Why are ships so hard? (this may be a shitpost)


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
Its always better to think twice about ships and personal (SC-related) goals than doing spontaneous melting-while-being-drunk-actions. ;)

I'm currently planning to do two minor changes in my fleet:

I'm currently tempted to expand the fleet by a Hull C, no matter whether she can be operated as a SP or not, AND a Hull B as "SP-fall-back-solution" i.e. for small trading runs or re-supply runs for my Crucible. That said, I plan to get rid of my Lancer MAX and will CCU my 315P to a Lancer DURp.

BUT there is one thing which lets me hesitate: perhaps I will need the Lancer MAX for the named re-supply runs because she probably is a fast runner, able to rush through the more unsecure parts of space - which definitely is not suitable for the Hull-series, isn't it...?


Space Marshal
Nov 28, 2014
RSI Handle
My thinking was

I have an inexpensive ship that can be a daily driver that can do a bit of generic everyday single player stuff : Avenger
A dedicated fighter : Super Hornet
A cargo/exploration small multi crewship that works for a single player : Freelancer DUR
Huge fighty multi crew ship: Polaris.

I think the Polaris is the only one that would never get melted or replaced as it's just going to be so expensive to get back in the verse and I like the option of having a big fighty multi-crew ship available to me when I want one.

I also want to add a Constellation Andromeda so I have a larger generalist but potentially soloable ship that could maybe work well for salvage/exploration/freight and a Vanguard Variant (either a drop ship or bomber) because that has the potential to be super cool. I also have an LTI Gladius and Sabre in my buyback queue that could be 'repurposed' to do that.

But logic is telling me a Prospector would actually serve me far better than either ship as I'm concerned about income generators as the SH/Polaris are likely to suck at that and I do wonder about the scale of income that an Avenger is going allow. So I'm trying to find a 0 CCU to a prospector when it goes back on sale at the weekend so I can save it for later when I have the spare cash to buyback and convert one into a Prospector.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
But logic is telling me a Prospector would actually serve me far better than either ship as I'm concerned about income generators as the SH/Polaris are likely to suck at that and I do wonder about the scale of income that an Avenger is going allow. So I'm trying to find a 0 CCU to a prospector when it goes back on sale at the weekend so I can save it for later when I have the spare cash to buyback and convert one into a Prospector.
This guy gets it. :smile: Making money ftw!


Space Marshal
Dec 9, 2015
RSI Handle
Small exploration ship - Mustang Delta
Dedicated Fighter - Superhornet (may change into Buccanneer/Warden at some point)
Cargo/money maker - Caterpillar (Bought CCU to Carrack but who knows what its going to end up like)


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
I'm having the Bucc in buyback. But having seen the latest ATV where CIG presented the Bucc while in current in concept phase, I decided not to buy her back. The reason is: though this beast is said to manouver like a Lotus Elise on drugs, it only will become tiny shields and generally will become a not-so-tough structure/hull. Hence the Bucc is meant/made for the real pro combat pilots - which I am not; definitely.
That said, I am in slight fear of this ship because I think that there will be lots of it, and a group of ten, twelve pirates against a - for instance - Constellation or even Starfarer or Polaris? Hell, I want to be far away of such "pirate clouds".

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
I'm having the Bucc in buyback. But having seen the latest ATV where CIG presented the Bucc while in current in concept phase, I decided not to buy her back. The reason is: though this beast is said to manouver like a Lotus Elise on drugs, it only will become tiny shields and generally will become a not-so-tough structure/hull. Hence the Bucc is meant/made for the real pro combat pilots - which I am not; definitely.
That said, I am in slight fear of this ship because I think that there will be lots of it, and a group of ten, twelve pirates against a - for instance - Constellation or even Starfarer or Polaris? Hell, I want to be far away of such "pirate clouds".
Hornet pilots unite!


Space Marshal
Mar 10, 2016
RSI Handle
The buccaneer for its price has a lot of firepower it therefore is not as resilient as a super hornet or as well shielded as a sabre (they are both more expensive). I have tried the Khartu-Al and loved the maneuverability so I deem the buccaneer being more similar to this but with more firepower (Even so I redout with my uber skills). I therefore think it is not a head to head fighter (not many are), shoot when the enemy is distracted.

Sam if any group of fighters is 10 to your one I do not care if they are mustangs you will pay if you cannot run. Ironically Polaris might have the shields and firepower but none of the others you mentioned. Currently the biggest flaw game wise is what stops people getting away through jumping not speed especially if your ship is capable of a longer jump range i.e. can do more jumps than the fighters.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
The buccaneer for its price has a lot of firepower it therefore is not as resilient as a super hornet or as well shielded as a sabre (they are both more expensive). I have tried the Khartu-Al and loved the maneuverability so I deem the buccaneer being more similar to this but with more firepower (Even so I redout with my uber skills). I therefore think it is not a head to head fighter (not many are), shoot when the enemy is distracted.

