VirtualAce (Now N_forcer from Aerospace Alliance) Exploiting / Lag Switching Drama Queen


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
An update on these cunts. Got Stream sniped by them again tonight in the PTU. Same M.O. EMP + Missile spam. If that didn't work wait for me to run low on fuel and find some where to top up and crash a ship into me.
As powerful as the EMP weapons are against regular ships, I suspect that CIG will eventually either counter-measures that players can take to neutralize that advantage OR will come out with ships that are designed to hunt ships with EMP capabilities. The more those jackalopes abuse their current advantage, the earlier CIG will be looking into countering them. So hang in there. The balance is coming ... eventually.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
An update on these cunts. Got Stream sniped by them again tonight in the PTU. Same M.O. EMP + Missile spam. If that didn't work wait for me to run low on fuel and find some where to top up and crash a ship into me.
They are still at it?

It's almost piracy. Nope, scratch that, it IS piracy.

Areospace Alliance is a pirate Org, they can say "No" as much as they like but if it acts like a pirate, sounds like a pirate, has a parrot on its shoulder and says "Arrr, matey, we's not be pierates ye scervey landlubber." then they are almost undoubtedly pirates.

Time to stop dancing round the issue and just call it what it is.

AA is a Pirate Org and the more people we can let know the less people they'll trick into joining them as "peace keepers in the name of helping new players" as they claim to be.

Case in point: If they are defending new players fresh to the 'Verse, what in blue hell are they doing in the 3.0 PTU? They should still be operating in 2.6.3 looking out for the interests of Newbs, no one in 3.0 is a new player with a starter pack fresh to the 'Verse as you need subscription (monthly donation) or Concierge level (+$1000 pledged) for 3.0 PTU access right now.

The fact they are stream sniping suggests 3.0 has killed the "All seeing eye" they may have had in 2.6 as mentioned earlier in this thread - Problem is moving to stream sniping - Streamers ain't gonna stop streaming so what tactics can we come up with to counter this fresh madness?

Perhaps a CIG staffed Idris available only to CIG might do well to prowl the 3.0 servers waiting for trouble?


Nov 11, 2017
RSI Handle
As powerful as the EMP weapons are against regular ships, I suspect that CIG will eventually either counter-measures that players can take to neutralize that advantage OR will come out with ships that are designed to hunt ships with EMP capabilities. The more those jackalopes abuse their current advantage, the earlier CIG will be looking into countering them. So hang in there. The balance is coming ... eventually.

I sperg'd out on stream about the horrors of these new EMP weapons CiG has unleashed with their new grab deals. I wonder why EMP gens were buffed when we had 2 concept sales with EMP gens, and another sale with the Warlock? Really makes you think.

Also the highlight of them doing the stream snipe as an org. Going to submit it to CiG CS with no hope in action being taken. I'll edit in some time codes for easy watching in a bit.

Stream snipe 3.0 681830 PTU 12.8.17

2:20 scaredpotato attack with Raven; AA member
8:13 ZombieJoe Attacks with Super Hornet; AA member
18:44 Ironic_Logic spoted; AA member
20:50 someone jumps into an area with me most likely AA members
29:55 x_enforcer_x and Ziechn spoted; AA members
41:15 xzombiejoe taunts me in stream chat an AA member.
41:45 get rammed most likely by an AA member in a Gladius
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Nov 11, 2017
RSI Handle
Are any of these AA pirates streamers themselves by chance?
Not to my knowledge, and if they were I wouldn't condone countering stream sniping with more stream sniping. That just shits up Twitch overall. My delay I put on after they did it the first time helped and with the size of 3.0 I know I can just avoid their org when I notice them. Just as a heads up to those that think they are safe to bug test in the PTU though, they are there and in force.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Not to my knowledge, and if they were I wouldn't condone countering stream sniping with more stream sniping. That just shits up Twitch overall. My delay I put on after they did it the first time helped and with the size of 3.0 I know I can just avoid their org when I notice them. Just as a heads up to those that think they are safe to bug test in the PTU though, they are there and in force.
Actually, I wasn't suggesting that we sink to their level, but that if they are streaming their actions, that CIG be alerted to this so that CIG can watch them do this for themselves through the pirates own streams.

This being said, there is 1 possible counter-measure that can currently be taken against EMP ships.


Nov 11, 2017
RSI Handle
Actually, I wasn't suggesting that we sink to their level, but that if they are streaming their actions, that CIG be alerted to this so that CIG can watch them do this for themselves through the pirates own streams.
I apologize for the misunderstanding. There really doesn't seem to be a winning move against EMP ships in 3.0 other than having your own. CiG has made the EMP mechanic so hamfisted that it's really disconcerting that the Devs don't have enough vision of how terrible this mechanic will become for the average players. Multiple player dog fights are going to come down to who has an EMP ship and/or can employ theirs the most effectively.

Will C.

Space Marshal
Jan 1, 2017
RSI Handle
Like ive said before these scrubs only use emp ships. Ive avoided getting killed by them in 2.6 because its easy to avoid emp attacks from that scrublord have not run into them in 3.0 but with the current emp mechanics which are broken as fuck just gives these skillless creampuffs more reason to play it.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
That makes sense, those EM signatures go off the charts while charging up. If they ever implement auto turrets that can be set to prioritize the highest EM signature and they'd find it harder too.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
This seem to be the full extent of that chat exchange:

Was this is 2.6.3 or 3.0? If 3.0, what the hell are they doing in 3.0 if their intention is to defend new players while they are learning the ropes? There are no newbs in 3.0, it's the Test server, newbs don't know about it are not invited in unless they fluke some specific requirements.

Can someone ask them this question?

EDIT - I notice Vitrtual Ass has changed his name again to "Kiss_enforcer_Kiss" Jeese, chasing people all over the 'Verse to force kisses on them...

Keep on providing the entertainment KissEnforcer, we'll keep popin' dem kernels. :popcorn:
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Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Nope, no, no, hell no... I don’t care if she came with a beer truck, red hair, an aversion to clothes, and a desire to never see me thirsty... not worth it, I’m out
Well, as long as whenever you see KissEnforcerKiss in the 'Verse you ask if NaffNaff sent him and what Aerospace Alliance are doing in the limited access 3.0PTU when there are no Newbs there to defend yet as their Org say is their reason of operating, we'll let you off.


Space Marshal
Jul 29, 2017
RSI Handle
Can we refrain from calling them pirates please? Pirates aren't out for blood or griefing. They want that booty. These guys are murderers at best, terrorist at worst.
Then why bother giving them any credit or respect at all? We can just as easily classify those who act in such manner as vermin who are not worthy of our attention until the force us to do so & then when that happens they are to be exterminated effectively & efficiently so that we may return to our enjoyment of the Verse.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Can we refrain from calling them pirates please? Pirates aren't out for blood or griefing. They want that booty. These guys are murderers at best, terrorist at worst.
I said it to see if I could get a reaction out of KissyForcer. Wanted to see a few "No we are NOT pirates it says on our ORG PAGE!" Still pullin' them puppet strings. Dance Kissy, dance!

As long as we don't call them Trolls. Trolling when done properly has style, it has a point (like "look at what a bellend this guy is being") and has entertainment value for people watching, sending the share price of Popcorn companies sky high.

Being an arsepipe is... well, it's being a arsepipe.
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