What's your "one" ship?

What single ship would you start 3.0 with?

  • Cutlass series

    Votes: 34 36.6%
  • Aurora series

    Votes: 11 11.8%
  • Freelancer series

    Votes: 26 28.0%
  • Avenger series

    Votes: 9 9.7%
  • Taurus (the other Connies aren't in the budget ATM)

    Votes: 8 8.6%
  • Mustang series

    Votes: 3 3.2%
  • 300 series

    Votes: 4 4.3%
  • Reliant series

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • We are Owl

    Votes: 34 36.6%

  • Total voters


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
...not just upgrade a ship they sold for 60€ [Mustang Delta] to a ship that is worth 120€ like the hornet. That wouldn't make sense.
If that is true, why is the $125 350R in the trash? It was originally an interceptor with 3x s3's. It has been d-e-s-t-r-o-y-e-d and is more expensive than the Hornet.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Selling a shitty ship for more money is the exact opposite of making a cheap ship high class and makes more sense for cig
My Cat wants to field this one:

"ðßß e ¶eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey6777777u"

I think that says it all, but I would add when you buy a pledge it does state clearly the ship you end up with may not be worth what you paid for it, the 350R is an example of this. The Delta is half the price of a Hornet? So what, the 350 is more expensive than the Hornet. Price means nothing.

Imagine the salt if / when the Hornet is balanced and can be picked off by more nimble foes if a hornet pilot is not flying defensively, like used to be done in AC before Boost Fuel gave hornets the ability to at least run.

As for changing the Mustangs abilities, the Delta used to be a Hornet Killer. You could remove the rocketpods and have 6x guns on a tiny nimble ship. The Delta was boss, and it got bitchslapped down. Maybe one day it'll will be again, after some upgrading?
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Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
I've sat here for fourteen minutes and cannot answer this question.

I am bias toward my Taurus but that is because it is MY Taurus so that makes it best. The advantage of a Cutty is it gives you $30 change for an Aurora!
TEST math. Count your money. Buy an Aurora. Count your money again. Buy whatever else, doesn't matter.


Space Marshal
Jun 5, 2016
RSI Handle
It's been at least 3 minutes since someone I posted a ship thread. So here we go.

If you were to start 3.0 with a single ship, 150 or under, what would it be? And why. I'm thinking a la Privateer or Freelancer. You get one ship, and you just start empire building from that single platform.

I'm personally leaning heavily towards the Cutty Black. It can haul, shoot, and still crash into a mighty fireball.
Blind Owl - I saw your other post, so I figure this is a fairly serious question for you. I am very sorry to hear about your foundation troubles.

Personally, I would go with either the Taurus, the Freelancer series, or the Cutlass Series. Which one you pick will depend on your (primary) playstyle.

Hauler/trader - Freelancer Max or Taurus. Freelancer has better maneuverability, plus (currently) 4 engines the size of the Connie, but with less mass. Downside is, you may not be as maneuverable as the normal Freelancer.

Pirate - Cutlass Black - no questions unless you plan on running with 2 friends a significant portion of the time. If that is the case, go with the Freelancer or the Freelancer MIS.

Exploration: Freelancer DUR - exploration is it's forte.

Combat: This I can't help with as I've never flown the cutlass in combat. That said, I love flying my Freelancer loaner in combat. I use a throttle and mouse combination for my controls and with the gimbals, it makes for a really nice combat ship. Also, the freelancer can take 2 cutlasses in a fight...the video showed that :astonished:.

Medical/bounty hunting...the appropriate cutlass variant.

My game package was the Taurus, but honestly, I like flying my freelancer a lot more than I do my Andromeda loaner for 2.6. I don't know what 3.0 will bring though.

Best of luck to you. Oh, and check on your homeowners insurance policy. Not sure about Canada, but I think something like that would be covered under my policy. Just so long as it wasn't a maintenance item you didn't ignore.
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Space Marshal
May 7, 2016
RSI Handle
It's been at least 3 minutes since someone I posted a ship thread. So here we go.

