Why are ships so hard? (this may be a shitpost)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Haha, fuck my life. I clicked the "MELT" button on my MEGA-explorers-pack. Was going to re-buy it and rejig my fleet. Wouldn't ya know, at a value of 1010, I need customer service to melt. Guess I'm keeping it. Who know how long it'll take them to action the ticket. I can't take the risk. And her I was going to downsize my fleet. Ha. Guess not.


Space Marshal
Feb 14, 2016
RSI Handle
Haha, fuck my life. I clicked the "MELT" button on my MEGA-explorers-pack. Was going to re-buy it and rejig my fleet. Wouldn't ya know, at a value of 1010, I need customer service to melt. Guess I'm keeping it. Who know how long it'll take them to action the ticket. I can't take the risk. And her I was going to downsize my fleet. Ha. Guess not.
holy shit!! no bueno.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Every time I "finalize my fleet", I change my mind.
Why are ships so hard?
Current Fleet (Star-G), with 4 x Dragonflies. Ship value: $1095
View attachment 2612
My hope is that I'll be able to upgrade the Beerfarer Gemini to the Carrack for $10. Assuming the Carrack goes on sale again for $350.

Thinking I want to end up with this...
Proposed Fleet. Value: $1225View attachment 2614
I already own a Redeemer to Carrack upgrade, so there's $100 I don't need to spend.

I really don't need 2 dogfighters, so the Sabre *could* disappear, leaving me with: $1055 Value (+ 1 Dragonfly = $1090)
View attachment 2616


So yeah. I have no questions. Just putting my thoughts down. That is all.


Carfuly thinking of my answer so it would be to the point and informative....
I came to the conclusion that...

We don't have any proper working occupation yet, so we realy don't get to try out or figgure out if we are on the right path.
That obviously make it hard to pick the ship we want/need....
My final conclusion became really simple. IMO.

Focus on finding out what ship you realy want to be your starterpack the ultimate ship (LTI) you never trade no mater what.
Get it do not change it no mater what.... ( pretend it's not there anymore )
DON'T look back!

Focus on next ship take out of the equation what your ultimate starter ship can and can not do, find all the ship that can match it the best like the next piece of the puzzle.. Focus on the one you like first, when you find witch ship that is.. KEEP it WALK on..
( remember your starterpack/ship is locked and now the second. Don't look back, pretend they don't exist. )

Focus on next ship repeat procedure for each ship, look on what is the next puzzle piece get it, keep it... don't look back. ;)

If for some reason a totaly new or unrealeased ship surface in the store, DO NOT GET the HYPE! keep calm, take a walk!
FOCUS!! do you realy need it, is it similar to what you got, is it better in any way of what you already got and most important.
Can you get it later? Probably.. Stand down, focus, move on to the next ship.

This is how I got to my ultimate LTI starter ship+SQ42, now I move on to the nex ultimate ship I want.....
From here on I do the same for each ship,...

Eventually looking back some time in the future, I will have a pretty nice fleat of ships and most likely suited to my liking of potential different gameplay.

This is how I look on this amazing dilemma, I been in exact the same situation as you.
Now I am calm and FOCUSED!

And until we have well-functioning profession in the game that we can make a living from, from this day on, this is how I will do from now on.

Feels damn good!


Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
Carfuly thinking of my answer so it would be to the point and informative....
I came to the conclusion that...

We don't have any proper working occupation yet, so we realy don't get to try out or figgure out if we are on the right path.
That obviously make it hard to pick the ship we want/need....
My final conclusion became really simple. IMO.

Focus on finding out what ship you realy want to be your starterpack the ultimate ship (LTI) you never trade no mater what.
Get it do not change it no mater what.... ( pretend it's not there anymore )
DON'T look back!

