VirtualAce (Now N_forcer from Aerospace Alliance) Exploiting / Lag Switching Drama Queen


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
At some point we will get 3.
We get 3 moons that will takes ages to scan even from orbit. We get more things between these moons to play in or die from. That is maybe a 1000% increase in our "map".
Even if by some miracle we get double the people in each instance we will still be very spread out.


Unless either "we" or they go hunting we are much less likely to have the random encounters we do now.
There will be MANY new and returning players too so many more instances will be spun up. My point is that space being big and 1000's more people on all the time will make pursuing this righteous fight a whole lot more difficult. It may just fade away like a bad smell. (Best Option IMO)

People and orgs will just develop the structure and tactics to continue as usual. (Useless Woe)
Well, if they do have an 'all-seeing-eye' as previously discussed in this thread, you could be on the dark side of Uranus and they'd still find you. Failing that as levels and distances are defined if they cut the number of CryAstros to one that'll become a choke-point (no way will they have as may in the same space that we do now), the number of trading posts will be finite and will probably have regular traffic, ship spawning points will increase but will probably be finite still in 3.0.

Unless the beds work logging out, we won't be able to spawn in just anywhere (depending on where we logged out).
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May 28, 2017
RSI Handle
At some point we will get 3.
We get 3 moons that will takes ages to scan even from orbit. We get more things between these moons to play in or die from. That is maybe a 1000% increase in our "map".
Even if by some miracle we get double the people in each instance we will still be very spread out.


Unless either "we" or they go hunting we are much less likely to have the random encounters we do now.
There will be MANY new and returning players too so many more instances will be spun up. My point is that space being big and 1000's more people on all the time will make pursuing this righteous fight a whole lot more difficult. It may just fade away like a bad smell. (Best Option IMO)

People and orgs will just develop the structure and tactics to continue as usual. (Useless Woe)
I see much in similar with N-forcer and Kim Jong-Un. Aerospace Alliance is a lot like North Korea. VirtualAce keeps them all there through fear he has shown by kicking members and character assassinating them. Many of his members probably realize they have made a huge mistake by accepting those spam invites from AA. Now they realize anyone who leaves or gets kicked will be hunted aggressively by N-forcer and his sociopathic stooges. No wonder you only see a handful of AA members ever playing together. There is still time to escape . . . After all everything AA is was copied and pasted from someone else.

What they don't realize is almost every other organization out there has, not only a better system in place, but you don't have that psychopathic dictator telling you how you will be "allowed" to play a game you pay for. Most current orgs allow people to freely interact with others. Where N-forcer just finds a way to villianize everyone who doesn't completely bow down to him and is busy making threats and long term enemies. Everyone else is trying to make friends and network.


Grand Admiral
May 26, 2017
RSI Handle
Well, if they do have an 'all-seeing-eye' as previously discussed in this thread, you could be on the dark side of Uranus and they'd still find you. Failing that as levels and distances are defined if they cut the number of CryAstros to one that'll become a choke-point (no way will they have as may in the same space that we do now), the number of trading posts will be finite and will probably have regular traffic, ship spawning points will increase but will probably be finite still in 3.0.

Unless the beds work logging out, we won't be able to spawn in just anywhere (depending on where we logged out).
Those are all very good points. I really do hope they cannot see where people are, or if they can, they get found out definitively.


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Enlisted Jul 31, 2017

this account is only 10 days old, possibly made by the same jerkwad person

we'll know by the tenor of his/her posts on Spectrum
Whoever owns that name now has a valid claim to Areospace Alliance. I'm looking at you @Montoya


Space Marshal
Jan 5, 2016
RSI Handle
Maybe he IS Kim Jong-Un lol i wonder if anyone has ever thought about that.
You never see them in the same room together... then again you never see ME and Nob/Ass in the same server together...

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