Why are ships so hard? (this may be a shitpost)


Space Marshal
Jul 4, 2015
RSI Handle
Up until a month ago, this thread was something that I just didn't see applying to me. Now I have a Freelancer, and am toying with the thought of a CCU to a Connie Taurus.
I'll be waiting on that, at least until we actually have stuff to haul. I'm starting to think that any multicrew ship will functionally need crew in moderately dangerous space, so the Lancer being smaller wouldn't be much advantage.
Whee, I miss having significant disposable income. Maybe next year, if I get a job with the degree I should have, I'll be able to consider more fun.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Up until a month ago, this thread was something that I just didn't see applying to me. Now I have a Freelancer, and am toying with the thought of a CCU to a Connie Taurus.
I'll be waiting on that, at least until we actually have stuff to haul. I'm starting to think that any multicrew ship will functionally need crew in moderately dangerous space, so the Lancer being smaller wouldn't be much advantage.
Whee, I miss having significant disposable income. Maybe next year, if I get a job with the degree I should have, I'll be able to consider more fun.
I think you'll find the 'Lancer is a blast. You should play with it for a while before you upgrade. You may find you love her.

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Now I have a Freelancer, and am toying with the thought of a CCU to a Connie Taurus.
Just bear in mind that even with a full crew who happen to all be aboard and ready to rock when fighting starts, ships like that are going to find it extremely hard to defend against fighters. You should never expect that just because aship has turrets that it does not need fighter escort. That being the case, if you want to haul why not use a hauler? The Hull series is a great choice if you plan to mostly fly transports and the standard C carries 20X as much as a Taurus.


Space Marshal
Jul 4, 2015
RSI Handle
Just bear in mind that even with a full crew who happen to all be aboard and ready to rock when fighting starts, ships like that are going to find it extremely hard to defend against fighters. You should never expect that just because aship has turrets that it does not need fighter escort. That being the case, if you want to haul why not use a hauler? The Hull series is a great choice if you plan to mostly fly transports and the standard C carries 20X as much as a Taurus.
The bulk of the reason, for why I'm looking at the Taurus, is that it can still be made multi-role. If I knew for a fact that I'd focus completely on hauling, I'd go for a Hull-C or whatever.
I'm just expecting that I'll probably mainly want the ability to take a bunch of stuff, and myself, long distances in the PU. How much did the Hull-C cost?


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
Up until a month ago, this thread was something that I just didn't see applying to me. Now I have a Freelancer, and am toying with the thought of a CCU to a Connie Taurus.
I'll be waiting on that, at least until we actually have stuff to haul. I'm starting to think that any multicrew ship will functionally need crew in moderately dangerous space, so the Lancer being smaller wouldn't be much advantage.
Whee, I miss having significant disposable income. Maybe next year, if I get a job with the degree I should have, I'll be able to consider more fun.
CCU it to a MIS, Then you will make the space a dangerous place :D
or CIG trying to stealth test a new weapon? and they accidentally made it bug onto my hud?
Some strange things happen lately, a few days ago I couldn't detect Sabres unless distance was 500, yesterday I thought that my companion was a Sabre because of that behaviour, but it actually was a Hornet, today I detected Sabre from a few 1000 distance :confused:
How much did the Hull-C cost
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Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
:eek: I have both :p
I keep toying with the idea of buying an Aquila. I like the look of her. I love her utility. But I'm just not in love with the series in general. I know they're great ships, but I'm just not feeling it.

I used to love my DURp, before she was sacrificed to the CCU gods. She was a gem. And if CIG holds true, and it remains the largest ship capable of fitting though small jump points, she'll be well worth having.
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