means a bugged server or connection can mean the difference between a door opening or not. It's just not a sensible approach... Anyways

I managed to do over an hour of gameplay today. Spawned my Aurora ES or whichever the starter is, then accepted a mission to relocate some crap. Literally, spacecrap. Biowaste. Went to pick em up on Ceilin. Landed, picked up the cargo box by hand from inside the shelter, brought it to the Aurora, opened up the door, placed it in the doorway. Went around, got in from other side, picked up the box in the doorway from the inside, and placed it in front of the bed-door. Went out, did the same with the second box, placed it on top of the first. Mission was completed when I left the atmosphere with the boxes behind on the ship. Went to nearby cry astro station to refill fuel, and thrown 'em out the door there. I got awarded... wait for it... 24aUEC. Yep, 24 :smile: Filling up at the station cost me 29 aUEC... so it was a loss 5 aUEC all in all.

Some screenshots I took on Cellin, last one is from the Cry Astro, 2 boxes in the middle of shot in the dark. I forgot that I had a flashlight...View attachment 8310 View attachment 8311 View attachment 8312
View attachment 8314
Please complete this pool for testing sake.


Vice Admiral
Nov 30, 2017
RSI Handle
This PTU thingy is a mess. Very hard to test anything, when sometimes literally nothing works, other times it works fine.
Sometimes I get 5-7 fps at best, and disconnects. Relogging, or trying an hour later, gives me a 15-30 fps, with no disconnects for over an hour. Kinda pointless to even report on anything, as it can be caused by literally anything. Everyhting is network dependent in SC, and that means a bugged server or connection can mean the difference between a door opening or not. It's just not a sensible approach... Anyways

I managed to do over an hour of gameplay today. Spawned my Aurora ES or whichever the starter is, then accepted a mission to relocate some crap. Literally, spacecrap. Biowaste. Went to pick em up on Ceilin. Landed, picked up the cargo box by hand from inside the shelter, brought it to the Aurora, opened up the door, placed it in the doorway. Went around, got in from other side, picked up the box in the doorway from the inside, and placed it in front of the bed-door. Went out, did the same with the second box, placed it on top of the first. Mission was completed when I left the atmosphere with the boxes behind on the ship. Went to nearby cry astro station to refill fuel, and thrown 'em out the door there. I got awarded... wait for it... 24aUEC. Yep, 24 :smile: Filling up at the station cost me 29 aUEC... so it was a loss 5 aUEC all in all.

Some screenshots I took on Cellin, last one is from the Cry Astro, 2 boxes in the middle of shot in the dark. I forgot that I had a flashlight...View attachment 8310 View attachment 8311 View attachment 8312
View attachment 8314
:joy: while awesome / hilarious, yesterday the patch notes mentioned to attempt missions and log cost vs reward (for every step) so if you can report the net loss. :beers:

Also, beautiful screen grabs


Space Marshal
Jan 31, 2016
RSI Handle
7 tries to visit Delamar now, still have not landed at Levski.

First trip I ran out of oxygen and passed out 1534m away trying to request landing permission.

Next trip, went to request landing permission and somehow deactiveated the engines while I had MobiGlas up, crashed far enough way from Levski I couldn't find it, walked myself to death.

Next visit, finally made it, requested and received landing permission, at 2.3 FPS, as I closed in on the hangar, 'Don't want to be a bummer man but you took so long I had to cancel your clearance.' Got closer, at 2.1 FPS, requested and received clearance, as I closed in on the hangar, 'Don't want to be a bummer man but you took so long I had to cancel your clearance.' One final try, was about engage auto-land, Error 30000, Disconnect.

Next 4 attempts, first couldn't open Hab door, next 3 tries got disconnected anywhere from the shipdeck to reaching orbit.


Plus side, I might have some TEST Award Winning screengrabs of the CamperStang after my crash landing accident, on my gaming rig.

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