[Video] - Gimbal assist arguments continue


Space Marshal
Jun 26, 2015
RSI Handle

A random youtube video that shows it.... this was soooooo long ago....

Outside of memes. here are my thoughts about the auto gimbals...

1: Another part, another thing to watch wear and tear, worry about upgrades, etc. So if they link AG (auto gimbal) to a chip or component, it is another thing that you have to keep in shape or risk getting to the point where it just stops working.
2: if you don't (or do) like that option, well make AG less accurate then I can get with M&K/gimbal. I have not played in some time, but back in the day I could cockpit snipe with some GT-870s. give the player that takes the time to learn how to an edge if he can control his guns himself.
3: This is just more of a rule of design they need to address to the community. but it goes back to #2.
Fixed gun: Pro: more powerful. Con: tied to your ships ability to move, and damage that ability greatly reduces your ability to fire back.
Gimbal: Pro: lets you aim in an arc and gives you more subtle control over your guns movement. Con: less powerful so you have to make your shots more deadly by hitting key points.
AG: Pro: you don't have to worry about aiming or anything, just hold down the trigger! Con: has the same as Gimbal, but also limited in some other way.


Grand Admiral
May 27, 2018
RSI Handle
So has anyone who (like myself) would rate themselves as being poor in combat tried the new system yet? If it means I can make a decent showing and actually defend myself if necessary I might go ahead and invest in a corsair


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm all for gimbal assist. I'm very bad at flying and shooting and it would help a lot.
I've been killed by Auroras while flying a Hornet more times than I'd like to admit.


Vice Admiral
Mar 1, 2019
RSI Handle
So has anyone who (like myself) would rate themselves as being poor in combat tried the new system yet? If it means I can make a decent showing and actually defend myself if necessary I might go ahead and invest in a corsair
I've done a little combat, basically in a smaller ship you'll need to get good at drifting. As for bigger ships, they'll drift more but you won't be trying to out maneuver a smaller fighter. I should make a video on the PTU gimbal assist, I don't know why I haven't thought of that yet.
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Space Marshal
Jan 27, 2018
RSI Handle
We will see if CIG does things to keep auto gimbals in line with their stated design intent.

The intent of this mechanic is to allow joystick/gamepad pilots to make use of gimbaled weapons and to allow a simple aiming system for starting players, but ultimately at the top level players should be encouraged to move to more manual controlled setups, such as purely fixed weapons.

As they stand now, they are pretty bad.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=76haEF9MEWg


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I was reading Twitter because some days you just can't get enough REEE.

Someones opinion got my attention: they think Gimbals Assist is Auto-Aim that you would find on console games, and that it would ruin the game and they thought their expirianced "Skill" was being devalued and it would be a worse game because of this.

It made me pause for thought, and I didn't say this (unless they eventually reply to my original comment because twitter character limit), but just pause for a moment and lets actually think about this:

Some players think:
1) Gimbal Assist will make it too easy for players to hit each other. They see being able to hit another ship as a "Skill" which they happen to be very good at, and GA will cause this to be less valid. Their skill means that currently they have little to no problem hitting other players while their targets may have big problems doing this.
2) As they can still mount fixed weapons, still fly their way and still ride the ships they want to ride, they will have just as much ease hitting other players as previously - Gimbal Assist isn't going to effect their ship or their "Skilled" play style at all.
3) The only thing GA is going to do is allow their targets to defend themselves where they could not very effectively before. The "Skill" parts of the game will still be there. It's those who don't have the skill getting assistance against those that do, that those with the skill don't appear to be liking...

So if it is all about "Skill" why are those who are already skilled scared of a little challenge? What happened to their "Skill"? Or are their skills actually not good enough in the face of an actual defense, and they are not willing or not able to work just that little bit harder and become that little bit more skilled?

I think this viewpoint is not about "Skill", it's about power. "Skilled" players were more powerful than most others, to the point where they even put most others off playing AC. Bullshit was it the flight model, everyone got sick of being one-shot by Meta loadout Aces - they are the destroyers of worlds, namely Dying Star and Broken Moon. Now something has come along that modifies the victim/perpetrator balance but does not remove it. The Skilled could embrace the challenge and become even more skilled (and some are), but the demands to not implement the Gimbal Assist may be because it will be too hard for them to do that... but perhaps more likely some are just not willing to.

Balance will come. GA will not be a magic iWin button. You'll still have your "Skill" but a field of helpless victims may not exist anymore.

TL;DR In a line: It looks like some "Skilled" players are demanding CIG make the game easier for them by not implementing Gimbals Assist to force victims to remain just that, undefended victims - Whatever happened to "Skill"?
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Space Marshal
May 20, 2014
RSI Handle
reduced lag from proximity to an internet backbone hub shouldn't be an 'I win' button

less 'twitch' factor levels the playing field for us out here in the boonies

Carlos Spicyweiner

Space Marshal
Oct 14, 2015
RSI Handle
So has anyone who (like myself) would rate themselves as being poor in combat tried the new system yet? If it means I can make a decent showing and actually defend myself if necessary I might go ahead and invest in a corsair
I totally suck and I tried it in AC the other night. Shot down 4 of the bad guys in about 20 minutes, which doesn't sound very spectacular but...I REALLY suck! This AG thingy should give me a slight chance of surviving in the PU against a hot shot pilot for more than 15 seconds! I like it!

Han Burgundy

Space Marshal
Jan 15, 2016
RSI Handle
With proper balance, this can be an excellent addition. They need to provide both a significant advantage in damage output through fixed weapons, as well as some sort of additional upkeep/tweaking to be done on the autogimbal side of things. It allows for a low skill floor with a high skill ceiling. Perfect for a game with the scope of SC.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Watch this
View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mVU2EuiruMM

OK, when those guys fight me, I think that I won't last 20 seconds, but with equal skills, 6:30 minutes
I watched that but with no sound as Mrs.Bobface is watching her stories and I don't like interrupting her videos.

I think the Dev intention was to change the battle tactics not only with GA but also the flight model and it seems to be working.

Interesting times are afoot, will be nice to be able to actually defend myself.
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Space Marshal
Oct 3, 2014
RSI Handle
Agreed, purists can only get us so far as a community. My only objection is a small ship should not be able to take down a hammerhead, period. When you ride a tricycle you get tricycle performance, when you ride a 10 speed you get 10 speed performance. A tricycle cannot keep up with a 10 speed, fact. I say this should be augmented by massive shield generators the larger ships use, making it almost pointless to be attacked by a single light fighter. Even if you can target a subsystem, you have to get through the shield first and the AI protecting the ship. You pay for hardware when you buy a ship... it may be slower but may have a ton of AI and shields. Many people have the equation wrong, in my opinion.
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