2.5 Alpha EXCITEMENT thread! ^^


Mar 8, 2016
RSI Handle
i'm hyped for the relaint.
As i'm pretty shure, that some people here own one, i would like to ask if it's possible to meet ingame, preferable someone from europe (timezone shit)
EDIT: Argo? Who the F*** is Argo?!
I own one. We can meet and greet ;) :D
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May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Ahhh... no reliant party?
What's the (most likely) next ship to come out for you, Mog? Cat? Carrack?
Both, but will certainly melt the Cat soon after I crash it into the nearest sun, or Big Birds Cat, whichever comes first! :rolleyes: Its moreso the Carrack, Banu, Reclaimer, Crucible Im after. Most especially and likely at the end of CIGs list, the Jump. God damn it, thats alot of ships Im waiting on, well have others also but the above are the most waited. What are you hanging for Rolo?


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
Both, but will certainly melt the Cat soon after I crash it into the nearest sun, or Big Birds Cat, whichever comes first! :rolleyes: Its moreso the Carrack, Banu, Reclaimer, Crucible Im after. Most especially and likely at the end of CIGs list, the Jump. God damn it, thats alot of ships Im waiting on, well have others also but the above are the most waited. What are you hanging for Rolo?
I have only to CCU two Tana's to the Sen & Mako, my Starfarer to the Carrack and my 300i to the Crucible and I'll have my release line up. Four more upgrades and I'm done with the official roster,
I generally get excited for every Hangar Launch and more-so for the Flight Launch.
But I'll be hyper-cat crazy for the Carrack, Crucible & BMM.
I'll be hugely pleased for the Mako (and female avatar) as that means my wife will begin flying with me (and not before :-( )
I am saving the Reclaimer and (at the one year after release point) the 890j for in-game goals.
I am antsy and fidgety for the Cutlass Red (after makeover). And the 300 series. And the Hornet. And the Aurora.

Hell, I just like shipses :-)

Now I wanna fly some more =)

Shadow Reaper

Space Marshal
Jun 3, 2016
RSI Handle
Shadow Reaper
Because it has been posted on Reddit does not mean that it is not under NDA. . .
Actually, if the NDA that peeps have signed for CIG is anything like a normal NDA, it is listed in the exclusions that when something is made public that information is no longer covered under the NDA. There is no legal way to secure public access information and that is what Reddit is.

However, it was thoughtless and stupid for anyone to disclose more than what CIG has said they want to own for 2.5. They probably don't know whether they can have the Reliant, Argo and Redeemer flyable. BTW, I haven't heard anything about the Redeemer, but they were flying it several patches back, so it must be close to ready. I have still never seen it with the side turrets on.

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
I have only to CCU two Tana's to the Sen & Mako, my Starfarer to the Carrack and my 300i to the Crucible and I'll have my release line up. Four more upgrades and I'm done with the official roster,
I generally get excited for every Hangar Launch and more-so for the Flight Launch.
But I'll be hyper-cat crazy for the Carrack, Crucible & BMM.
I'll be hugely pleased for the Mako (and female avatar) as that means my wife will begin flying with me (and not before :-( )
I am saving the Reclaimer and (at the one year after release point) the 890j for in-game goals.
I am antsy and fidgety for the Cutlass Red (after makeover). And the 300 series. And the Hornet. And the Aurora.

Hell, I just like shipses :)

Now I wanna fly some more =)
Cutlass! Want!
I too love the shipses. All the shipses. Haha. I want them all, but I also don't want them all. Having goals for in-game is very important methinks.
I am so waiting for the Cutlass make over, it's not even funny.
Yeah man. I hear you. I need my Drake collection to be well rounded. Complete.


Space Marshal
Staff member
Mar 15, 2016
RSI Handle
I am so waiting for the Cutlass make over, it's not even funny.
What do you expect from the Cutlass makeover? They made the Buccaneer to become what supposed to be, the Cutlass is a big ship with allot cargo space and unbalanced engines (just try to boost while strafing, then you will know what unbalanced means ;)) It is not exactly an agile dogfighter, but it will fulfill its purpose in the verse.


Vice Admiral
Apr 22, 2016
RSI Handle
@Rolo ...Banu brothers, a man with taste I see. Wish they would unload more information about this ship, is a beauty!:rolleyes:
you know My cover, er, profession is race engineer with my roaming Crucible...
I want to make all them super fast and sneaky... er, fast racers...
Did you also know one of the major race circuits is just over the edge into Banu space?
Just saying, a well founded smugg..., er, trader would jump at a chance for a "blockade runner" ship with ties to the racing circuit...

That's my excuse anyway ;-)

Blind Owl

Hallucinogenic Owl
Nov 27, 2015
RSI Handle
What do you expect from the Cutlass makeover? They made the Buccaneer to become what supposed to be, the Cutlass is a big ship with allot cargo space and unbalanced engines (just try to boost while strafing, then you will know what unbalanced means ;)) It is not exactly an agile dogfighter, but it will fulfill its purpose in the verse.
I expect a really good all-rounder. And frankly, with all the re-balancing passes they're doing on all the other old ships, it's only to be expected. I reckon they will toughen her up a wee bit. Make it a little less fragile. I heard something about how the shields are currently set up, and how they need to be redone. I expect they'll fix all the issues with the engines being so easily destroyed, as well as balance them.
If they are going to sell Drake as the company that slaps lots of guns on, they could add something. There's room to make the Cutlass more beasty.
And this. I'd really like to see this. More guns, larger guns, a working turret. Any of this.
That's why I have her
My god. They were so young. 1987. We were all young. Haha.


May 3, 2016
RSI Handle
you know My cover, er, profession is race engineer with my roaming Crucible...
I want to make all them super fast and sneaky... er, fast racers...
Did you also know one of the major race circuits is just over the edge into Banu space?
Just saying, a well founded smugg..., er, trader would jump at a chance for a "blockade runner" ship with ties to the racing circuit...

That's my excuse anyway ;-)
Its ok, you can admit it, its one sexy ship. :rolleyes: Im all about being a superficial person, why do you think I have one? LOL;)
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