Search results

  1. ThomSirveaux

    Students still need likes! (NO, NOT LICKS! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER!) PAX West is this week! WOOOO!!!! But we still need your help! Go to the website, and vote for the Robodox! And then, go through their build log and vote for the posts! This has been an amazing journey for me and my students. They're really excited about this, though I...
  2. ThomSirveaux

    Introducing "The Patient" (Cooler Master Case Mod Competition) <Insert "It's over, it's finally over" meme, here> Now we just have to get more votes and go to PAX West :D
  3. ThomSirveaux

    Have you voted for the Robodox, today? On EVERYTHING?! You can vote on the blog posts, as well, and they count!
  4. ThomSirveaux

    My students NEED your likes campaign

    So, some of you guys know that I coach a high school robotics team, and that we were sponsored by Cooler Master this past year. Well, at the end of the school year, Cooler Master invited us to a competition... the purpose of which is to give us exposure and a bit of money. Well, much more than...
  5. ThomSirveaux

    I'm back, you glorious bastard sons of bitches

    It looks like my new job's proxy has figured out how to handle the TEST Forums! Woooo!!! In other news, I've since moved into a new place and am currently waiting to set up my new office. No longer will I struggle in the sweltering heat of a detatched garage, or endure the noise of a window-AC...
  6. ThomSirveaux

    DiscoLando: "We're testing the first builds of persistence, now."

    Someone posted the link to the stream in the comments: LET THE HYPE BEGIN!!!!
  7. ThomSirveaux

    My students are getting noticed

    Oh, and we won Engineering Excellence at the Ventura Competition!
  8. ThomSirveaux

    [CONCERN] SOTS16 not out, yet

    I'm looking at you, Montoya. Don't use your children as an excuse. They're a blessing (and a very valid reason to drink, as well). Also, no love for the ThommyBoy in SOTS15. This is deeply [CONCERN]ing.
  9. ThomSirveaux

    Support STEM Education in High School by watching Twitch!

    Hey Guys, The LA Regional of the FIRST Robotics competition is going to start, tomorrow, and will stream at The internet here sucks, but I hope the stream will be decent. We have 60 ish teams here, with two from Chile, and a host of rookies. Additionally, even if you aren't in a STEM field...
  10. ThomSirveaux

    Random intelligent discourse thread

    Rules: - Civil discussion, only - If things get too heated, change the topic I'll start: Postulate: Any metric used to quantify people as a data set is inherently biased and cannot be used to apply a broad definition of "normal" to the population it describes. Ergo, the statistical "normal" of...
  11. ThomSirveaux

    Visited Colorado (I may have drunkenly posted that, already); took pictures

    Pictures of booze are on my phone... and I don't really think I'll be uploading them :p
  12. ThomSirveaux

    Now I know what it feels like to be Slumlord

    So, I cold-emailed the mod of /r/coolermaster about potentially getting an educational discount. He responded by saying they'd like to just give us stuff! So, since we already had three cases *ahem*cheap stuff*ahem*, I just asked for PSUs, CPU coolers, and if they could, keyboards, mice and case...
  13. ThomSirveaux

    UbEcLoWn has the best meat

    Tasty Shout out to the wives, who, while taking the picture, were cracking up the entire time.
  14. ThomSirveaux

    I believe it is time to jump on the HYPE TRRRAAAAAAIIIINNNN I don't know if I can move out of state, now.
  15. ThomSirveaux

    A little Derek Smart Copy-Pasta

    So, here's a little musing I did on r/DerekSmart about the only scenario in which he would ever download the game: Enjoy
  16. ThomSirveaux

    AC 2.0 pics

    Here are the "Subscriber Only" sneak peeks at the Quality Assurance testing of AC 2.0: ... we seriously need to implement an "Album" system for the forums... I'm not posting every picture individually
  17. ThomSirveaux

    [CONCERN] SOTS13 has not been released, yet

    With the recent release of SOTS12, I find the lack of SOTS13 to immediately follow, like a good chaser after some fine (cheap) alcohol, is quite disturbing.
  18. ThomSirveaux

    PaulEPeptide IS A GOD AMONG MEN

    Just a little FYI, but @PaulEPeptide generously donated a Quadro 4000 workstation graphics card to my robotics team. MRW I install it, "upgrading" from GTX 480 SLI configuration (actually downgrading from 3GB of GDDR to 2GB, but the computer doesn't notice it at all)... And a snippet of my...
  19. ThomSirveaux


    Someone has leaked footage of the TEST Karma Chamelon project. I demand an inquiry and nominate NKato as special investigator. Please keep this revelation inside the Org, as knowledge of the project could devastate the SC community and give Derek Smart even more ammunition against CIG. For...
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