If you were to start 3.0 with a single ship, 150 or under, what would it be? And why. I'm thinking a la Privateer or Freelancer. You get one ship, and you just start empire building from that single platform.

I'm personally leaning heavily towards the Cutty Black. It can haul, shoot, and still crash into a mighty fireball.
What about the Retaliator? :P

It looks awesome, is modular and with the automated Turrets, it might be a really cool multi-purpose Ship.

Tough, if you don't have a LTI token, I'd most likely settle for either a Aurora LX, a 315p, a Avenger Titan or a Hull A.

There's also the Hull B, which actually hauls a *reasonable* amount of cargo.

However, personally... my "one Ship" always was the BMM.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
What about the Retaliator? :P

It looks awesome, is modular and with the automated Turrets, it might be a really cool multi-purpose Ship.
Indeed. If you are sticking with the $150 limit, there is no doubt you should compare the Tally base and the Taurus. If they leave the Tally's shields and engines nerfed the way they have, the Conny's are a great choice and they haul more, but the Tally is only a little slower and it has a great hull. I have never seen a firefight with one taking big damage, but the stats say it ought to be able to take incredible punishment. It's the kind of ship one wants to explore putting Void armor on and running without shields. That's a pretty good way to haul cargo. And of course you are somewhat safer doing that with those very nice turrets. If they ever raise the shield to where it should be with a ship of it's class and intention, the Tally will be a hot item again. If they ever make it as fast as it looks, everyone will want one.


Space Marshal
Jun 25, 2017
RSI Handle
My Aurora LN with Test skin. Then maybe if I earn enough UEC, then I will fake buy a Freelancer and switch to that.
I want this too. Or so I'm convincing myself, haha.

Dammit Bruttle, you're making me want a Mustang now, haha
We are owl, but The freelancer is mine for solo... efficient

With other, my Connie andromeda... for war, my eclipse... :)

Since we are owl...

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
The Sentinel, or no I mean the Prowler, or no, I mean the Polaris!. . .no wait, the new 600i looks so great if it is fast and ohhhh. . .

You SUCK asking that question!
Haha, don't I just though. There is a reason though.
Hmmmmm..... non of em, so i guess il pick the Owl :grin:
You sonofabitch!! Haha. If they had a ship called the Owl I'd have to buy it by default.
Blind Owl - I saw your other post, so I figure this is a fairly serious question for you. I am very sorry to hear about your foundation troubles.
Thanks my friend. It's sucks to the nth degree, but I must take care of my family's safety and my household first.
Personally, I would go with either the Taurus, the Freelancer series, or the Cutlass Series. Which one you pick will depend on your (primary) playstyle.

Hauler/trader - Freelancer Max or Taurus. Freelancer has better maneuverability, plus (currently) 4 engines the size of the Connie, but with less mass. Downside is, you may not be as maneuverable as the normal Freelancer.

Pirate - Cutlass Black - no questions unless you plan on running with 2 friends a significant portion of the time. If that is the case, go with the Freelancer or the Freelancer MIS.

Exploration: Freelancer DUR - exploration is it's forte.

Combat: This I can't help with as I've never flown the cutlass in combat. That said, I love flying my Freelancer loaner in combat. I use a throttle and mouse combination for my controls and with the gimbals, it makes for a really nice combat ship. Also, the freelancer can take 2 cutlasses in a fight...the video showed that :astonished:.

Medical/bounty hunting...the appropriate cutlass variant.

My game package was the Taurus, but honestly, I like flying my freelancer a lot more than I do my Andromeda loaner for 2.6. I don't know what 3.0 will bring though.
Sound advice on all fronts. Cutty and Lancer are my personal favourites on the list of ships that are available, affordable and soloable. Although the Connie's have grown on me, exponentially.
Best of luck to you. Oh, and check on your homeowners insurance policy. Not sure about Canada, but I think something like that would be covered under my policy. Just so long as it wasn't a maintenance item you didn't ignore.
Yeah, I checked. If it had been a cracked pipe, no issue. But as it was the foundation . . .nope. It just sucks that it happened 2 months after we took possession of our new home after moving 3600 km across the country.
What about the Retaliator? :P

