RSI Perseus - First look!

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Im going to get the CCU from a 600i, but Im not completely sold on it just yet. The Perseus is a perfect size for a small crew, it fits the role well, but I want to wait for the Q&A to learn a bit more. Did you get one?

IAE Origin Ship Sale

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Star Citizen IAE day eight! Origin ships are fancy, but there is nothing new out there that captures my interest. The 890J's tend to be a good seller, there are a few waves today and they typically get sold out.

CIG to expand studio in Montreal, get us those 100 star systems!

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This is great news for Turbulent who now get to expand their business beyond web dev. Building out to be a full on game dev to produce ongoing content for the Star Citizen universe.

Amazing Star Citizen fan made Drake promo

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This will impress you!

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Gamer for life. Currently playing this, X4 Foundations and vaping Imps with my A-Wing in SW Squadrons.
Getting back to Star Citizen after a few years away from the game :3
There and back again...
Server meshing and the next 6 months will be either the triumph or death of this project
Not much is known from whence he came...
His own council does he keep...

Once a fighter for a lost cause,
now all he seeks is a job here and there,
don't much matter what or where,
enough to pay his way,
and keep ship and crew,
whole and hale,

and the peace and freedom...
of the eternal sky.

"May Event and Randomness Be in Your Favor"
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