Snakey said:
Instructions unclear. Dick stuck in monitor
ya gotta admire this kid's Testicular fortitude
he keeps on posting through the pain
I think his skills are more than impressive, i think they are superhuman - Using my Sherlock Holmes powers of deduction here is why:
- I deduce Snakey was on a laptop, as that type of computer is usually on the lap, where the dick also happens to be in roughly 50% of the population. The other 50% of the population, if they so choose, keep an artificial one in a bed-side draw where there is not enough room to fit a person, let alone a computer monitor to trap your dick in, so this also tells me Snakey is male.
- A laptops monitor is on a hinge which allows it to close. The close proximity of closable screen and lap in a situation where a member has become trapped in a monitor cannot be coincidence.
- Typing with said dick, although not impossible, would be very slow like typing with just one finger, and prone to spelling and grammatical errors hence the odd disjointed layout of his carefully constructed sentence which provides maximum information in as few keystrokes as possible. A lot of practice must have gone in to this type of writing, so we can safely assume Snakey has been doing this for a long while now and is no beginner to the art...
But worse and most telling of all as to how impressive this feat really was:
- The moment the screen must have slammed down like a piano lid on a pianists subtle fingers was just after "Instructions unclear" was typed. After that, the appendage would be pinned under the screen and Snakey, typing blind as the screen would now be face down, tapped through the pain of having a laptop clamped to his groin: "Dick stuck in monitor" - this was not a boast or idle info, it was a cry for help!
As Holmes himself once said*, once everything else has been discounted what is left, no matter how unlikely, has to be true.
So has Snakey freed himself from the laptop lid monitor or has he just adapted and has an email-enabled Johnson now?
*he didn't say this he was fictional and did not actually exist.