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  1. ThomSirveaux

    Plz vote for me... plz Or, you know, you can upload your own and try to get MSI swag, too...
  2. ThomSirveaux

    StoneMountain64 now has an account in Star Citizen

    Per his comment on a video by Levelcap by signing up with his code: View: If you don't know who StoneMountain is, here's a sneak peek: View: Aaaand his citizen dossier...
  3. ThomSirveaux

    TEST Syndrome is a thing, I guess
  4. ThomSirveaux

    I think BabyServo was hungry... but as a male, I have useless nipples And yes, I posted this elsewhere, but it needs its own thread :D
  5. ThomSirveaux

    Just about 2 hours until the auction closes!

    Alright, guys, I'm streaming for Extra Life, today, and my case mod auction closes in just over two hours! It's now at $455!!!! WOOOOOOO!!!! I've also raised an additional $130 for Extra Life...
  6. ThomSirveaux

    My case mod is now up for auction! If anyone mentions anything about my ebay user ID, I'll get @Montoya to ban you. I think.
  7. ThomSirveaux

    SWBFII... and why I'm hating life, right now

    Anyone else stuck at work instead of at home, playing the open beta?!
  8. ThomSirveaux

    Building that Charity Casemod, yo Also, donate!
  9. ThomSirveaux

    Is this "Weeb"-y?

  10. ThomSirveaux

    Update on my case mod for charity

    Finally got around to painting this beast, though I still probably need one more coat of white on the chassis: I realize now that I didn't take a cell phone pic of the chassis in white... Shit
  11. ThomSirveaux

    50 Follower giveaway stream!

    Well, 53 followers, but I wasn't actually streaming when I got my last four, so... still I'm gonna give away some Cooler Master gear, on stream, this morning @ 10am PST
  12. ThomSirveaux

    Need a little help with my stream

    Hey guys, I'm finally settling down to a consistent streaming schedule, specifically to help my fundraising efforts with the Extra Life event (shameless plug: ). As such, I'd like to figure out an aesthetic, as well as all the peripherals that...
  13. ThomSirveaux

    Until we can get into our spacebikes, I'm training others how to crash for the Glory of TEST
  14. ThomSirveaux

    You're all going to be heartbroken. I'm sorry to report...

    that as of today, Juicero is closing shop. Yes, that $400 "cold juicer" that would only press their own packaged juices (which you could only buy through them) found no market that could sustain it. Let us all...
  15. ThomSirveaux

    EK Waterblocks 90* fittings

    Hey guys, If anyone is looking to build a watercooling system, I have four EKwb 90* fittings in black nickel (these: I'm trying to sell them on eBay, but I'd rather dump them... er, help out another TESTie. I'll let them...
  16. ThomSirveaux

    I can't think of a title...

  17. ThomSirveaux

    F#@$ this secrecy: I'm building a case mod for charity Boom. I'm working with another company to get the rest of the guts for the computer, but right now, that's what I'm going for. 100% of the money will go toward the charity drive, though the details for the auction are still being...
  18. ThomSirveaux

    Participating in the ExtraLife4Kids campaign

    Alright, I've already mentioned it before, but now I'm getting really, REALLY excited. Patriot Memory just stepped up in a big way, getting me closer to my goal for this year... But I'm still not gonna say what it is... Regardless, You guys can still chip in and help raise money to support...
  19. ThomSirveaux

    Recap of the Cooler Master Invitational (with Robotics kids)

    View: Enjoy, like, and subscribe... or don't... I'm not your mother
  20. ThomSirveaux

    I... am doing... a thing

    Alright, a little more info on... this thing... It's gonna be for the Extra Life charity event and it involves...
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