Search results

  1. ThomSirveaux

    Engineering Society of Drunk Engineers - TEST's very own Engineering Squad

    So, considering I'm actually fairly high up in my local Engineering Society, I figured this would be a fun squadron to have both in RL (for someone looking for help building their next gadget, gizmo or SimPit) and for whenever they start releasing the Engineering related ships (if they ever...
  2. ThomSirveaux

    Today, I will only reply with...

  3. ThomSirveaux

    Not Drunk, just playing in a tournament (Heroes of the Storm) So, we won the first game of Round 1, then won the match by forfeit. Round 2 starts in an hour!
  4. ThomSirveaux

    Mumble usage question (Might have overstepped my authority...)

    Hey guys, I'm entered into the "Heroes of the Dorm" tournament with my school's little pickup squad for Blizzard's new Heroes of the Storm, and I may have volunteered use of our Mumble Server... How soon until Montoya finds out and requires me to fly my Aurora into a sun as punishment? Also...
  5. ThomSirveaux

    Squadron 43, or how I learned to stop worrying and kill Vanduul

    [[This might be the wrong place for this, but I figured I'd actually make good on an idea and start writing a story about getting literally sucked into the game, albeit this "shard" is of Squadron 43. Critiques welcome.]] The buzzing started off in the distance, like a train miles away, slowly...
  6. ThomSirveaux

    Lord Funk's Daily Dose of Funk

    Note: Today's white people dance like '70s Black people... We're 40 years behind in dancing ability.
  7. ThomSirveaux

    Changed my name on RSI

    So, I'm now Lord_Funk in chat. Just wanted to call attention to myself for no apparent reason so people would know who I am... Maybe... not really... PAY ATTENTiON TO ME!!!!
  8. ThomSirveaux

    TEST and other SC related 3840x1080 wallpapers?

    Does anyone have, or can make, a decent set of double-wide wallpapers? I just got my machine at work re-imaged and would like to TEST it out. :D
  9. ThomSirveaux

    Any photoshop experts wanna TEST up this picture?

    So, I ran the Star Wars Half-Marathon at Disneyland last month and wore Star Trek: TNG Engineering yellow... which also happens to match TEST Yellow. Anyone wanna turn the Starfleet insignia into a Test Logo? Here's the link in Imgur: And the picture:
  10. ThomSirveaux

    What do the forum ranks mean?

    So, I'm currently a "Commander," But it doesn't seem to mean anything, since there are plenty of people that have more posts and less likes and have the same rank, or more likes and more posts overall and are ranked "Captain" So, what's the organizational structure? Is it the drunken mess that...
  11. ThomSirveaux

    Let's subject CiG to a little game!

    I just heard about this, and I figured it would be a fun thing to sponsor the CiG folks here in Santa Monica (Los Angeles), if they'd be willing. We could, you know, TEST their might, or something... ;)...
  12. ThomSirveaux

    Anyone wanna have some fun in Star Trek: Online?

    So, my subscription just hit my bank account (which almost led to me filing a "fraud" charge and resetting all my passwords), and I realized I haven't played in a while, and figured I could coerce some TESTies into crashing/blowing stuff up. Anyone wanna have some fun?
  13. ThomSirveaux

    TEST Hornet's Nest

    So, I think all Hornet owners should be forced... er... volunteer to throw their stingers into their specialized arenas to enable better usage of said craft for escort, tracking, ambush and general mayhem making. F7C/-Ms (Standard Hornets and Super-Hornets) would be in the Big Brown Ball of...
  14. ThomSirveaux

    I have Concierge... what do I do now?

    Should I flood them with drunk requests for a TEST Ale as a Legendary class, in-came draught?
  15. ThomSirveaux

    I am now, No longer, the TESTie known as ThomSirveaux

    I am now, the TESTie called Acky Acky Acky Patang Zoopoing... er, I mean, Lord_Funk No need to chop down a tree with a herring... EDIT: My full title shall be Lord Funk, The PEST TESTie of the Four TESTies of the Apocalypse. The other three TESTies of the Apocalypse are up for grabs.
  16. ThomSirveaux

    Starting a team for Extra Life?

    Hey TESTies! Would anyone be interested in starting a fundraising team for the Extra Life Charity? They're having their annual 24hour game-a-thon coming up on October 25-26, where you try to play games for 24 hours straight from 8am Central Time (GMT-6, I...
  17. ThomSirveaux

    After CitCon streaming!

    Hey everyone, I'm doing a little After action streaming with a little report thrown in at the beginning of the stream. If you'd like me to go over what I got, I'd be happy to do it, again!
  18. ThomSirveaux

    TEST Office of Operational Intelligence, AKA "Let's get drunk and sneak around the Verse"

    So, would anyone like to help organize this division of TEST? Activities would include Information Brokering, Espionage, Clandestine activity and Freelance Assassination... er, Problem removal, and general chicanery. There would be three divisions, outlined thus: Information Brokerage...
  19. ThomSirveaux

    Is this thing on?

    Where you from stranger? LA California What drew you to Star Citizen? Wing Commander was my shit What do you look forward to most in Star Citizen? (PVP, Exploration, etc) Pretty much everything, strangely enough. What was the first game you remember playing? Clue on a 286... well, maybe it...
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