VirtualAce (Now N_forcer from Aerospace Alliance) Exploiting / Lag Switching Drama Queen


Space Marshal
Jun 9, 2017
RSI Handle
in case your question got lost, @HCVertigo plays SC and broadcasts the game via Other people can find him on Twitch and watch or, in the case of VA and dweebs, stream snipe. Stream sniping is watching a Streamer and when they go to a specific place in game, follow to that location and harass.

Oh, did I feed a troll? "Well, Bother!" said Pooh as he hunkered down behind a low wall and changed magazines on his rifle.
Phantom OT, I'm not trolling-- Its just a silly Ghost Busters reference


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle

Go, Scallywag lol
Good to see what current tactics are. All you need is a Connie Wingman fitted with those long range s5's and every time he uses the EMP he's a sitting duck for the ship sat out of the zone of effect. Thats assuming he does't have have any wingmen himself, but from what i've heard he's running out of friends so that shouldn't last too long :bread:


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
In my opinion, it is currently impossible for N_Forcer / Virtualace to kill me in Aerial combat. I tend to crash while taking off more often than I manage to leave the docks. LoL Cheers! :beers:
I see you have never been Ganked by Areospace Alliance.

Ganking: When a player uses their ship to ram yours with the intention of destroying it. A valid tactic in battle when you are in battle, however in SC it is currently used in an area where ships are not allowed the use of weapons, the Olisar pads. The attacker simply rams your ship not caring if they blow up too. Suicide runs like this are essentially a Troll move used by Troll orgs who care more about pissing people off than playing the game - Salt: it's their only goal.

Pad Camping: Ganking rarely happens elsewhere like at GrimHex - here Pad Camping takes over, where malicious pilots hover over GrimHex pads and blow up every single ship that spawns over and over again before the pilots can even get close to getting in their ships, essentially denying them the right to play the game by keeping them captive on Hex. This is also a Troll move. Remember kids, if your Org Leader advocates tactics that break the game mechanics like Ganking, Pad Camping and the supposed "All seeing eye" we saw earlier in this thread, your Org leader is a Troll. It's not an "Advantage", it's not a "Loophole" it's "Being a dick".

When VirtualAss contacted me via PM on Spectrum during the time they spammed every member of TEST, I directly asked him/her to confirm he/she hasn't, doesn't and never will Gank or Pad Camp. He/she refused to answer, which we have to take as admission by omission like when a drunk driver refuses to do the breath-test.

It's worth remembering where VirtualAss/Nobforcer is involved, your unsuccessful take off from Olisar pad may have been an assisted unsuccessful takeoff. :thinking::dizzy_face:
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Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Not exactly, I usually would start to take off & then crash myself into some portion of the station accidentally. Most often those rotating hubs. My only intelligent move is that whenever I would try to take off, I aimed away from other players & ships. LoL
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Space Marshal
Jul 21, 2016
RSI Handle
Not exactly, I usually would start to take off & then crash myself into some portion of the station accidentally. Most often those rotating hubs. My only intelligent move is that whenever I would try to take off, I aimed away from other players & ships. LoL
I thought this was just testing the hull integrity of Olisar. I did this repeatedly, testing entire sections of Olisar for integrity before finally flying off to find some other space object to test. Isn't this was we're supposed to do?


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
I thought this was just testing the hull integrity of Olisar. I did this repeatedly, testing entire sections of Olisar for integrity before finally flying off to find some other space object to test. Isn't this was we're supposed to do?
Well, we are a part of TEST Squadron, so I'm going to say sure as long as we seem to be having fun. Just as the wicked cool old man in the movie Waiting.
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