The Acolyte

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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Here’s Headlund, finishing off discussion of her project with that creepy, narcissistic wit.

There can be no doubt. She absolutely has zero respect for the source material.

And with this I rest my case.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I disagree that the marketing team was targeted by Bob Iger as scapegoating. I think Iger rightly observed that the marketing technique of amplifying the anti-source attitude taken in order to provoke the audience into early reactions, was just an awful idea. It resulted in the worst fan backlash ever seen, and fans soundly rejected the entire project. So Iger is right to blame marketing, so long as he then goes on to also blame Kennedy and Headlund for an absurdly bad idea. Dishonoring the Jedi, including Yoda; idiotic idea.


Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
*Sigh* Alright, I'll bite. How did they dishonor Yoda by showing the back of his wrinkly-ass head for three seconds? And is it really dishonor to point out that dogma comes with its blindspots?
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Well unless I missed something, Yoda has full knowledge of the events and is thus required to lie about them for there to be no knowledge of them less than a century later. Worse still, he is lying by omission in the Jedi Counsel almost a century after the fact when he doesn’t tell anyone about the previous vergence. Even worse, he has great reason to come clean considering the weight of the decisions about Anakin. Finally, there is no reason for any of these lies. They’re all to no point except to leave the Counsel in the DARK.

Talk about fucking up the characters and the lore! All to no purpose except to dishonor the Jedi.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
12 pages of mostly you spamming YouTube and Facebook links with barely any engagement from other TESTies. The show has ended and it isn’t that good, we get it….let’s give it a rest shall we?
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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Yeah...I don't see it. But I agree with @Aramsolari. It was a mediocre show that I never intend to watch again. Not an evil feminist mind manipulation or a grievous affront to the precious almighty lore (That was nuked by Disney anyways) We can all agree to never talk about it again so it may fade into obscurity like so many shows before it. Amen.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Think about how diseased the mind needs to be, to need to constantly control what others say and do. Diagnosable, I say. Get that little boy an MMPI.

Aram, you missed your calling as a grand mommy fussbudget. Isn’t there a group of children nearby you can admonish, threaten, and steal their candy? What a whiner. When do you plan to grow into a man? Can we buy tickets? I don’t personally believe any such thing could ever happen.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Han, as per “evil, feminist, mind manipulation”, listen to Headlund’s own words. She says here, in her actual voice, at time index 8m, that expecting fidelity to the source material by Lucas is “misogyny”. That’s not misogyny. That’s anything that is respectful of the fans and creator and isn’t narcissistic.

So yeah, it is fucking “evil, feminist mind manipulation”.

That’s a cool spray. I’m stealing that.

Season Two reveal! The Jedi train a serial killer as one of their own.

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Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
To be honest mate theyre kinda right - it's a below average show that doesn't need constantly talking about 10 times a day?

But this isn't China, so if you want to post about it 10 times a day crack on!

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So I have your permission then. Oh I’m so glad. Happy, happy, joy, joy.

I’ll stop posting when there is no longer any valuable news about it. Right now, the releases by Disney every day are still promoting dozens of responses each day. Some people find this information interesting.

So yesterday, Headlund called all the fans who want Disney to be faithful to the source material “misogynist”. That’s news and some people are interested to know.

No permission slips needed.


She makes several great points. It’s something new, that when fans complain they are attacked by the actors, producers and directors. And yeah just to remind, politics is downstream from art and philosophy. What’s happening here will eventually show up in more serious parts of life.

So it’s not frivolous, not petty, not insignificant to note when an actress releases a music vid intended to mock and infuriate fans. There’s a method at work here.

First, the Acolyte marketing team released claims that the show would be both woke and lore-breaking. Eighteen months before release, they warned the fans most of them would not like it. Given the legal requirements the SEC enforces that require corporate execs to seek fiscal benefit and success for their shareholders, this is insane behavior.

Second, the last minute marketing fanned the embers of these early flame wars to reignite them—apparently thinking all press is good press.

Third, record breaking crowds of fans engaged online in the worst shitstorm reaction ever to any entertainment IP release.

Forth, actors, directors and producers stepped forward and blamed the fans for not liking what was served up, by making moral judgments about people they don’t know, over complaints they didn’t make.

Fifth, the shitstorm yielded record breaking engagement online, and disengagement with actual viewing. It also resulted in the firing of the marketing team.

Finally, we have the afterglow. When people like Snarkey and Theory step forward and say “you really hurt my feelings by attacking me”, we ought to take notice. These are lifelong fans with their own cosplay history (Snarkey) and corporate investments (Theory Sabers), and there just isn’t anyone more invested in the brand. Yet they’re ready to walk away because of the way they’ve been viciously attacked.

