so if i understand CCUing correctly, ideally i could get two vultures with LTI and change one over to a prospector with LTI when they become available again for a little more money?
Yes that is correct, as long as the ship you want to CCU to has CCUs available (The 890j does not, never has, or will have CCUs to keep it rare) and is more expensive than the ship you are CCUing from. The CCU costs the difference between the ships value, so if you got the Vulture for $140 and the Prospector was $155 the CCU would cost you $15 and you keep the LTI from the Vulture on your Prospector.
Please Note - The above is correct as of right now, we do not know for sure if there will be vulture to prospector CCUs until the prospector comes back on sale and CCUs for it become available again. As with everything CIG and funding, it is all subject to change - they will kill ship sales entirely at end of Beta so expect it to only become a worse and worse deal as they want you to play more and pay less.
If CCUs for Vulture to Prospector don't happen, you can melt your Vulture into store credit and buy the prospector with that. You loose the LTI, but you get the ship you want with no additional major outlay of funds, just the difference between your store-credit and the cost of the ship (so $15 as with the above example of CCUing.) so I don't think you can loose out if you have the money to do it. Just don't spend more than you have, jpeg spaceships are not worth having to eat nothing but noodles until the next pay-day :slight_smile:
It is your decision as to what you want to do, I hope the above has helped you make an informed desicion - good luck! :slight_smile: