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  1. ThomSirveaux

    Visiting Portland, Or, this weekend... TEST NW bros, unite?!

    So, I'll have some time tomorrow morning between hitting up StumpTown and Blue Star. I'd like to meet some NW TESTiebros... Anyone down?
  2. ThomSirveaux

    Puff puff pass, mother F!@#ers

    additionally, the "Level 24" thing, is just a reversed 42 in a 0. Illuminati, confirmed. Not high, only slightly drunk.
  3. ThomSirveaux

    T-shirt ideas for TEST Medics

  4. ThomSirveaux

    TEST infiltration of CIG imminent

    ******************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** REDACTED BECAUSE NKATO IS A WORRY WART...
  5. ThomSirveaux

    Urgent need for Old (but still good) parts

    Hey TEST, So, I'm the coach of a high school robotics team with almost no budget, and we need a nice desktop to do CAD work on. We have a couple of GTX 480 graphics cards which should work just fine, but we have no computer to put them in. If anyone is upgrading their system and wouldn't mind...
  6. ThomSirveaux

    Building this as a wedding present for a friend

    I don't want to let it go, though: This will be a pure "bench gun". The barrel weighs about 6-7lbs (2.72kg in non-freedom units), and the overall gun weighs close to 12 lbs. Despite all of that, it feels amazingly balanced when you shoulder it. I decided to keep the lower receiver "raw"...
  7. ThomSirveaux

    USB NES Controller conversion I did for PrincessFlaaffy

    So, Flaaffy was playing Zelza using a crappy controller... one that was NON-NES!!!! For shame. Emulator or not, you MUST play the OG Zelda using a NES controller. As such, I decided to make her (with her permission, of course) a USB compatible controller. Sure, she could have bought one for...
  8. ThomSirveaux

    TESTies in Vegas?

    Anyone oout that way? The Co-pilot and myself are heading out for the weekend. Gonna catch the Blue Man Group on Saturday night, but tonight and tomorrow morning/afternoon are free. Might also go to the Gun Store and teach my wife that firearms aren't dangerous and scary. Just dangerous.
  9. ThomSirveaux

    Some pictures from E3 Sorry there aren't that many, but I was a little busy being awestruck :D
  10. ThomSirveaux

    TEST Birthday Bundles

    @Montoya Any chance we can get a "Birthday bundle" of swag for on the TEST store, so other TESTies can chip in to pimp out TESTiebros on their Birthdays? Like, have a list of upcoming birthdays with a little counter/donation bar. Someone can drop $5 for whomever, and when it reaches the cost...
  11. ThomSirveaux

    Summer Movie recommendations

    So, I just saw Inside Out with the wife, last night. Loved it. I've got a somewhat personal connection to this movie, as I lost my 5 year old niece just over a year ago, so yeah, manly tears were shed in a few scenes.
  12. ThomSirveaux

    [CONCERN] TEST isn't #1 for Lowest AMMAS

    I am, of course, referencing this thread on the SC subreddit. What can we do to become #1? I suggest we have all members except Montoya switch to Affiliate Members.
  13. ThomSirveaux

    TEST-fleet uniforms, anyone? Unfortunately, the yellow color options are only available for the NOMEX suit at $350, but still...
  14. ThomSirveaux

    Suggest TEST branded Helmet-Cat to rid us of our Hamster Problem

    Credit to Audax for the 'shop
  15. ThomSirveaux

    I've been waiting since 5 minutes ago for this to happen

    Okay, I lied, I just noticed it, but whatever. It's mildly interesting
  16. ThomSirveaux

    [WTS] Logitech G19s keyboard

    Would anyone be interested in buying my Logitech G19s? I like it, but it dominates my desk and I think it's time for something a little smaller. It has a very nice screen, and has only been used for about 6 months with light use (the trials of getting a graduate degree with a gaming addiction)...
  17. ThomSirveaux

    Twitch Streaming group?

    Does TEST have one of those fancy coalitions on Twitch? Streaming networks, I think they're called? Since I work during the day, I would volunteer as a member of the TEST Night Streamers. :D
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