VirtualAce (Now N_forcer from Aerospace Alliance) Exploiting / Lag Switching Drama Queen

Marcel Busse

Space Marshal
Sep 18, 2016
RSI Handle
The last days @Archangel_666 and me saw him on a server. The other guys. that try to shoot him up were too on that server, so he drama began.

First we tried to get a few shots on Virtual ace. he was surrounded by his minions and doing emp waves.

It was very funny he boosted away, then they jumped away.

they did that couple of times, then i got one while he was doing repairs, then they went on me.

they started a discussion in chat, that im shit. as i responded, they killed me 2x from behind, hovering in space.

then the fight went on, after a while they had too much and went out with a retaliator and shooting torpedoes.

i had a tactioc, to get the talli between me and the torpedo.

it worked, i had never such a fast rotating talli seen.

then we stayed on crusader station, and tried to make him angry.


Oct 3, 2017
RSI Handle
Lol, he's really the gift that keeps on giving.
Until he isn't... (pic related - must have happened very recently) But eventually, he will probably be back again with moar Holy War

I check about once a week to see whether his latest character has been banned.. aaaand voila! n_forcer became "fleetenforcer"
Knew it was only a matter of time.
EDIT: Nevermind. He's already back as x_ENFORCER_x :kissing_heart:
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
So this guy buys lots of starter packs?
He'll have funded an entire level in s42 at this rate.

It's lucky he's getting new account after new account or there is the risk he'd become concierge.

Interestingly, you can see the exact moment CIG give him warnings and bans on the Pledge Funding Tracker:

VArse ban.jpg


Sep 10, 2017
RSI Handle
He'll have funded an entire level in s42 at this rate.

It's lucky he's getting new account after new account or there is the risk he'd become concierge.

Interestingly, you can see the exact moment CIG give him warnings and bans on the Pledge Funding Tracker:

View attachment 7676
We should all message him and thank him for his strong support of SC; without him we'd have half the game :)


Nov 4, 2017
RSI Handle
hot damn I just spent 6 hours reading throught this entire thread and I have to say you TEST guys are the bomb what a great group of loveable beer drinkers! I hope that someday I can get with my boys and blow all of your auroras out of the sky! [all in good fun of course!] and I do hope to see you guys out in the verse pushing the good vibes and the way SC should be played and also perhaps taking a massive 15,000 person shit right onto VirtualAce,

but I digress.....

I have met many of you out in the verse and hope to see you all out there whether you want to come to my bazzar and trade or come to my future colonies and blow them up! I would love to interact with such an awesome and large group!

Much respect (and a little fear of sunblotting aurora's)


P.S oh and this entire reading of this thread came from us having a couple of AA guys [X_ENFORCER_X] speedhack us and I looked into them and found that TEST had some beef!


Space Marshal
Oct 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Until he isn't... (pic related - must have happened very recently) But eventually, he will probably be back again with moar Holy War

I check about once a week to see whether his latest character has been banned.. aaaand voila! n_forcer became "fleetenforcer"
Knew it was only a matter of time.
EDIT: Nevermind. He's already back as x_ENFORCER_x :kissing_heart:
He'll have funded an entire level in s42 at this rate.

It's lucky he's getting new account after new account or there is the risk he'd become concierge.

Interestingly, you can see the exact moment CIG give him warnings and bans on the Pledge Funding Tracker:

View attachment 7676
I've seen a couple of people (this N-Farter, or whatever his latest name is, and another dude, formerly known as "Laser_Hawk") who must have had other people gift them ships? My example being, some dude was repeatedly griefing me (and some others) at Oli (after he attacked me at SPK and I shot his ass down)...he had a Scythe...when I went and looked him up, his Citizen Record showed that he had only been a citizen since 3 days before (this would have been about late late September of this year), and the Scythe would not have been for sale since .... a long time. That was Laser_Hawk, when I checked again recently, he had disappeared, again.

