Search results

  1. SullyQuindarius

    WTB Orion CCU

    I was watching that sneak preview of the mining mechanics, and I decided...screw it. I'm gonna get an Orion at some point. Soooooo...does anyone have an Orion CCU they're willing to trade for? I don't care what ship it's from as long as the price of the CCU is under $50, I'm cheap.
  2. SullyQuindarius

    Post your PC builds here!

    Because why not? I haven't seen one of these threads yet. I'd post my build to start it off, but ATM it's a growing stockpile of shiny things on my desk.
  3. SullyQuindarius

    Anyone got a Pirate Caterpillar CCU?

    So I've been thinking about getting a Caterpillar. It's been off and on for a long time. I'm finally almost convinced. So does anyone have a cheap CCU to the Caterpillar Pirate Edition? I'm broke ATM, so I wouldn't be able to buy it yet, I'm just trying to see if anyone actually has a giftable one.
  4. SullyQuindarius

    IT'S HERE 3.1 PTU

  5. SullyQuindarius

    Well, here's the St. Patrick's Day Specials And for rich people:
  6. SullyQuindarius

    Anyone play My Summer Car?

    I finally decided to try this game. It fits us pretty well: there's plenty of beer and a zillion things that could go wrong. My first attempt a few days ago was interesting. I tried playing with permadeath. Fifteen minutes and three deaths later, I switched back to permadeath off. I took my...
  7. SullyQuindarius

    Profile ship list update?

    Now that the Vulcan is gonna be available to everyone, isn't it time for a refresh of the fleet list? It's missing a whole bunch of ships and ground vehicles/space bikes.
  8. SullyQuindarius

    [WTT] RSI store credit for presale Vulcan

    I don't have the cash to buy the presale warbond Vulcan with proper TEST colors, so I'm looking to trade ~$200 in RSI credit in exchange for a presale warbond package. Anyone?
  9. SullyQuindarius

    [WTT] Prospector for Carrack

    Looking to trade an LTI Prospector (CCU'd from an Anvil Hawk Warbond LTI) for a CCU from the Connie Aquila to the Carrack. I'll take a series of CCUs too. I've had no luck finding one so far...
  10. SullyQuindarius

    Comedy gold.

    I found this in my recommended videos list and laughed so hard. View:
  11. SullyQuindarius

    Comedy gold.

    I found this in my recommended videos list and laughed so hard. View:
  12. SullyQuindarius

    What are you guys playing?

    I'm bored. I want to try some new games.
  13. SullyQuindarius


    I'ma concierge now! I figured I would document this historic moment!
  14. SullyQuindarius

    WOWS ACC for RSI stuffs

    Hey guys. I'm trying to get rid of my WOWS account since I'm growing increasingly dissatisfied with the way it's going and would much rather have spaceship pixels than ship pixels. It's got a lot of stuffs: up to T9 USN BBs, T8 German BBs (skipped T5-7 during the Bismarck event), T5 IJN BBs, T8...
  15. SullyQuindarius

    Hurricane original concept LTI

    Looking to trade for an original Hurricane LTI. I've got two ANVIL Hawks warbond, one is CCU'd to a Buccaneer and the other to a Taurus. I'll trade one of those + some random ship to bring up the value. Anyone? :3
  16. SullyQuindarius

    Waaah, Derek Dumb blocked me on Twitter D:

    ...All I did was make one little post... just two words... It was on his rant about how, "We *all* rail on Chris for being a terrible game dev..." on the CryTek lawsuit. I posted "You ≠ all". And he blocked me! This nefarious action requires an immediate and opposite reaction! I say we pretend...
  17. SullyQuindarius

    WTB Reliant Sen

    Hey guys! I'm looking to buy a Reliant Sen. Preferably an original LTI, but I'll take the anniversary version w/ 60 months or a CCU with LTI. However! I want to pay in RSI store credits at an ~80% exchange rate! Just FYI. Prices negotiable.
  18. SullyQuindarius

    This seems a good place to post this.

    I'm building a PC. I'm trying to get good performance with Star Citizen. My current (basic) list of stuff: Intel 900P Optane SSD (280GB) Intel i7-7700K GTX 1070 TI Ripjaws X 16GB RAM (2x8) Would that run SC, and is that a halfway decent build or am I failing miserably? I've never actually...
  19. SullyQuindarius


    Hello denizens of the TEST forums! I'm SullyQuindarius, if you somehow didn't already notice that. I've been lurking and watching Star Citizen for awhile, and finally signed up a few months ago. I used to play EVE Online under the same handle, considered joining TEST there but didn't want to get...
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