The last Disney Star Wars movie

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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Looks like a perfect topic for The Outside :glorious:

Come one come all, join me and we'll have a jolly good chinwag about it.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
There have been more than half dozen Disney threads but this one is most current (and still on page one for me) so I’ll drop this Gina Carano interview here. Just a couple things. . .

The interviewer is making the case that Disney’s numbers have dropped off because of the detestable way they treated Carano. Montoya addressed this charge pretty well about a year ago when noting it’s their streaming service that is underperforming. That may be so, but there’s no way to say how many are not picking up the service, skipping the films and flipping Disney the bird as result of Disney’s assaults on traditional values, like that which they demonstrated when they fired Carano. What we do know is she had a huge following, and Mando was performing at its peek when she was fired. Both Fabraeu and Filoni complained they had to do an instant rewrite of Mando season three and most fans were disappointed with the result.

New details of the situation permeate this interview and for those who don’t know, Gina is suing Disney for personal harm done to her, with Elon Musk’s money. Musk is continuing on with his commitment to free speech by championing the underdog Carano, against Disney. So that’s what they’re referring to.

One thing I got from this was it certainly seems true what Pedro Pascal reported about Carano at the time of her firing: that she is gentle, inoffensive to all, easy to get along with and does not return the offenses of others. Note how when repeatedly asked who she thinks got her fired, she twice refuses to lay blame on anyone, but instead blames the faceless dynamic of hiring youth for entertainment content who have no real life experience. That was deeply gracious of her considering how many people reported a deep animus on the part of Kathleen Kennedy toward her for her conservative politics.

Anyway, I’m posting the interview for the sake of its insider’s perspective of the failing House of the Mouse and once again hoping to see it all turn around. I love Star Wars and what Disney was, and if it can just purge the sickness and get back on track I have to hope we’ll see better days for Star Wars to come. Who knows, maybe we’ll even see Filoni’s pilot for Rangers of the New Republic headline Disney’s return to innocent entertainment.

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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
So, the trailer for Acolyte is out. It doesn’t betray the central, gnostic theme; that one can be above good and evil, and that these are actually moral equivalents.

I have said this before but I’ll say it again and again and again—this rewriting of Star Wars cosmology to suit failed artists by sacrificing great ones—this is just pure evil. Gnosticism has always been pure evil. It claims to be above notions of good and evil as a way of popularizing evil. It is shameful to watch Western Civilization crumble and be eaten by the hideous goblins and trolls of this generation, but such is the way of things.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Maybe I’ve had it all wrong and the changes have little to do with post-modernism, and radical feminism and instead; maybe it’s just the narcissism of the producers, directors and writers showing through. How else can we understand such cavalier attitudes about giving people what they don’t want?

With Star Wars, it’s not hard to imagine what people want. There are pretty broad lines to stay inside. There’s no reason to piss people off and less reason to plan to do so. So, how do we understand this need to piss people off, apart from some sick self-indulgence? And who that owns Disney stock, which is still at half the price it was three years ago; doesn’t want to sue Disney, their board and Bob Iger for gross incompetence, negligence and malfeasance?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
“. . .many times it’s best to trick the audience into watching what you want to present. . .”

So, it doesn’t really matter what the audience wants. It’s what the creators want that matters. Sounds suspiciously narcissist.

Back about twenty years ago when I was studying screen writing and wrote a Remi Award winning script for Worldfest, I recall reading countless times the warning that writers do not write for themselves. They write for their audience. There was much discussion in many books making the case against that selfish, childish part of a writer that argues about how authentic writing is self expression only, that writing for others is prostituting your art, etc. Apparently people need to be told this time and again. I got it the first time, but it seems KK never got it. Despite she’s not a writer at all, she thinks delivering The Message matters more than giving fans what they want. Indeed, this does explain the failures at Disney.



Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
“. . .many times it’s best to trick the audience into watching what you want to present. . .”

So, it doesn’t really matter what the audience wants. It’s what the creators want that matters. Sounds suspiciously narcissist.

Back about twenty years ago when I was studying screen writing and wrote a Remi Award winning script for Worldfest, I recall reading countless times the warning that writers do not write for themselves. They write for their audience. There was much discussion in many books making the case against that selfish, childish part of a writer that argues about how authentic writing is self expression only, that writing for others is prostituting your art, etc. Apparently people need to be told this time and again. I got it the first time, but it seems KK never got it. Despite she’s not a writer at all, she thinks delivering The Message matters more than giving fans what they want. Indeed, this does explain the failures at Disney.

This is most certainly one for The Outside, I'm starting a post over there come join me:

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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
“. . .oh, you brought pie with ya Dave. That’ll be excellent.”

This guy is funny. I have to grant him his point. I don’t personally care that the Star of the upcoming Acolyte is a gay, black, female. Couldn’t care at all. I just want a good story that doesn’t shyt all over Lucas. But the lad’s points land, especially when talking about meritocracy and the Oscars.

I really liked that he mentioned “heroism and sacrifice” as elements in good stories. Totally agree. We see far too little of those in modern stories. I was noticing too, they’re rare as can be in online TTRPGs. All the famous, big dollar productions have their evil undead player characters now, and there’s really no room for such stuff. After all, heroism is a white, heteronormal, misogynistic, rationalization of the patriarchy that fails to check the proper intersectional boxes to gain approval of less problematic publics.

WTF did he just say?

Just makes me laugh.

