The Acolyte

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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Interesting. Did Disney say that or is that just random third-party commentary? Sounds like the latter? If so, so what?
Sorry I missed your question. That was Disney. Those words come directly from the mouth of the Director and creator of the series. There’s no opportunity here for misrepresentation.


Space Marshal
Apr 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Well I just watched the first 2 episodes. I'll watch more.

(Saying that I am easy to please if it's got spaceships in I am in)

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Freshly delivered by Amandla Stenberg:

“I just think fandom culture is the most toxic thing you can get involved in as an actress. More often than not they are filled with a toxic male demographic, who have no idea what they want to see in their franchise; and I think we now live in an age where many men are afraid of women taking powerful roles, and where many men are just opposed to that, and that’s the problem they have with The Acolyte.”

So you know, the female lead has decided none of the complaints critics offer are serious. It’s just most men are misogynists, chauvinists, etc. Add an ism or phobia, whatever you like and ignore everything all the critics have said. It’s the audience’s fault they don’t like this show.

Uhh. . .right. Well I’m glad you explained to me what I really think and feel. That’s so much better now.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
The Acolyte still sinking, pushed out of top ten streaming series. Disney+ pushed out of both the top ten streaming and top ten made for streaming movies. Disney+ has no top ten shows. Numbers so low they don’t show on the chart.

Looking bad for Disney. Explains why there were so many desperate sounding public addresses by Disney at the end of last week, and why Acolyte season two cancellation rumors have resurfaced.

Here are the numbers.


BTW, I am not agreeing there is no saving Star Wars. We are still waiting on Andor season 2, Mando and Grogu, Mando season 4 and Skeleton Crew. They deserve a fair viewing, IMHO. Keep in mind Filoni and Favreau blamed Mando season three’s troubles on the rushed rewrite necessitated by the firing of Gina Carrano, who’s character Cara Dune they had written a much larger part for, in anticipation of moving her into the lead on their planned spinoff, Rangers of the New Republic.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Nielsen ratings showing Acolyte has half the viewers of Ahsoka, and there is a 75% drop in the fan base. Disney is caught lying about the viewership, no excuse given.


In other news, Acolyte Star Amandla Stenberg went on The View claiming she’s getting racist death threats. Of course that’s terrible if true, and I have to hope it’s not. We’ll see. Given Disney’s ownership of ABC (The View), and connected media, I think we can expect the offenders to be exposed publicly once the FBI catches them. Let’s hope so.

If you don’t believe her story I don’t blame you, but there are a lot of crazies in the world. Who knows? What we do know is literally everyone who doesn’t like this show is being painted with isms and phobias, and there has been no public response to all the substantive complaints about the discontinuities, disrespecting the source material, and the confused and otherwise shitty writing.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So someone, anyone, please explain why Sol murders Aniseya?

I’ve seen quite a lot of discussion of who is to blame for the mass murder. I think Lesley Headlund is to blame because as she says, these are not the Jedi of the prequels.

Obviously, they lack calm and restraint. So if there is a single criminal act here that is the source of all the “mistakes” both sides make, it is in deconstructing the Jedi and making them something very other than what George Lucas made them. Headlund made them undisciplined, anxious, unspiritual, very not Zen.

So if you agree my next question is did Headlund have some weird “right” I haven’t noticed, to misrepresent the Jedi in order to deconstruct them?


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
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Episode 7 answered some questions like why are the dead witches all lying around in a big pile?
What did Squidgames guy do that was so bad?

And we got to see Wookie Jedi in action which which was not horrible. He is supposed to have this extra long light saber that is wielded like a claymore, big powerful swings, broad sweeping strikes, which they did pretty well.

I feel this story would have had 50% less hate if all this was revealed in ep3 or 4, not leaving it to the end of the season.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
I thought the most recent episode is the best so far. Answers a lot of the questions and that Wookiee Jedi is badass alright. I think the problem with the show is that the episodes are short. It’s difficult to tell a clear, coherent story when you only have 30min to do so.

Honestly much of the hate was already around even before the show aired. ‘Fans’ already made up their mind about the show based on what the showrunners said or might not have said. Theories were floating around which certain fan circles take as truth.

