If you didn't have to melt anything and already had game packages.. and had close to $2500 rsi... what would you get?
-Armada pack
-Javelin (~$500 more)
-x2 idris P (~$500 more)
If i'm not mistaken the Armada pack comes with
- Gladius
- F7CM
- Gladiator
- Sabre
- Starfarer Gemini? or is it just the tanker?
- Vanguard Warden
- Idris P
- Retaliator Bomber
I'm not sure if any extras besides both games though?
okay... nerd out time... so let me look for the original prices for these ships.. if my numbers are right
- Gladius $90
- F7CM $165 now $180
- Gladiator $165
- Sabre $170
- Starfarer Gemini? or is it just the tanker? $240 now $340
- Vanguard Warden $250
- Idris P $1500
- Retaliator Bomber $250 now $275
Total ship only old value: $2,665
Total ship only new value: $2,970
Old vs New difference: $305
Old difference vs individual old buys: $165 savings
New difference vs individual new buys: $470 savings
Looking at that.. I have a strong suspicion they'll increase the price of the Armada pack or update it to include something else so they can use the new prices to give it a lower cost savings discount.