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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I think he nailed it when he said it looks like “they’re virtue signaling narcissism”. Perhaps that’s the intended audience—this is supposed to appeal to narcissists everywhere? That’s a much more significant portion of the public than in previous generations. Does that make it “relevant “? And has anyone thought to ask what it means to our civilization, that it pander to and approve of our worst vices, our most base and self-destructive instincts, especially under the guise of who gets to wield power?

It’s like taking out an ad for “who wants to be a supervillain?”



Dec 10, 2021
RSI Handle
So back to the point she was making. What the director says she’ll be saying to men with this film:

“. . .recognize that I am working to bring something that makes you uncomfortable, and it should make you uncomfortable, because you need to change your attitude. . .”

Really, Disney? All these flops and this is what you come up with. . .group therapy by an unlicensed practitioner?

The up side is a year from now, if he wants, George Lucas can buy the property back at 1/10 what he sold it for. We can always hope. George has expressed an interest in buying back Star Wars. Wouldn’t it be great to have a post-Disney Star Wars era?
To do what with? Come up with more ideas that eventually will contradict one another so a whole "Disney Retcon" will be a thing and people can complain all his movies are nothing but CGI eye bombs like Episodes 1-3 are?

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I personally think SW movies, series and such are amongst the easiest stories to tell the public. You need to have your head in a really bad place to screw it up. So for example, a story about an assassin who hunts Jedi is a great idea, especially if you were to then dive in and explore the Sentinel Shadow order of Jedis who hunt Sith and Sith artifacts. There’s a huge big area of interest on these issues. You need to work hard to screw up such story rich environs. So this is what Headlund and Kennedy have done—taken a great idea and forced their radical feminism, queer ideology and gnostic mysticism into the story.

No matter your personal feelings, no one can possibly believe ideologies that teach people to hate have market value. They’re easy to debunk. The ridicule of the patriarchy necessary to radical feminism is never going to have positive market effects. Same with queer. By definition queer is the overwhelming minority. Force feeding queer ideology into the story assures that the overwhelming majority of parents will not let their kids watch. Same with gnostic mysticism. The gnostics have always caught the ire of everyone around them because by claiming to be above notions of good and evil, they are evil. No parent in their right mind is going to take their child to see a story about such unethical and immoral characters.

Great start—assassin hunts Jedi. Poor execution—let’s force feed everyone an extremely sectarian, partisan and immoral ideology, cause we like it.

It’s not like they couldn’t get this stuff right. Just you can’t get it right by leaving it in the hands of wilted narcissists.

Fans don’t care about the prequal cgi complaints. What they really hated was the diminishing of their beloved characters through elevating a new character to obscene heights. The state of the art was certainly able to make Luke Skywalker jump over a TIE fighter and rip a starship from the sky with the wave of a hand. It did not because that is ridiculous. KK decided to have her female Jedi jump over a starfighter because she desperately wanted her girlpower boss to be better than Luke. THAT is what pisses off the fans and injured the franchise.
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Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Disagree. To me feminism = feminism (1st, 2nd, 3rd wave, or otherwise). Feminism to me is that women want to be treated the same as men...period. So, the best way to illustrate this is to ask yourself if L. Skywalker was always a 'female' and Ray was always a 'male' character in the Star Wars movies, would you have the same distaste for the scene you described? In other words, would you be espousing radical masculinity as a great injustice to women because Skywalker was depreciated and humiliated due to Ray's attitude?

Keep in mind, the scene has not changed in any way - only the sex of the character. If your view of how offended you are about the scene changes, maybe you should ask yourself why that is?

Personally I did not like the movie, but yet my sense of masculinity was not threatened by a movie scene where a male character had a sense of emotional depth whereas the female character was more sure footed and voiced her opinion.
Here are my thoughts on the first two movies. Honestly, I’ve never been able to sit through/stay awake through the third movie, so K won’t be commenting on it.
1) don’t care if Rey or Ray. Characters were decent outside of Kylo Ren acting like an absolute boor that needed to be spanked more as a child. The fact that Finn was not of Māori descent was explained well enough, so again, no big deal. My only issue with TFA was that they recycled too many of the fighter action scenes. There was nothing really new, nothing groundbreaking like the original trench run, the original walker scene from empire, etc. it was just a re-tread. That was the only (but a major) reason why I panned that movie.
2) the complete idiocy of how TLJ was run was just bad though. The space bombs for instance, the whole girls clique, etc. if you swapped out the women for men and the men for women and they acted in a similar manner, even more people would have been up in arms about it…and rightfully so. The writing was horrible, the physics wa stupefying. It almost looked like the directors/writers believed that the ships were sailing on water on planet earth and they were portraying a battleship engagement from WW I or WWII. This was one of the worst Star Wars movies I have ever seen, and I saw the Ewok Christmas Special.

the way they treated the force in both movies was also a major issue and one that felt just as bad and out of place as midicloreans did in TFM

Captain Marvel has some “Girl Power” in it too, but honestly it felt “in place”. Let’s face it, armed forces aviators had a bad rep back when that movie was set. (Google Tailhook Scandal). It was very believable the stuff they showed her “going though“ while growing up.

anyway, I still dislike the SW movies, but it’s not because of the characters being male or female, but because the reasoning behind the characters. (movie 2). While,my dislike of movie 1 was just the way they constructed some major components of the movie.
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Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
I’ve recently been watching gen x people watching Star Wars for the first time, and it’s remarkable to me they love A New Hope for all the same reasons we did half century ago. Both men and women have no complaints lodged about the patriarchy. Everyone loves Leah, just like everyone loves Ripply in Aliens. There’s just no complaints about these films, so what was so broke it needed Kennedy and Headlund to fix it?
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