As for the Jedi and whether they’re good or evil. Well I’ll say they’re neither. Squidguy went in with the best of intentions but between him and blond kid….they’re two blundering bulls in a china shop. The road to hell is paved with good intentions and all that.

That’s the Jedi in a nut shell for me. Anakin Skywalker became Vader due in part to the Jedi making well meaning but poor decisions. They needed to anyway or we’ll have no inciting incident, no friction, no conflict, and no story. If the Jedi were perfect, Star Wars would have been boring.

Also….can’t these guys hire some Cultural Anthropologists or something? So much unnecessary bloodshed due to cultural ignorance and lack of diplomatic tact. This is why Star Trek and the Prime Directive is superior.

‘Smug face’
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I feel this story would have had 50% less hate if all this was revealed in ep3 or 4, not leaving it to the end of the season.
Unfortunately, Disney seems to have gone with the notion that all press is good press. Much of what they orchestrated here from the structure of the series to the press releases dating back 18 months seems to be intended to provoke controversy, rather than just tell a good story. Had they started out without raising concerns over fidelity to the source material, and as you note, the nature and timing of this reveal, yeah; I think they would have half the haters.


Space Marshal
May 9, 2019
RSI Handle
True, its difficult, but not impossible! Bad Batch is a great example of squeezing in a lot of story into 30min.
I get what you’re saying. Live action is generally a bit trickier though compared to animation. Editing wise scenes are generally slower in live action. I do agree that animation has some of the best storytelling around! :like:
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
No matter how you rationalize it though, the writing is certainly the worst to date. Way too much inexplicable nonsense. Why did Torbin kill himself? Makes no sense except to deliberately mislead the audience and that is the epitome of bad writing.


Staff member
Oct 31, 2013
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No matter how you rationalize it though, the writing is certainly the worst to date. Way too much inexplicable nonsense. Why did Torbin kill himself? Makes no sense except to deliberately mislead the audience and that is the epitome of bad writing.
True, it makes less sense why he would kill himself after watching the last episode. What did he do that was so bad?
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I personally think the problem we’re seeing is that places like UCLA film school, that used to turn out the best screenwriters in the world, are not focused on teaching the way they used to. The problem is much wider spread than film schools, but you can see it work its way out in the continuing failure to perform.

Some bad Disney Star Wars I am willing to let slide because you can see a conceptual error they followed. Domesticating Boba Fett was like that. The writers saw how popular Boba was (which surprised even George Lucas) and decided to ride that and make a series, but they decided to utterly change the thing people loved. What they loved wore a helmet and almost never spoke. Yet they decided to pursue what was essentially a bad idea.

Other bad writing is even less explicable. The shit that was Obi Wan. . .just bad. Bad writing. No talent writing.

I know people want to make a lot of Headlund’s deliberate “queering” of Star Wars, and the diversity in the cast, but I have not seen a single complaint about these things. People don’t much care because it’s not destructive to the story. Conversely, the writing is just bad. Many hundreds of valid complaints have arisen over shoddy writing, and each episode adds to the list. I can only think they just need to get better writers. Many of the internet critics would be better writers than what Disney is using, and matters are much worse since Headlund deliberately hired writers who knew nothing about Star Wars, thinking that was clever, when it was not. It makes me wonder if selecting the writers is being done more as an award for being some sort of grievance group member, than just hiring the best writers they can get. After all, Headlund did also cast her wife, instead of an accomplished actress. Maybe what we’re watching is Disney becoming a feminist version of “good ol’ boys club”.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Two of my favorite SW YouTubers: Niatoos Dadbeh, and Snarky Jay. Niatoos has over 3 million subscribers, so not an average guy. Screenwriter, and budding businessman making nice lightsabers at a great price. Better better known by his YouTube channel, Star Wars Theory, is a Canadian and is a self-described "Star Wars fan making content for other Star Wars fans".

Snarky is just hot. Who wouldn’t want to watch her. She’s a very above average Cosplay performer and all roust about in the gaming and comic community.

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