Focus on next ship take out of the equation what your ultimate starter ship can and can not do, find all the ship that can match it the best like the next piece of the puzzle.. Focus on the one you like first, when you find witch ship that is.. KEEP it WALK on..
( remember your starterpack/ship is locked and now the second. Don't look back, pretend they don't exist. )

Focus on next ship repeat procedure for each ship, look on what is the next puzzle piece get it, keep it... don't look back. ;)

If for some reason a totaly new or unrealeased ship surface in the store, DO NOT GET the HYPE! keep calm, take a walk!
FOCUS!! do you realy need it, is it similar to what you got, is it better in any way of what you already got and most important.
Can you get it later? Probably.. Stand down, focus, move on to the next ship.

This is how I got to my ultimate LTI starter ship+SQ42, now I move on to the nex ultimate ship I want.....
From here on I do the same for each ship,...

Eventually looking back some time in the future, I will have a pretty nice fleat of ships and most likely suited to my liking of potential different gameplay.

This is how I look on this amazing dilemma, I been in exact the same situation as you.
Now I am calm and FOCUSED!

And until we have well-functioning profession in the game that we can make a living from, from this day on, this is how I will do from now on.

Feels damn good!

I actually meant to respond to you in that first message.
I blame the beer.
Regardless (Irregardlessly, as we like to say in Canada)...
I'm on board.
and I'm on it.
This method.
Combined with many one other.


Space Marshal
Jan 2, 2016
RSI Handle
General Fisting
There are two ships I have that are absolutely final.

The Carrack and the Polaris.

Everything else:


Is subject to change.
Although I am leaning more towards the Orion being a final decision and locking that down, as I need an industry ship to actually make some money.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
The Polaris LTI is only ship I don't have yet, that is a final never to be changed if I can get it :D
What I have or on the way and aiming to get, are as follow.
Carrack, Caterpillar, Hornet Ghost and Tracker, Sabre, Herald, Cutless Blue and Red, 85X, Redeemer, Crucible, Prospector, Buccaneer, Starfarer and 2 Dragonfly.... All LTI are on my todo list and most are on the way, yeaiii!

Ship on wish list, that might make it eventually but got lower priority are...
2 Endeavor with all modules, Hull - B/C, 890 Jump, Orion, Vanguard Warden and MPUV both version.

Yea there are other ships that might slip thrugh eventualy, but this is the priorety order I came up with.
This will suit the most likely gamplay I will do in SC.



Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I got every 1/2 seater fighter capable ship, the best version of every model. LN, Delta, Warlock, Tana, 325A, Blue, MIS, Super Hornet. The only exception is the 350R. The 350R is the best version of the 300-series, looks cool as hell but doesn't match my fighting skills so I also got the 325A.

The Argo had to go during Aniversarry sale., the Herald stays put. The only ship left on my wishlist would be a Terrapin.

My only 2 multi crew ships are the Retalliator and my mobile pool table....(Polaris)


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
Well done Sam! it is good to know what you actually want.
I also can totally see the logic for avoiding multi crew ships since not everyone will be able to find crew all the time!
I avoided upgrading to an Orion just because I like the prospector and doubt I will like mining enough to have both. I Avoided the 890j just because I do not know what I would ever do with it and well its not cheap, the prowler seems aimed solely at those playing Star Citizen for first person shooter gameplay so was an easy avoid. I am sort of tempted with getting a BMM ccu but its an ugly ship (to me and that ruins it for me). I could upgrade the Hull B to a Hull C but I suspect even though the Hull C is a considerable scale up I like that Hull B is soloable and hope it can fit in smaller jump points than the Hull C (Time will tell!).

Sadly though I did give in and got a Herald its roll overlaps the terrapin but I like the drake ships. I cannot see with those engines it will have range so I imagine they will play differently. Oh and added back a Cutlass Red with the new Cutlass look (I already had a blue as a game package).

So not gone mad but then I already own one remorse ship the Polaris sadly was nothing to upgrade it to and nothing I wanted to trade it for in melt terms, what can you do!
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