It looks awesome, is modular and with the automated Turrets, it might be a really cool multi-purpose Ship.
Damn you. Why'd you have to make me think of that? Hahah
Indeed. If you are sticking with the $150 limit, there is no doubt you should compare the Tally base and the Taurus. If they leave the Tally's shields and engines nerfed the way they have, the Conny's are a great choice and they haul more, but the Tally is only a little slower and it has a great hull. I have never seen a firefight with one taking big damage, but the stats say it ought to be able to take incredible punishment. It's the kind of ship one wants to explore putting Void armor on and running without shields. That's a pretty good way to haul cargo. And of course you are somewhat safer doing that with those very nice turrets. If they ever raise the shield to where it should be with a ship of it's class and intention, the Tally will be a hot item again. If they ever make it as fast as it looks, everyone will want one.
I swear to God, as if I didn't have enough ship indecision before. Haha. Damn damn damn.
Today I woke up hung over. I pounded a gatorade, some tylenol, and a bloody mary (which was bloody delicious).

I am Owl.
We are Owl


Space Marshal
Nov 22, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm personally going with Taurus. I figure it has enough cargo space to be making profits out of even the cheaper goods which have smaller margings. Or, that's what I'm guessing anyways. The thing I especially like about Taurus, is that it supposedly has a lot of upgradeability. More so than a Freelancer, which would be my choice if my budged wasn't quite enough for Taurus.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Y'all have provided me a grand amount of food for thought.

So here's the thing, for those of you not tracking:
Our house flooded with raw sewage a little while ago. Insurance refuses to cover the clean up and repair, as it was caused by a cracked foundation. So we had to tear out all the flooring, bottom two feet of all the drywall, repair the house foundation, and rebuild our basement, all at out own expense.

Not too bad, but it has tapped up pretty close to dry. So I've asked CIG to refund my fleet to cover the cost. They said yes, God bless them. :yellow_heart::black_heart:

I'm starting at ground zero for my fleet. :disappointed_relieved:That's why I've been looking to buy an LTI game package, and that's why I'm looking to ascertain what ship to start the game with.

So the ulterior and not so secret motive of this thread is revealed. :spy:

So thank y'all for your input. I'll be seriously looking at how I want to move forward with funding of this amazing game. For now it'll be get a package
/ship or two (once the refund is complete) so I can play 3.0, and rebuild slowly, once the household is taken care of.


Space Marshal
Feb 4, 2016
RSI Handle
Y'all have provided me a grand amount of food for thought.

So here's the thing, for those of you not tracking:
Our house flooded with raw sewage a little while ago. Insurance refuses to cover the clean up and repair, as it was caused by a cracked foundation. So we had to tear out all the flooring, bottom two feet of all the drywall, repair the house foundation, and rebuild our basement, all at out own expense.

Not too bad, but it has tapped up pretty close to dry. So I've asked CIG to refund my fleet to cover the cost. They said yes, God bless them. :yellow_heart::black_heart:

I'm starting at ground zero for my fleet. :disappointed_relieved:That's why I've been looking to buy an LTI game package, and that's why I'm looking to ascertain what ship to start the game with.

So the ulterior and not so secret motive of this thread is revealed. :spy:

So thank y'all for your input. I'll be seriously looking at how I want to move forward with funding of this amazing game. For now it'll be get a package
/ship or two (once the refund is complete) so I can play 3.0, and rebuild slowly, once the household is taken care of.
Good luck with everything. Hope it won't be too expensive. Get an Aurora LN and play your way up. It's an all rounder compared to the Mustang and is cheap. I feel like starting Star Cit with a big fleet of high end ships takes a lot of the "goal" and what you are playing for away. Why mine, trade etc. if you already have the biggest and best ships.

If you don't reinvest into a fleet after your done with the house you can grind back your fleet ingame ones the game is released fully. Makes your hangar so much more worth. (I planned on staring just with the Aurora but couldn't resist to buy the Cutlass Black last week cause after the rework the price will most likely go up. Also it's fits just too perfect, since I plan on living the space-outlaw life)
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