I guess he could always pay $5 for a handle change, or could be buying ships on the grey market, but....wouldn't it be easier to just get along with others?


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
I guess he could always pay $5 for a handle change, or could be buying ships on the grey market, but....wouldn't it be easier to just get along with others?
I'd change my name too if i'd accidentally chosn "Lazy_Dork"

Remember kids: Ganking, Pad Camping, Ass-Hattery and other anti-social practices will only get you so far - when the game progresses and you can't just buy a ship off the Pledge Store or have some friendly script-runner magic you one out of thin air, your days will be numbered.

To grief effectively in the finished game, you'd need to hold back on greifing now. But you are not. For every ounce of ass-hattery you provide now the devs will program out your tactics until you only have one option left: Play the game or GTFO. Good luck.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Just ran across members from the Aerospace Alliance on my stream tonight. Really toxic sons of bitches. They like stream sniping.
EDIT - Welcome to the TEST forum :) - EDIT

Stream Sniping - where they see you playing on your stream and try to get in the same instance to wreck shit up.

So not only are they Ganking and Pad Camping, they are also trying to make a name for themselves off the backs of other hard working Streamers...

Thats not just cheating, thats lazy. Thats so damn lazy.

Invading a stream is like fare dodging on a train - Yeah, you may travel a hundred miles in a day riding a train but you have done total shit all to get that far and have avoided paying the fare for the pleasure. And when you get to the destination? The rest of the passengers thank the train driver for safely and expertly controlling the train, not you for sitting on a seat and hiding in the toilet when the ticket collector comes by. And the next day the other passengers will return to the train and the train driver whereas the fare dodger will be off trying to dodge on some other train.

not only is it lazy, it is also pointless.

Sounds like Areospace Alliance is running out of steam, pun intended.
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Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
VirtualAce is a liar and the terrible org leader of Aerospace Alliance, an organization with 400+ members.

He gets people to join his org by chatting to them in-game and lying to them. They think he is actually nice, but its the exact opposite!

The Star Citizen community is built upon the common love for the space sim genre, we all want to have an enjoyable experience and make friends. All except for one person who has a goal of pissing off other players and making as many enemies as possible before the game has even come out! VirtualAce is that person.

TEST Squadron is the largest and most powerful org in this game, we have no kill list, no enemies and we go out of our way to make sure all new arrivals in Star Citizen have a good time!

VirtualAce and his org are the exact opposite!

In their manifesto it says clearly: "We do not partake in piracy in any way shape or form". In PU this means that you get branded if you get in a fight with him, even if you just are holding Kareah and they decide to visit Kareah. You will get a spot on a KOS list.

So if a new player on day one of owning this game goes to visit Kareah to check it out, VirtualAce in his stupidity sees that as "being a pirate" and will start shooting at you. What a terrible way to treat a new player that just backed this game!

Hmmmm, I once was holding Kareah with a group of Russian speaking TEST pilots, engaging VirtualAce, everything was green until suddenly my ship exploded, no incoming fire, no missiles, just boom, must have been caused by some massive LAG. Does this mean that I’m also on his KOS list??? I’m shitting my pants right now :poop:

VirtualAce claimes to be a white knight, so he actively fights pirates and bad people with all means necessary. Pad camping, LAG switching and trolling all are legitimate measures against those foul pilots, who are just people like you and me, having fun in our game.

Some of those foul people, usually fighting each other, decided to do something against this trolling and started a Holy War, they grouped together and started patrolling PU, engaging VirtualAce and his team members time after time. Some fights won, some fights lost, but eventually the Holy Warriors gained the upperhand, so VitualAce went on the diplomatic path to reason with the org leaders of the foul pilots:

A true valiant white knight

The discussion goes on, wait...did I read something about an ASCII drawn penis? Reminds me of someone...where are the screenshots, I want to see proof!!!

Wait a second there is a plot twist (those damn deleted posts!!!)

Ooow, somebody got angry

Hmmm the White Knight just got some stains on his shiny white robe.

