Recent content by Gabgrave

  1. Gabgrave

    What are your experiences Mining so far?

    I tried mining at Ariel, only seem to be able to find rocks with 0.01 percent of Bexalite. Where do you usually go tp find the higher percentage? Any type of landmark you follow?
  2. Gabgrave

    TEST Squadron Mining Guide Part 1

    Got a short tip, you can just turn your laser off and on when heating up the rock if it's almost into the red. This lets the rock start to cool, and resets your laser power so you can bring the power up to where it starts to heat up the rock again. Repeat as many times as needed until the rock...
  3. Gabgrave

    Fallout 76 BETA comes out for PC in 3.5hrs from the time of this post

    Everytime EA puts out a game with scummy sales tactics, I put the money into Star Citizen instead... which is how I have $2500 sitting in SC now... Time to add Bethesda and Blizzard to the blacklist too... bloody Diablo mobile game my arse...
  4. Gabgrave

    Valkyrie Q&A

    Well, those crates in the corner sure look like they are supposed to go somewhere... lol.
  5. Gabgrave

    Valkyrie Q&A

    "Specialized" "Multi-role" Vehicle. Yup, that reminds me of the time the army was deciding between the Hind and Chinhook for our next troop/transport airborne carrier. The Chinhook could carry troops by flipping down a seat, and either cargo or vehicles or both using the securing points in the...
  6. Gabgrave

    Prototype TEST Aurora Serial #00/20

    Wow awesome work! Sweet! Will definitely order one of each once you work out the international orders. Can't wait to get my hands on these and start painting them.
  7. Gabgrave

    REC Ships

    Yes there's an issue with single orders as well now, you only get the first item on the purchase list. I had the same issue and they replied to my ticket with an apology and a refund of the REC. Made back the REC in one day's worth of racing though, so not really a problem for me. Just wish they...
  8. Gabgrave

    Trading and Fleet Management From Your Ship Bridge

    Hmm, won't buying and trading directly from your cockpit make it just like Elite Dangerous? lol
  9. Gabgrave

    TONKS!! - Tumbril Nova heavy tonk

    Damn now I want a Mammoth Tank variant... waiting on the specs, but it looks like it'll be at least Baneblade sized...
  10. Gabgrave

    SteveTank your brethren are for sale!

    On the first day of Christmas, Tumbril gave to me A sky full of TEST Beer Tanks!
  11. Gabgrave

    Mech Suits BABY!

    Well for the most well rounded experience between robots and ships...
  12. Gabgrave

    New Drake concept ship poll up on RSI

    Caterpillar modules list: - Broadside cannons, check - Broadside homing torpedo launchers, check - Forward Armored Nose Prowl for smashing annoying Hornets, check - Topside Citadel Castle, check - Additional Gothic Castling for body, check - Assorted religious symbols and singnatory, check -...
  13. Gabgrave

    A PTU Request - Video of a Cargo Full Cargo Run

    Well after several days attempting to complete cargo pick up missions, I can safety say, it's not the pirates that are dangerous, it's your own ship. Here's some of the logs for the missions that didn't end due to crashes. Day 1 try 3: Used a Freelancer, accepted a salvage mission to pick up a...
  14. Gabgrave

    Anniversary Sale Mega Thread - Its Done - Hammer & Hawk Available until Dec 11th

    Regarding the stability of ships in flight, one thing I noticed in the PTU is that the HUD draw distance from the FPS is different between ships, and this affects the sensitivity of the controls if you are using M&KB. E.g. in a Gladius, the distance you see the HUD is further, which makes the...
  15. Gabgrave

    Test Home Planet

    All we need is enough to cover one hemisphere. Then when we all belch at the same time, we can change the orbit of the planet. He who changes the orbits, owns the planets...
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