That’s news worth thinking about, whether you like the brand or not. This is all new to our culture, and because politics is downstream of culture, we should see these kinds of changes elsewhere, very soon.

What does it all mean? I’m not sure. If institutions continue down this path, deliberately force feeding the public stuff they don’t like, probably we’ll see the rise of new institutions. Disney will not last forever.

If on the other hand Disney wakes up and returns to providing what people want, they could go another hundred years, and we could get Star Wars people actually like.

What does this mean philosophically? This is the Mind Virus we’ve been warned about at work. It will either succeed and disease the entire body of our culture, or we will shake it off and go on with life. Evidence seems to suggest we’re shaking it off. Again. For about the dozenth time in 2,000 years. Deconstruction isn’t new, but eventually all cultures die. Eventually the Mind Virus kills its host. This is about the survival of Western Civilization—by far the most successful civilization in human history. No shit.
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Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
Think about how diseased the mind needs to be, to need to constantly control what others say and do. Diagnosable, I say. Get that little boy an MMPI.

Aram, you missed your calling as a grand mommy fussbudget. Isn’t there a group of children nearby you can admonish, threaten, and steal their candy? What a whiner. When do you plan to grow into a man? Can we buy tickets? I don’t personally believe any such thing could ever happen.
Damn that hurts….a cut so deep I’ll never recover.

Love you too. :love:
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Sticking this here just to avoid another Disney thread. A few background observations for context.

Gina Carano and Pedro Pascal are good friends despite their political differences. They both say only good things about each other. So comparing their social media posts at the time of Gina’s firing and before is particularly poignant. Everyone at Disney makes political social media posts. The court will decide if there is a legal infraction with censoring public speech based upon political leaning.

Likewise the SEC could weigh in here since Disney execs have a legal obligation to pursue the financial interests of their shareholders, and Disney did the opposite when they fired the woman who was about to land center stage in Rangers of the New Republic.

Elon Musk recently said (3 days ago?) in an interview with Jordan Peterson, that he is going to kill the Mind Virus. He blames it for the “death” of his eldest son, who transitioned to female and swore off all connection to his father because Woke conspirators convinced Xavier Musk he is a woman, and that all rich people are evil. His school teachers convinced Xavier to break all ties with his own family. Musk is on the warpath now, and intends to slay it, apparently through legal actions. His interest in the Carano story was predicated upon his interest in defending free speech, but appears also has a more personal side.

Expect more of this. James Lindsey has identified many legal means for combating the Mind Virus in circumstances just like this, where Woke has resulted in illegal oppression (firing Gina). This is the natural result of equity as a working value in contrast to equality. Just as the Greeks discovered 2,400 years ago, equality of outcome (equity) can only be had through robust coercion and by sacrificing liberty and freedom. This is exactly what this lawsuit is about.

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Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Absent father loses touch with his adult children. It is not mighty Elon that is wrong. Its society. The WOKE MIND VARUS has kids listening to the hippity hop and skipping church! Something something GINA CARANO IS THE LIVING EMBODIMENT OF THE HOLY MOTHER MARY!

Of COURSE you're a Jordan Peterson guy....

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Except Elon is anything other than absent. He’s completely devoted to his kids. And Xavier is 20 now. Hardly an adult. He was manipulated in his teens, despite his father was careful to try to get all his children the best education. In his place I’d be pissed too.

He made the mistake of believing the common lie, when he was told to certify his kid getting chemical sterilization or he’d kill himself. Now that we know these claims have no substance, there is going to be an explosion in lawsuits, which is just what turned gender ideology into a pariah in the UK about five years ago.

BTW, Musk is an atheist. He and his kids have never gone to church. If they had they wouldn’t have made these mistakes.

I dunno what you’re trying and failing to say about Carano, but she is obviously the victim here. Everyone cast and crew loved her and say nothing but good about her. Filoni and Favraeu, the same; which is why they fought Kennedy so hard to have her reinstated. They don’t share the same politics, but Filoni and Favraeu don’t hate on impulse the way Kennedy does. This is the Mind Virus—the suspension of reason and replacement of it with hate. It made the Nazis what they were beginning in the Weimar Republic in the late 1930’s and it’s the same stuff of derangement syndrome now.

Here in the US, it has not been lawful to discriminate or fire people for political reasons for a half century. Carano is virtually guaranteed to win her case, and as she does, all Disney’s dirty laundry is gonna be aired in public. Personally, I think there is almost zero chance this can be settled out of court. That would not suit Elon’s needs, and if Carano just wanted money, she would have accepted Disney’s offer to be rehired. This is about killing the virus.
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