What should we do? Grab a beer and popcorn or should we get in the pit? I’m on a certain illegal list, so I will get in the pit.


Space Marshal
Apr 11, 2016
RSI Handle
VirtualAce is a liar and the terrible org leader of Aerospace Alliance, an organization with 400+ members.

He gets people to join his org by chatting to them in-game and lying to them. They think he is actually nice, but its the exact opposite!

The Star Citizen community is built upon the common love for the space sim genre, we all want to have an enjoyable experience and make friends. All except for one person who has a goal of pissing off other players and making as many enemies as possible before the game has even come out! VirtualAce is that person.

TEST Squadron is the largest and most powerful org in this game, we have no kill list, no enemies and we go out of our way to make sure all new arrivals in Star Citizen have a good time!

VirtualAce and his org are the exact opposite!

In their manifesto it says clearly: "We do not partake in piracy in any way shape or form". In PU this means that you get branded if you get in a fight with him, even if you just are holding Kareah and they decide to visit Kareah. You will get a spot on a KOS list.

So if a new player on day one of owning this game goes to visit Kareah to check it out, VirtualAce in his stupidity sees that as "being a pirate" and will start shooting at you. What a terrible way to treat a new player that just backed this game!

Hmmmm, I once was holding Kareah with a group of Russian speaking TEST pilots, engaging VirtualAce, everything was green until suddenly my ship exploded, no incoming fire, no missiles, just boom, must have been caused by some massive LAG. Does this mean that I’m also on his KOS list??? I’m shitting my pants right now :poop:

VirtualAce claimes to be a white knight, so he actively fights pirates and bad people with all means necessary. Pad camping, LAG switching and trolling all are legitimate measures against those foul pilots, who are just people like you and me, having fun in our game.

Some of those foul people, usually fighting each other, decided to do something against this trolling and started a Holy War, they grouped together and started patrolling PU, engaging VirtualAce and his team members time after time. Some fights won, some fights lost, but eventually the Holy Warriors gained the upperhand, so VitualAce went on the diplomatic path to reason with the org leaders of the foul pilots:

A true valiant white knight

The discussion goes on, wait...did I read something about an ASCII drawn penis? Reminds me of someone...where are the screenshots, I want to see proof!!!

Wait a second there is a plot twist (those damn deleted posts!!!)

Ooow, somebody got angry

Hmmm the White Knight just got some stains on his shiny white robe.

What should we do? Grab a beer and popcorn or should we get in the pit? I’m on a certain illegal list, so I will get in the pit.
There's no accounting for taste!
"difficult to explain why different people like different things, especially things that you do not like": from the Cambridge Dictionary.


Oct 16, 2017
RSI Handle
Welcome aboard, dude. Here at TEST we aim to remember that THIS IS A GODDAMN GAME, and life exists elsewhere. Wanna be a trader today, and a pirate lord next week? Cool. We have swaths of both types of folks here to play with who are actually online (Check our discord when you wanna fly). And aint nobody gonna judge you or give a shit how you play. If we were all to be shoehorned into religiously fanatical group, we'd all be Deacons of Dudism ( Happy flying!
I hear the voice of reason. And smell brandy and wisdom as well, my friend. Play on and have fun. I plan to sleep in my Aurora like a space vagrant. You open the hatch and are hit with several beer bottles rolling out and crashing onto the pad, and somewhere in the bowels of that illustrious craft lays a man blissfully ambivalent and happily three sheets to the wind.


Oct 16, 2017
RSI Handle
What are these lists people say they are making?

Will you be flying around the PU, see somebody then suddenly pull up your spreadsheet and do a search to see if the person appears on the list before you engage?
Brother, I have better shit to do than work spreadsheets at home, that's where I go to AVOID paperwork X_X
Unless they are spreadsheets of weapon stats, in which case by 'spreadsheet' I mean a piece of scratchpaper written in crayon with a coffee stain on it.
Kill On Site lists. Such imagination haha
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