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  1. Xian-Luc Picard

    Zapp Brannigan for Emperor

  2. Xian-Luc Picard

    Steam Summer Sale

    I was starting to feel like everyone's wallets were getting too heavy, so I figured that I would tell everyone about the Steam Summer Sale that just started. Happy shopping!
  3. Xian-Luc Picard

    Is anyone out there really good with MS Excel?

    If you are... please PM me. I have a challenge I can't seem to get past and would appreciate the help. This post will self destruct once I get a response (I hope) from someone....
  4. Xian-Luc Picard

    Captain Brannigan!

    I am now officially Captain Brannigan!
  5. Xian-Luc Picard

    Who's buying a Caterpillar?!

    Ben mentioned on RTV today that they may do another Cat sale down the road at the original concept price before it is hangar ready. Based on what we have seen so far, is there anyone who would buy one at that price (I'm not sure what it was)?
  6. Xian-Luc Picard

    From the TEST Archives

    I found this short archival footage of @Montoya . It was painstaking, but I have restored it to its original quality and wanted to share it with everyone. It is from the very moment before TEST was created. As someone with a degree in History, I can attest that this is exactly what happened and...
  7. Xian-Luc Picard

    The Razer Turret Gaming Keyboard/Mouse

    Razer announced the "Turret" gaming keyboard/mouse combo today. Star Citizen and HOTAS setup aside, what do you guys think about this? Useful? Waste of time?
  8. Xian-Luc Picard

    Today is National Beer Day! (USA)

    I just want to remind everyone that today (April 7th) is National Beer Day in the United States. Everyone can celebrate by drinking a lot more beer a lot sooner in the day today in memory of prohibition ending in the United States. To those who don't live in the United States, drink a lot more...
  9. Xian-Luc Picard

    Official Beer of TEST

    Calling all brewers! We need an official beer of TEST. I looked on the forums and I see that some home brewers have made personal batches but I don't see anything that I can buy and drink myself. We have OVER 9000! members, so if some entrepreneur (who knows how to make beer) wants to make...
  10. Xian-Luc Picard

    Blotting Out the Sun Feature [Confirmed]!

    CIG is currently working on TEST's ability to block out the sun in 2.3 PTU. I think they are making good progress; just need to work on the FPS a little. Someone got some video of it... It is glorious.
  11. Xian-Luc Picard

    Shut Up and Take My Money, CIG!

    I was all ready to upgrade my Avenger Titan to a Sabre today after falling in love during the free flight only to find out that they ended the sale yesterday. WTF, CIG. Why would you end a sale right in the middle of a free flight. I fell in love with the ship during your promotion... I wanted...
  12. Xian-Luc Picard

    2.2.0 is Live on PU!

    Get it while it's hot!
  13. Xian-Luc Picard

    Jonesing for 2.2

    So I, like a lot of people, I have been jonesing for 2.2 to be released. While I was watching content on YouTube that the super lucky PTU people have been posting, I came across this. Your character actually carries the weapons it picks up... it isn't a GTA style inventory, it is actual items...
  14. Xian-Luc Picard

    Beautiful new component concepts from CIG

    I have to take a moment to recognize the detail that this game is going to have; it is amazing. If you look at the subscriber vault today, you will see some new component concepts. The are simply breathtaking.
  15. Xian-Luc Picard


    I am thinking of buying a Freelancer but the only opinions of it that I can find are "bad cockpit view". Are there any other critiques people have of this ship? It looks awesome to me, but I am relatively new and might be missing obvious flaws. Down the road, I want to do some trading and some...
  16. Xian-Luc Picard

    Zapp Brannigan Checking In!

    Hello Pilots! I’m known as Zapp Brannigan or Zapp_Brannigan789 depending on where you look. Where you from stranger? Kennewick, Washington - USA What drew you to Star Citizen? I am active in Elite Dangerous as Arandur Spaceman and I love Space Engineers, so this game was just a natural...
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