Sam if any group of fighters is 10 to your one I do not care if they are mustangs you will pay if you cannot run. Ironically Polaris might have the shields and firepower but none of the others you mentioned. Currently the biggest flaw game wise is what stops people getting away through jumping not speed especially if your ship is capable of a longer jump range i.e. can do more jumps than the fighters.
Chris mentioned in earlier vids that it won't be possible to jump away from a combat situation. But you for sure can run away by using cruise speed. But No. #02: since there won't be a dedicated cruise-mode*, starting with 2.6, you have to punch the booster throttle early enough not to be shot to hell until you reached top speed.

*....you have to boost straight away until top cruise speed; the bigger the ship, the longer it takes. But the top speeds will depend on the engines, hence a capital ship probably will be way faster in cruise mode (as to say: cruise speed) than a 350R for instance.


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
So I'm trying to find a 0 CCU to a prospector when it goes back on sale at the weekend so I can save it for later when I have the spare cash to buyback and convert one into a Prospector.
That'll be the Freelancer MAX.

Black Sunder

Rock Raiders
Jun 19, 2014
RSI Handle
Chris mentioned in earlier vids that it won't be possible to jump away from a combat situation. But you for sure can run away by using cruise speed. But No. #02: since there won't be a dedicated cruise-mode*, starting with 2.6, you have to punch the booster throttle early enough not to be shot to hell until you reached top speed.

*....you have to boost straight away until top cruise speed; the bigger the ship the longer it takes. But the top speeds will be higher the bigger the ship is.
I'm wondering now with what we have if he could mean something along the lines of a person dying in the attempt to jump out as the drive spools up and say....the shields drop to divert power?


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
I'm wondering now with what we have if he could mean something along the lines of a person dying in the attempt to jump out as the drive spools up and say....the shields drop to divert power?
Yes, I think so. You could die with your finger on the "boost" button while someone is shooting at you.
You'll have to decide if dropping the shields in order to boost faster is worth it.

EDIT: if it takes you too long to get to a speed higher than your attacker's, you will die.


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
No, you've taken me wrong. Again: as written before - and Chris Roberts stated - you WON'T BE ABLE to activate the jump drive while being in whatever action, being attacked and the like. Or other round said: you have to stand still with no action for x minutes, like a "computer boot phase"; or like Han Solo saying "I have to do the calculations for the jump".

Obi-Wan: How long before you can make the jump to light speed?
Han Solo: It'll take a few moments to get the coordinates from the navi-computer.

Well, that said, for sure its all speculations. My understanding is that you can only "avoid" a fight by using the boost and running away; which will make no sense if the pirates have made a well calculated trap.


Vault Dweller
Aug 5, 2015
RSI Handle
No, you've taken me wrong. Again: as written before - and Chris Roberts stated - you WON'T BE ABLE to activate the jump drive while being in whatever action, being attacked and the like. Or other round said: you have to stand still with no action for x minutes, like a "computer boot phase"; or like Han Solo saying "I have to do the calculations for the jump". Well, that said, for sure its all speculations. My understanding is that you can only "avoid" a fight by using the boost and running away; which will make no sense if the pirates have made a well calculated trap.
Exactly that.
You can only run (boost) away if you're attacked or somehow manage to not get hit while the QD/JD winds up.

Mich Angel

Space Marshal
Sep 19, 2016
RSI Handle
Chris mentioned in earlier vids that it won't be possible to jump away from a combat situation.........
I think he was referring to long jumpengine leap and not short quantum leap, but IMHO not be able to do a quantum jump to get out of a fight is going to create a shitload of angry users. Of that I am shore of...

Adding a spool up time fore for long jumps I think is fine and would keep the thrill and that way a aggressor can if good enough take out your jump drive to prevent you from jumping. Forcing you to fly realy evasive until jumpdrive is ready for jump or you have to do a blind fast short quantum leap, there how ever should be a possibility to prevent that jump too for a pilote with right tools and skills.

As said preventing this and forcing people/users to dogfight to get away in cruse/boost then eventualy jump or quantum leap.
If they don't want to dogfight and rather take a chance on a quantum leap, blind jump if so is only way out.
If the game wont allow them to do that because someone attack them, it would cause a lava storm of angry user I am 100% shore of that. ;)
That would be a realy bad call, I am all fore that it could be made litle more tricky to jump or quantum leap than it is now, but to prevent it totaly.
That is just plain stupid.
IMHO. :smile:
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